He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2382 Research on Mega Evolution

After the three of them were sent away, the hall of the institute became much quieter.

"How do you say, contestant Xiaozhi came to our research institute suddenly? And Miss Pansy, long time no see~"

Dr. Brattano supported his waist with one hand, and lifted his curly short hair with the other hand. He was a handsome uncle with a melancholic temperament.

"I'm here with Xiaozhi~ He just got off the plane today and plans to travel in the Carlos area for a while~"

Pansy replied with a smile.

"Oh~ Our Carlos area is a good place to travel~!"

Dr. Bratano said in a slightly proud tone.

"Yes! I've seen a lot of Pokémon I've never seen before!"

Xiaozhi's focus is more on the Pokémon, as for the scenery, it's not too important.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, didn't you say you were going to give Pikachu a physical examination?"

Seeing that the two were talking happily, Pansy touched her forehead and couldn't help but interrupted.

Seeing Pikachu's tragic appearance just now, this matter should be very important, right?

"Ah, I forgot."

However, when Xiaozhi slapped his head, he really forgot, and quickly held Pikachu in front of him.

In fact, it is not very important.

"By the way, doctor, you should have equipment for physical examination here, please help me take a look at my Pikachu, what's the problem?"

"What happened to Pikachu?"

Dr. Bratano was stunned, looking up and down the electric mouse in front of him.

By the way, is this the god Pikachu who defeated Master Ma's trump card head-on - Budokumashi?

Why does he look so weak, he doesn't have the demeanor of a strong man at all.

In Bratano's first reaction, he thought it was Master Ma and Xiaozhi playing a counterfeit match, and there was some secret deal.

"Anyway, leave it to me!"

Although he didn't know what was going on, Bratano still called the big sister's assistant with blue long hair, put Pikachu on a small cart, and pushed it into the room.

Then put Pikachu on a small bed covered by a transparent cover, with metal conduits inserted in it, connected to the electronic equipment next to it.


It's just that the assistant frowned deeply when he looked at the values ​​on the screen, which immediately made Xiaozhi and Pikachu feel excited.

Why is this expression. Terminally ill?

"How is it, Sophie?"

Dr. Bratano couldn't help asking curiously.

Sophie pushed her glasses, and said in a puzzled way:

"No problem, everything is normal, but the body is a little weak. Has your Pikachu often stayed up late recently, or stayed in the breeding house for a while?"

Sophie squinted her eyes, and almost said directly, has your Pikachu been rewarded too much recently?

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was relieved, but it was expected.

Assuming the previous slashing was true, it wouldn't have been a bad thing in the first place.

Except for the immediate decrease in combat power, it will rise back in the future, and it can go further.

You must know that Pikachu has reached the point where he can barely fight against an opponent at the level of the ancient gods.

If you want to go further through normal exercise, it is difficult to reach the sky

But by cutting with a knife, it is much simpler and smoother.

"It's okay, it's okay, Pikachu is just hungry, I'll take it to have a big meal later!"

Seeing the worried and puzzled expressions of the people next to him, Xiao Zhi immediately smoothed things over with a smile.

"Hiss, what?!"

After picking up Pikachu again, Xiao Zhi just turned his head and saw the big black and purple man standing in front of him, almost zero distance away, which suddenly shocked him.

Taking a closer look, I saw a grey-blue biting land shark with a pair of yellow pupils under the shark's head, staring straight at him.

"Bite the land shark?! How can there be a quasi-god from Sinnoh in the Kalos area?!"

Xiaozhi blurted out in surprise, subconsciously took two steps back.

The character of this kind of Pokémon is quite violent. At such a close distance, it might be attacked by the opponent.

"It's okay, my biting land shark is not aggressive~"

Dr. Brattano quickly smiled and explained.

It was only then that Xiaozhi realized that the eyes of this biting land shark were unusually soft, and he was looking worriedly at him. It was Pikachu on his shoulder.

It seemed that it was because he was worried about Pikachu's terminal illness because he was pushed into the examination room earlier?

"Is this a female biting a land shark?"

Xiaozhi heaved a sigh of relief. The latter didn't have much of the domineering feeling of Miss Zhulan's trump card biting the land shark. It felt more like Mr. N's mother, Zoroark, with loving eyes.

He tried to reach out his hand, and the biting land shark even stretched out its head, rubbing against Xiaozhi's palm, with a docile personality like a kitten.

It is the touch of shark skin, which is a bit laborious.

"It's really rare to see such a character biting a land shark."

Xiaozhi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Haha, this biting land shark helped me study the evolution of mega~"

Bratano smiled with his hips on his hips. Since Pikachu was fine, he brought Xiaozhi and Pansy to the reception hall, and they sat on the sofa.

Miss Sophie also served a few cups of hot tea to several people, and took the biting land shark away with a smile.

"Mega evolution, yes, I remember that biting land sharks can indeed undergo mega evolution."

It dawned on Xiaozhi that he had not forgotten the trip to the Sinnoh area.

"That's right, Dr. Bratano's field of research is mega evolution~"

Pansy extended her hand and introduced.

Xiaozhi nodded his head as a matter of course. In a region where mega evolution battles are popular, Dr. Pokémon specializes in mega evolution, which is reasonable.

"Mega evolution requires the trainer to have a keystone, the Pokémon carries the corresponding megastone, and there must be a strong bond between the two."

Bratano picked up the teacup, took a sip and said:

"The research on mega evolution is actually quite thorough now, and the mechanism and process are quite well understood."

Even this fighting style has been extended to other regions, and outside, mega evolution is also a fashionable and powerful fighting style.


Xiaozhi nodded approvingly, he knew this best.

So now that the mechanics of mega evolution are clear, what is Dr. Brattano working on now?

Seemingly guessing what Xiaozhi was thinking, Dr. Brattano smiled:

"Now, it is natural to expand the list of Pokémon that can mega-evolve. If possible, I still hope that all Pokémon can complete mega-evolution instead of becoming the exclusive ability of some Pokémon."

Mega evolution requires Pokémon to have corresponding mega stones.

If there is something, it can evolve, if not, it can’t. This iron law is very cold and ruthless.

Dr. Bratano still intends to expand the list of mega stones as much as possible, so that more types of Pokémon can complete mega evolution.

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