He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 238 I'm a neutral npc, don't you... bang!

(It's three more, please subscribe!! The grades are getting worse..)

The way to break the defense is not how dirty the words are, nor is the voice loud enough, insulting parents and other dirty words, this will only make yourself into a barking coyotes.

Directly hitting the most shameful and shameful things in the other party's heart is the real defense breaking.

On this point, Xiaozhi can't do it, and the illustrated book is already in the realm of land gods.

The frozen bird flapped its wings in mid-air, and its movements became a little messy. It quickly regained its morale. It is a magical bird of ice and snow. Hmph, it was just a few arrogant words that were casually said...


Frozen Bird raised its head to the sky and let out a loud cry, the cave was even more snowy, and its expression became ashamed and angry.

Take a step back, the more you think about it, the more angry you get!

Has someone been watching here for half a month? How could he even know about his fall?

The legendary Pokémon, even without eating or drinking, can survive for at least a month with their strong endurance.

This illustrated point is correct. This Frozen Bird is indeed an unlucky old man. One day he woke up and found himself stuck in a cave, unable to get out.

This is the mysterious will of this world. Rocks have to be pushed, trees have to be cut, and Kirbys have to be awakened, otherwise they will not be able to pass.

So the combination of frozen light + steel wings that can break any boulder is not feasible in this world, so you have to push it honestly.

Of course, it can rely on the connection of the legendary Pokémon to call the other two divine birds to help, but it will not do so unless it is absolutely necessary.

As the most beautiful snow-capped mountain god, he was blocked by people and couldn't get out...

shame on...

"Beep. Actually buzz..."

Just when the illustrated book was about to continue outputting, indicating that the other Lightning Birds and Flame Birds would not be able to learn "weird power".

Don't kill, don't kill, mom is scared...

He still has the ambition to subdue the Frozen Bird, two stabs are enough.


The Frozen Bird couldn't help but began to pant in mid-air, casting double-round blizzards and absolute zero in succession, which consumed a huge amount of energy.

Normally, it is fearless, but now it is really hungry for half a month.


Bi Diao was also panting slowly. Evolution does not mean resurrection with full blood, and the absolute zero consumption of copying a move is also extremely high.

This time, Bi Diao's body size was not much worse than Frozen Bird's. The two giant birds were flying in the air and facing each other, and the battle was not over yet.

"Compared to Diao Diao!!"


Suddenly, the two big birds sang loudly at the same time, their wings and feathers stood up slightly, and a terrifying aura hovered over the two of them at the same time, even the surrounding ice and snow were blocked, as if they were accumulating something.

A thin film of golden light suddenly appeared on the ice-blue body of Frozen Bird, which was attached to the surface of the body in the form of an energy coat, turning from a piece of ice blue into a bright golden light.

"Beep beep. The divine bird strikes fiercely, it is very powerful, it will take some time to continue the strength." The illustration book reminded.

On the other side, Bi Diao's body burst into a burst of red light, which seemed to be like a flame, but upon closer inspection, one could find that this was simply the appearance of simply raising the energy to the extreme, as if covering the outside of the body with a layer of flames coat...

"Didi. Bi Diao has mastered a new skill: Brave Bird Attack."

The illustration book reminded again.



The energy has been accumulated to the extreme, and the two giant birds spread their wings and rushed towards each other at the same time.

The Frozen Bird is covered in golden light, and has completely transformed into a golden divine bird. The energy floats around its body in a silky shape, carrying the aura of aloof gods, majestic and powerful.

In contrast, Bi Diao is even more gaudy, that fiery red light energy seems to be burning to the extreme, but suddenly changes midway, turning into the opposite blue light energy like the end of death , Covering Bi Diao's body, like a brave soldier with sharp edges, extremely aggressive and aggressive.

"Bi Diao, just use Brave Bird to attack!" Xiao Zhi roared loudly.

The power of fetters was activated, and the two people's desire for victory caused the blue energy on Bi Diao to skyrocket!

"Boom boom boom!!"

The Brave Bird's Slam Attack and the Divine Bird's Slam Attack collided without any hindrance. This time, the movement was greater than the impact of the ice and snow just now. In just an instant, the entire rock wall was shaken.

The energy waves at the junction collided crazily. The golden light of the divine bird and the blue light of the brave bird engulfed each other like flames, and finally spiraled up, rushing straight to the ceiling of the upper rock wall, causing a burst of colorful explosions!

And as the energy is exhausted, the two big birds are confronting each other physically.

"Keng Keng!!"

Frozen Bird and Bi Diao slammed into each other, and their tough wings fell on each other like steel at the same time. After a few seconds of stalemate, the two birds retreated at the same time and hit the rock wall behind.


A lot of falling rocks fell in the deep cave again, smoke and dust were everywhere, and there was a huge momentum...


Soon, the smoke cleared, and two shadows appeared in front of everyone.

The ice-blue and brown big birds both stood on the rocky ground in the posture of roaming chickens, with sharp eyes, staring at each other closely.


Suddenly, a burst of blue electric current erupted from Bi Diao's body. The terrible consumption and the aftereffects of the sudden brave bird's onslaught finally made it unable to support it, and fell down in front of Frozen Bird.

Even though Xiaozhi made many coincidences and even had the support of the power of fetters, the level gap was still there, and Bi Diao finally couldn't resist.

On the other side, the frozen bird spread its wings again, showing its elegant and beautiful posture in mid-air, and the icy air appeared around its body again.

Although there were already many scars on its body at this moment, its ice-blue feathers were as pure as snow-capped mountains without any dust.

With a flick of the wings, the solid ice of the punch field around it turned into spray and dispersed.

This is the power of the legendary Pokémon! !

"So strong..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help blurting out, you must know that this frozen bird hasn't eaten for half a month, and its strength is not even at its peak!

How strong can it really be at its peak?

"This frozen bird is not weak..." In the soul, Chi also gave an evaluation.

Not weak, to him this is already a very high evaluation.


The Frozen Bird sang loudly and flew over Xiaozhi's head. With a trembling of his body, a faint sparkling ice crystal fell down, and a glazed ice-blue feather was wrapped in the ice crystals all over the sky.

The battle bond between Xiaozhi and Bi Diao has already been recognized by it, so it doesn't hurt to hand over the token after the trial is completed to the former.

Although Xiaozhi broke the freezing bird's Dao heart, pushing away the huge rock can be regarded as half of the freezing bird's life-saving benefactor.

Finally, I can eat out and have a proper meal!

Seeing that the boy suddenly took out a red and white ball, Frozen Bird noticed it, but he didn't show any expression, and even wanted to laugh.

Humans are all greedy, and it is normal to covet their legendary Pokémon.

As for trainers, it is more normal for them to desire to obtain powerful combat power.


The Frozen Bird made a high-pitched cry to show its position.

The meaning is very simple, he is a neutral npc and cannot accept...


Xiaozhi's elf ball has been thrown out, the speed is as fast as a phantom, and it directly hits the head of Frozen Bird...

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