He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2624 Foam Frog Hacking Something Boring

Ha Lili's movement was frightening, and he slashed towards the tree trunk when he got together and slashed.


However, the next moment, the whole person bounced back and flew out, only causing the slender tree to shake and drop a few leaves.

Another failed Iai Slash.

"Nima, Nima!"

Even after getting up again, the arm on the other side was already red and swollen. The pain caused Harry to shudder on the spot, howling and running back and forth.

Big Bird shook his head again, it turned out to be another Muggle.

And a rowdy Muggle, too.


Xiao Zhi couldn't help but think of his former companion, the Great Sword Demon, who was exactly the same as this Harley when he was still a water otter.

By the way, why did he come here... The latter should still be staying in the Bratano Research Institute, or be taken away by other newcomer trainers?

"Nima, Nima!!"

Being ashamed in front of everyone, this Harley chestnut was a little embarrassed, and immediately pointed the spearhead at the foam frog, screaming again and again.

Back when they were in the same batch of Yusanjia, it was already very unhappy to see this blue-skinned frog!

All the stars are holding the moon, everyone chooses the foam frog, and they are all abandoned by the foam frog...

To be able to choose the trainer in the opposite direction, this has refreshed Harley's world view!


The foam frog scratched its head, squinted its eyes, and didn't really want to get involved with this troublesome guy.

Finally, Harley had an idea.

I saw it waved its big hand forward, pointing at the foam frog... This is a gesture of challenge!

Hmph, the previous idiot rookie trainers were too blind.

It wants to turn over the foam frog head-on, and let everyone know that it is the best Yusanjia in the Carlos area!


The foam frog looked disgusted and wanted to back away.

However, Harry Li had already joined in, and he couldn't refuse at all.


He even opened his palms in the direction of Xiaozhi and the others, which means that this is a contest between their three families, and humans should not intervene!

In his heart, he was secretly laughing.

I am a grass-type Pokémon like a water-type frog, doesn't it kill randomly? !


Seeing this, Xiaozhi didn't stop him, and simply watched from the side.

By the way, I contacted Dr. Bratano to find out how to send back the Harley chestnut that sneaked out.

Seeing that this previous period has been aggressive, the bubble frog did not continue to back down.

Jumping back a few times in a row to keep the distance apart, he assumed a fighting stance.


Seeing this, Ha Lili was overjoyed, and by the way called Dabi Bird next to him as the referee.

What's so great about learning to combine and cut, it is a top student!

"By calling~!"

Dabiri flapped one of its wings with great interest.

It was rare to see such an excellent student as Bubble Frog today, and I was in a pretty good mood.

And this civil war between the Carlos Yu family has begun!

It even attracted Firefox, who was sleeping soundly on the dining table, and the latter couldn't help but raise his head and cast his eyes curiously.


On the clearing by the stream, Ha Lili took the lead in attacking, jumping up, and the leaf spikes on the back of his head gathered green light.

Whoosh! !

In the next moment, seven or eight emerald green energy spiked cannonballs were formed and blasted out together!

Missile Needle!

Don't look at the special effect of emerald green, but this is a bug attribute move.

The foam frog in the fighting state is very cold and serious, meticulous.

The palms were gathered together, and a light blue water energy bomb quickly condensed.


Ha Lili was startled, the fluctuation of the water?

Aren't you all from the same group of Yusanjia? Why has the other party already mastered the wave of water?

Boom! !

The wave of water collided with the missile needle, causing a burst of water mist to explode in the center of the open space, filling the air with smoke and dust.

However, Harry grinned at the corner of his mouth and let out a sneer.

Immediately, two slender vines stretched out from both sides of the neck, and rushed towards it quickly...

It's the cane whip trick!


Hali Li's cane whip was also very precise and powerful, directly breaking through the smoke and firmly binding the foam frog's body.


Seeing this, Ha Lili was overjoyed, and made a gesture to hoist this pretentious frog and smash it to the ground.


It's just that when it really threw the "foam frog" to the ground, it only heard a sound like mud smashing into the ground, and even the whole body of the "foam frog" was smashed into a paste.


Ha Lili was startled, and quickly swept away the smoke, only to find that what he had just tied with the rattan whip was just a clone made of foam.

And the body of the foam frog, holding back its breath, had already sneaked up behind Ha Lili at this moment.

And in the palm of one hand, Condensed is holding a short white light blade...

Without the slightest hesitation, the foam frog leaped towards Ha Lili, and slashed away with the short blade in his hand!

It is the Iai Slash that I just learned!

The knife is sharp, and the foam frog passes by in a flash.

Behind him, Ha Lili's body twitched violently, and fell directly to the ground, even his eyes began to spin.


Harry was exhausted and lost the ability to fight.

This Juhe Slash hit its neck very precisely, and it hit the vital point.

"By calling!!"

Seeing this, the big bird sang loudly again, praising the foam frog.

The foam frog put away its fighting spirit, as if it had just done an insignificant thing.

It seems that I hacked something boring today.

"It feels like... the foam frog seems to have become a lot stronger all of a sudden?"

Beside, Xitron had fought the foam frog once before, and couldn't help but exclaim.

Is it because of that Pokémon virus? It is still of excellent quality!

"Ah, the foam frog is so handsome!"

You Lijia shouted again and again, rubbing Pikachu's head with the palm of her hand, with a look of hatred.

If you don't work harder, you will let the foam frog show off by itself in the future!


Pikachu is fearless, where is the foam frog, and he wants to threaten his status as the trump card?

After the battle was over and the Nima rat was treated, Xiaozhi called Dr. Brattano.

"Ah Xiaozhi, so where did Harry go to you?"

The doctor pretended to exclaim, but through the expression on the face of the holographic image...

It seems that the other party has not noticed that there is such a Harry chestnut missing in the research institute.

"So doctor, send the poke ball over here, and I'll send Harley back."

Xiaozhi said that with the help of the portable transmission device invented by Xitron, it is easy to send Harley Li back to Miare City.

It's just that in the holographic image, Dr. Brattano seems to be struggling with what to follow.

Ten novice trainers in a row did not choose Hari Li, feeling that if the latter stayed in the research institute, he might not be able to get out for the rest of his life.

Rarely went out today...

Thinking of this, Dr. Bratano made a decision, suddenly looked at Xiaozhi in the holographic projection, and asked seriously:

"Speaking of Xiaozhi, is there a cute grass-type Pokémon in your team?"

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