He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2629 Dr. Wood's Summer Camp

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that Serena next to her suddenly coughed continuously, and her face became flustered and rosy again, Xiaozhi couldn't help but wondered.

Speaking of which, during this period of getting along, I always feel that Serena often behaves strangely inexplicably.

as if talking to someone

"Is it possible?"

Xiaozhi's heart skipped a beat, and a bold guess suddenly appeared.

In the past, he had met a lot of trainers with bosses from different worlds in their minds, or trainers who possessed strange talents and abilities.

Could it be that there is someone living in Serena's mind?

"If so, it can be explained."

Xiaozhi nodded, suddenly enlightened.

No wonder Serena's previous battles, the command process was obviously immature as a novice trainer, but the coping strategy actually displayed was impeccable, as perfect as a machine

If there is a big boss behind him who is guiding simultaneously, it makes sense.

But if Serena doesn't say anything, Xiaozhi doesn't intend to ask questions, everyone has their own privacy.

This kind of peculiar trainer, Xiaozhi, has seen a lot, and he feels quite familiar.

If he knew that there was a chattering system in Serena's mind, and she kept making plans and thinking about how to attack her

It is estimated that it will become excited!

Of course, the strategy in Xiaozhi's understanding has the same meaning as defeat.

After a while, the two had returned to the bamboo forest area.

And along the way, I also saw a lot of gray and black caterpillars, and there were quite a few scattered on the bottom of the bamboo.

"Is this the house bug in the Carlos area, the mealworm?"

Xiaozhi put away the illustration book, knowing it in his heart.

Like the green caterpillar in his hometown, it also has a very short evolutionary cycle and can quickly evolve into a beautiful butterfly Pokémon.

But generally insects should inhabit dense forests, bamboo forests are the place where pandas inhabit

Moreover, the state of mind of these white butterflies is not very good, lying on the ground quite sluggishly.

Xiaozhi didn't know what was going on, so he walked ahead to explore the way.

Serena followed behind. At this moment, her brain was a little confused by the shock of the word "baby".

"Now is the time for two people to date! Please don't let go of this rare opportunity."

The system is still outputting continuously.

Serena really wanted to explain to the system that they were in distress now, so they were not dating alone.

Although if two people act together, it seems to be no different from a date.

Looking at the back in front of her, Serena mustered up her courage and took a deep breath.

Just in time, take this opportunity!

"That Xiaozhi, do you remember when you were a child?"

Serena couldn't help asking, a question she'd wanted to ask a long time ago.

It's just that the Xitron brothers and sisters are almost all around, which makes Serena a little ashamed to speak.

In this case, it seemed that he was close to joining the team for Xiao Zhi's sake.

"When I was a child?"

Xiaozhi didn't look back, he just thought it was Serena who was chatting casually.

There are almost no traces of human action here, so he still has to push aside the obstruction of bamboo leaves and bushes in front.

"It was when I was a child! In the Kanto area, a summer camp organized by Dr. Oki!"

Serena couldn't help but accentuate her tone, her face tensed and expectant.

Xiaozhi shouldn't really forget himself, right?

"Dr. Oki's summer camp? Hey, Serena, how do you know?"

This topic aroused Xiaozhi's curiosity, he couldn't help but stop, and turned his head.

Serena is from Carlos, how did she know about the summer camp in her hometown?

I remember that when he was six or seven years old, which was Yurika's age, he once participated in a summer camp organized by Dr. Oki.

There was also an episode.

In the summer camp of the first year, because I was too excited the night before, I suddenly had a fever and fainted when I was about to start the next day, so I missed the summer camp that time.

Later in the second year, a few days ago he went to bed early and got up early every day, eating on time, just to prevent any accidents from happening to him.

Later, of course, it was a matter of course to participate in the holiday summer camp, and I gained a lot of good memories.

"Ah, at that time, Xiaomao was competing with me to find Pokémon~"

Xiaozhi narrowed his eyes and couldn't help but recall a lot.

But the picture that appears the most in memory is undoubtedly the domineering Xiao Mao.

At that time, they were still a pair of enemies who quarreled and competed every day, and even Dr. Oki had a headache.

Seeing Xiaozhi remembering the summer camp, Serena also had bright eyes and clapped her palms in front of her.

"Then you didn't meet any new friends at the summer camp?!"

"new friend?"

Xiaozhi scratched his head and thought hard, his brows furrowed.

He remembered that he and Xiaomao had a lively time at that time, other than that, he really didn't have much memory.

It's a childhood memory after all.

"Ah, that's it."

Seeing this, Serena was immediately disappointed, she pursed her lips and lowered her head.

"By the way, I haven't said anything yet, Serena, how did you know about Dr. Oki's summer camp?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help asking again.

Serena could only grit her teeth, since Xiaozhi couldn't remember clearly, let's say it by herself.

"Because at that time, I also participated"


Just as he opened his mouth, the cry of the little arrow sparrow came from ahead.

The latter is small in size, much smaller than other juvenile housebirds, and can easily fly between bamboo forests.

"Oh~ Little Arrow Sparrow, did you find something?!"

With this interruption, Xiaozhi's attention was instantly attracted, and he turned his head to look forward again.

And looking at Xiaojianque's rather anxious expression, it seemed that something happened ahead.

"Let's go too, Serena!"

Xiaozhi's face tightened, and he quickly quickened his pace and walked in front.

"Xiaozhi that"

Just as Serena was about to wave, Xiaozhi had already run away.

She had no choice but to temporarily suppress her emotions. Now is really not a good time to talk about this topic.

Pulling herself together, Serena quickly followed Xiaozhi's pace

Following the guidance of the little arrow sparrow, the two came to the depths of the bamboo forest, a clearing surrounded by bamboo.

It was obviously not Citron or the foam frog in front, and Xiaozhi even smelled an unpleasant smell of motor oil mixed with cigarettes.

The two hurriedly lowered their figures among the bushes, looking curiously.

But he saw a semi-open off-road truck parked in the bamboo forest, and iron cages were placed on the pallet behind it, very densely packed.

There is almost a Pokémon in each cage, lying pitifully in it, and there are whining sounds from time to time.

Most of them are chrysalis chrysalis, with gray round heads, and their bodies are wrapped in fluffy white chrysalis cocoons with colorful powder on them.

This is the evolutionary form of the mealworm, similar to the intermediate form of the armored chrysalis.

Not only that, but in the middlemost cage, there is also an unusual and rare red panda.

In front of the truck, leaning against a short and strong man, he was resting while smoking a cigarette.

Obviously, it's a Pokémon Poacher!


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