He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2434 Red Gyarados!

"Evolved type? Do you mean Golden Gyarados?"

Lu Dan was stunned and blurted out.

"No, the appearance of Flash Gyarados is dark red, like blood."

Xiaozhi reminded with a smile.

So Lu Dan lowered his head and thought for a while, and his brows relaxed slightly.

"The Flashing Magikarp may never be seen again in this life. If I can see the shining Gyarados once before I die, it will be considered as fulfilling my dream~"

Lu Dan's eyes gradually became heated and he looked at Xiaozhi:

"Brother, do you know where to see the shining Gyarados?!"

This question actually made Xiaozhi touch his nose proudly:

"Hehe. I have tamed a shining Gyarados before~ If Director Rudan really wants to see it, I can teleport it over~"

Hearing this, Lu Dan suddenly seemed ten years younger, his face was rosy and energetic, and he stood up directly on the reef:

"Excellent! Please let me see your Gyarados!"

He even added a sentence later:

"It just so happens that I have another good thing that I can give you as a gift!"

"Gifts or something"

Xiaozhi smiled and evaded a few words, but in the hands of a large aquarium curator, maybe there is something really great?

"Then wait a moment, I'll ask someone to send it over right away~!"

Next to him, Citron was already ready. He took out a portable transmission device and called Dr. Omu in the distance.

Serena and Yurika also looked surprised.

Gyarados and the others had seen it on TV, and it had an extremely ferocious and terrifying appearance, but this was the first time they had seen the blood-red flashing Gyarados.


After a while, the red light of the teleportation device froze, and an elf ball landed on the round platform.

Lu Dan had also completely put away the broken fishing rod and was waiting with rapid breathing.

Even the iron-armed gun shrimp next to him opened his eyes and watched curiously.

Xiaozhi was very satisfied with the expectant and enthusiastic expressions of the people around him, and the atmosphere was almost brewing, so he immediately threw the elf ball in his hand upwards.

"The decision is yours, Gyarados!!"


The red light of the elf ball instantly expanded dozens of times, solidifying into a huge monster.

It has a huge body of seven or eight meters like a hill, a winding dragon-shaped body, and white thorns growing on its back.

The big mouth with sharp teeth is open, and above the majestic eyes is a ferocious dragon horn in the shape of three forks, extremely majestic!

The biggest difference from ordinary Gyarados is that its hard dragon scale body is completely dark red.

Even the huge dragon head, dragon horns, and even the dragon's whiskers are all dark red, as if they were dyed red with blood!

The blood-red posture makes Gyarados' already ferocious aura even more intimidating!

"Is this the shining Gyarados?!"

Lu Dan couldn't help but open his arms, his face was extremely surprised, and his tone became trembling.

So is this what the final evolution of Golden Magikarp looks like? !

Lu Dan's expression was full of passion and obsession. It was obvious that he had subconsciously fantasized that the golden carp king he had seen had now evolved!

Such a blood-red and domineering posture is worthy of my pursuit of fishing for so many years!

The old man suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and felt open-minded and cheerful. The big stone in his heart that had been suppressing him completely let go.

"It's really the red Gyarados...?!"

"Will he eat us in one bite?"

Serena and Yurika took a step back in fear. There was nothing they could do, the appearance of Gyarados was too fierce.

Even Citron activated the long-hand machine in his backpack, ready to deal with the Gyarados's attack at any time.

"Don't worry, my Gyarados is very docile and won't attack people casually~"

Xiaozhi walked forward directly and patted the scales of the red Gyarados happily, making a crisp sound.

However, the word "docile" was indeed a bit outrageous, and Xiaozhi didn't quite say it.

Red Gyarados, from Lake Angry in the Johto region, was a mutated individual that evolved due to Team Rocket's illegal research.

Strictly speaking, except for the fact that the color is the same as the Flash Gyarados, this is not actually a flash individual.

Despite his fierce appearance, Gyarados is actually very friendly when facing Ash.

"Roaring violently~!!"

He even lowered his head actively and kept rubbing against Xiaozhi's body. It was obvious that the intimacy between one person and one dragon was quite good.

Although this red Gyarados was tortured for a long time by Team Rocket's secret experiment, its temperament became extremely ferocious and it was extremely disgusted with humans.

At that time, there was also a legend circulating in Lake Angry that the red color on the red Gyarados was the human blood stained after killing all the humans on the shore.

But it wasn't a big problem. When he was conquered by Xiaozhi and stored in the Oak Research Institute, as long as he stayed in Zhenxin Town, he would go there every day to say hello and communicate.

As time goes by, the degree of intimacy naturally increases, and Xiaozhi has long been able to successfully tame this red Gyarados.

At the Caiyou Conference, Xiaozhi even commanded this red Gyarados to fight against Master Mikri!

"Don't worry, Gyarados won't hurt you~!"

Seeing Yurika's excited and scared look, Xiaozhi simply grabbed the back of the former's hand and touched the scales of the red Gyarados together.

"Ah, brother! I really can't bite people!! And the scales are so smooth and cold!!"

After the contact, Yurika became bolder and even threw herself directly into the body of Gyarados, screaming repeatedly.


Serena's face turned red, and she couldn't help but think of the scene where Ash held the back of her hand and touched the red Gyarados.

Seeing Xiaozhi approaching, her breathing began to quicken.

The next moment, Xiaozhi did grab a hand.

However, it was the back of the old curator's hand.

Serena: "."

"Ah, is this the body of the red Gyarados!?"

When Lu Dan's palm touched the scales of Gyarados, and the blood-red dragon was right in front of him, under the sunlight, the red scales shone with an unusually dazzling light.

He suddenly felt like he could become a Buddha on the spot!

"Roar violently."

As for the touch of other humans, Gyarados roared with dissatisfaction, but did not launch a riot attack.

When we were in the backyard, the old man named Damu would touch it no matter what, and was blown away several times by its destructive death light.

But that human being was extremely hard-core, and the next day he came to touch himself again in full swing.

Later, even the red Gyarados himself was too lazy to bomb Dr. Ohki anymore, and simply let the other party caress and study it.

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