He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2438 Shouldn’t the system give rewards?

Boom boom! !

The steam explosion collided head-on with the sacrificial attack of the giant tooth shark.

Before the stalemate lasted long, the Megalodon felt an unprecedented impact coming from the front. Even its mega-evolved self seemed unable to stop it.

Boom boom! !

The high-temperature steam exploded, and the Mega Tooth Shark was hit at zero range, and its entire body was immediately thrown heavily!

And what was coming was the burning damage caused by the high-temperature steam, which almost burned the giant tooth shark's open mouth to a crooked angle.

The terrifying steam explosion move shoots straight all the way, creating a long and narrow vacuum tunnel on the sea, and another burst of smoke.

After enduring heavy blows one after another, the megalodon finally couldn't hold on any longer.

While flying upside down, his eyes began to spin and he completely lost consciousness.


The body glowed with a dazzling light, exited the mega evolution posture, and returned to the appearance of a tiger shark.

"Come back quickly Megalodon!"

Seeing this, Takeda did not dare to delay, and hurriedly took out the Poké Ball and took back the Megalodon that was still falling in mid-air.

You must know that the sea surface is still boiling water now. If the megalodon sinks completely, it will really cook and float!

"The Megalodon has lost its ability to fight, so in this friendly match, Ash and Gyarados will win!"

Next to him, the curator Lu Dan said loudly and emphasized the tone of "friendly match".

He didn't want the two of them to get into a real fight.

But I have to say that the red Gyarados is a cruel and dangerous mutant steam power.

He was so satisfied!

"As expected of me, this is the Pokémon I have been pursuing all my life. It's so perfect!!"

At this moment, Lu Dan's obsession with the golden Carp King has completely transferred to the red Gyarados in front of him. He likes it no matter how he looks at it.

As for the boiling sea water in front of me.

In fact, the impact is not big, and only the area of ​​​​the competition field is dangerously boiled.

After a few rounds of waves crashing over, the water flow calms down and the temperature will soon drop again.

"Well done, Gyarados!"

Xiaozhi laughed with satisfaction, stepped forward and patted the red scales of Gyarados, making a "bang bang" sound.

It's still very hot at the moment. If you throw a Pork into it, it can turn into an omelette at any time.

However, Xiaozhi's palms are rough and fleshy, so it's not a big problem.

"Roaring violently~!!"

The red Gyarados also raised its head and roared, obviously enjoying today's battle.

Immediately, its body also glowed with light, changing from a bloated body to a relatively well-proportioned original form.

I don’t know where the mega stone went. It must have been swallowed by the Gyarados.

This completely saves trouble. There is no need to install any mega stone protective gear on Gyarados.

After the battle, the friends were all in high spirits and were still discussing the mutated steam power of Gyarados.

"It seems that there is a legendary Pokémon in our Kalos region, and it also has this similar power?"

Citron secretly thought, but did not say it directly.

He is not sure, this is just a vague legend. Let's search for information after returning today.

As for the mega evolution data explained by Dr. Buratano, he has also collected it.

Just seeing exciting mega evolutions several times in succession made Citron yearn for this kind of power even more.

"System, hurry up and teach me how to use this power as soon as possible!"

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