He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 225 Yin-Yang Domain

Inside the Viking Gym.

The light is not too bright, only a few beams of faint yellow light as the light source.

Xiaomao, who entered it, looked condensed, unknowingly, he lost his arrogance outside, and slowly walked straight ahead, and came to a place that looked like a training ground.

This is an ordinary training ground, and there are no viewing seats around, so it is very cold.

But what surprised him a little was that there was a trainer's command site on his side, while the trainer's foothold on the other side was a high platform that extended to the second floor of the railing above.


A sneer came from the direction of the high platform, and Xiaomao quickly cast his eyes away.

The light was not clear, but he seemed to see a figure in the dimness, who seemed to be sitting there. In the darkness, a pair of shadowy eyes were particularly conspicuous, staring straight at him.

Next to the figure lay a beast-shaped Pokémon, with the same pair of fierce vertical pupils, and the sound of the beast licking its teeth and tongue could be heard from time to time.

At this time, the light source was turned on again, and the figure fully revealed its face.

A middle-aged man with a short cut was sitting on the sofa, with a gloomy expression, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and a sinister grin. He was wearing a straight orange suit with a big letter "R" logo engraved on his chest.

Team Rocket boss, Boss Sakagi! !

And the Pokémon next to it is the prototype of the statue outside, the cat boss.

Boss Sakagi didn't make any movements, but slowly rubbed the head of Boss Cat, then raised his cold eyes and looked at the figure below.

In an instant, the incomparably terrifying high-ranking person roared and enveloped the audience. The decisive aura seemed to freeze the air in the entire arena. It was more like an invisible giant hand that tightly strangled the two. Mao's neck, almost suffocating.

"So strong..."

Xiaomao swallowed, but couldn't help but take half a step back, his face already showing a bit of fear.

This is a kind of metaphysical aura, which not only can be emitted by Pokémon, but also powerful humans can also have this kind of aura.

It's just that Xiaomao has only experienced the aura of a strong man at this level in the green and naked bodies of the boss level...

Seeing the latter's pale face, Sakagi smiled with satisfaction and asked condescendingly, without even standing up from the sofa.

"Say, Challenger, your name?"

Seeing that his aura was completely at a disadvantage, and the trainer's battles were all about aura, Xiaomao quickly bit his tongue, the bloodshot pain made him finally get rid of this terrifying pressure.

Then he tried his best to calm himself down, and when he opened his eyes again, a wild smile appeared on his pretty face again.

"Ask about the scallion duck. Didn't I say it outside just now? Didn't you hear it?"


Sakagi watched Xiao Mao's performance with some interest, and it was a good way to use crazy body expressions to cover up his true inner emotions.

However, this method also directly points out one thing.

This is the future.

No matter how meticulous the mind is, it's just that the future can be expected, and it's not a big shot.

"Heh... No one is listening to the whole thing on the monitor, but deliberately pretending not to hear it?! Don't disgust me."

Xiao Mao spoke again, trying to bring the rhythm to his best field.

One black and one white, one cover and one solid, one yin and one yang.

It is the realm of Yin and Yang.


Just as Sakagi was about to speak, Xiao Mao interrupted again:

"Heh, no one is actually a little upset after being sprayed, but just makes a sound of "heh..." in order to pretend to be a master? Don't think that this will make others think he is a big boss, that's true It's funny enough."

Sakagi: "..."

He just frowned and snorted coldly, he was just a sharp-toothed yellow-haired boy, how could a boss like him be annoyed by such a thing.

No matter what posture a monkey makes in front of humans, humans will not be annoyed, they will only find it ridiculous.

Seeing this, Xiaomao was not discouraged, and continued to output.

"Won't someone give you a psychological hint that you are a big boss just now? Cold knowledge, when you give yourself a psychological hint, you have already been broken."

Sakagi: "..."

"Oh, I'm not talking about you, no one here should take a seat, hehe."

When this monkey jumps directly on the human head to pee, you can see whether the human being will be annoyed, and they have the heart to dig the monkey's ancestral grave.

Sakagi: "..."

There were already a few blue veins standing up on his forehead faintly, and the palm of his hand was stretched out to the crotch, speeding up the movement.

As the boss of Team Rocket, when encountering an enemy, either directly start a Pokémon battle, or directly fight with a trainer.

When it comes to playing with the mouth, Sakagi really can't do it, he prefers to seal the person's mouth with cement.


In the end, he just snorted coldly, moved his palm away from the cat boss, and slowly looked at Xiaomao.

Although the mouth was playing very well, the shoulders of the latter were still trembling slightly, and Sakagi sneered disdainfully.


Seeing that the other party escaped from the yin and yang realm so quickly, Xiaomao didn't dare to be careless, and stopped playing with his mouth, but focused his eyes, looked straight at Sakagi on the high platform, his expression became extremely serious, and said word by word:

"Then I'll say it again, I'm Xiaomao from Zhenxin Town, and I'm here to challenge the Viking Gym!"

Well, the alliance hangs flagpoles and engraves big characters on the forehead. It’s okay to talk about it behind the scenes, but it’s better to be more cautious when talking about it positively...

It's not that he was cowardly.

"In that case, let's start the game..."

Is it really a new town? It used to have a good reputation, but there has been no movement in the past few years.

But this is a town that is destined to be extraordinary. Sakagi once asked his subordinates to pay close attention to it. If they find a trainer with good qualifications and a trainer from Zhenxin Town, they must notify him in time.

However, none of these core cadres reported that they had found any trainers in the new town, so it seemed that was the case.

Sakagi smiled lightly, and he didn't know what mechanism was touched. There was an extra storage device in front of him, and there were three rows of poke balls neatly placed on it, three in each row.

"The rules of Viki Pan Gym, 3v3, no problem?"

He looked at the three rows of poke balls in front of him, which were arranged according to level.

The bottom row is the low-level horse Pokémon. If it is divided by combat power, it is about 5000 levels, which belongs to the level of the public who can participate in the alliance conference.

The middle row is at the level of 8000, which is a middle-level horse, and has already achieved good results in the league meeting.

And the top row is around 11,000, surpassing 5 digits, it can be said that it has initially reached the level of the lowest level of heavenly kings, and belongs to the first-class horses.

Of course, the level of the real king is still quite a bit lower, but in the league meeting, if there is no big dark horse coming out, it is not too difficult to become a champion or runner-up.


Today, Sakagi was quite emotional for some reason, or maybe the yin and yang monkey below aroused his interest, thinking about something in his heart, and soon the corner of his mouth curled up, as if thinking of something interesting, So he reached out and touched the bottom row of poke balls.

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