He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2479 The mega stone from another mirror cave world!

"Yo! Serena, Citron~!"

Seeing his familiar partner on the other side of the mirror, Xiaozhi's demeanor and personality were very familiar this time, and he immediately raised his hand to say hello.

The scene at this moment is very sci-fi, but also has a bit of magic.

Everyone seemed to be standing on a cliff less than two meters apart. Although there were mirror images in front of them, there was an abyss with colorful apertures in front of them, like some kind of time and space tunnel.

Once you fall in, no one knows where you will be transported.

"Xiao Zhi. Why are there two?!"

Citron couldn't help but twist his lips. Could it be that both parallel worlds and string theory are actually correct? !

And that Citron opposite. If he saw it correctly, there was a staff stuck in his backpack, right? !

Mirror Point Citron also noticed the mechanical arm rising behind Citron, and immediately shouted angrily across the mirror less than two meters away:

"Hey Citron from another world, science is an absolute heresy! I will never allow it to exist!!"

Citron: "?"

Yurika was also looking at herself in the mirror world, who even lifted her clothes slightly and nodded politely like a princess to say hello.

Yulijia: "."

I don’t know why, but I really want to punch my other self!

"Pickup truck?" "Pickup truck?"

The two Pikachus also looked at each other from a distance, both looking at each other in confusion.

"Pika? (Why is your whole body full of muscles, but still so weak?)"

Pikachu sensed the strength and weakness of Mirror Cave Pikachu in an instant.

Sure enough, exercise is useless at all!

What happened next was even more natural!

Mirror Cave Pikachu also sensed the strength of the opposite electric rat, because the latter was still in the weak stage after being slashed by a knife, and was fat and weak.

"Pika? (My whole body is covered with fat, but I'm actually weaker than me?)"

A bold idea suddenly popped into Mirror Cave Pikachu's mind.

Since the results are the same, why do you have to exercise day after day?

If we follow them and smash them together, there seems to be no problem?

As time goes by, the abyss between the two worlds is slowly lengthening at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It is estimated that dusk is almost here, and if we don't go there, we may be completely separated.


Xiaozhi took a sharp step forward, his body passed through an invisible membrane, and in the next second he was firmly in the original world.


Serena and the others quickly gathered around, nervously grabbing Xiaozhi's sleeves for fear of being sucked in again.

Pikachu also fell back on Xiaozhi's shoulders. Sure enough, this is the best throne!

The time gap between the two worlds has also reached a distance of nearly three meters, and is getting farther and farther.

"Xiao Zhi! Remember what I told you, be confident, and remember to send them to fight against the Kalos Alliance!!"

Xiaozhi was a little worried about himself on the other side, so he quickly turned around and shouted a reminder at the top of his lungs.

"I got it, Teacher Dazhi!!"

Xiaozhi from the Mirror Point nodded solemnly, his eyes excited and sincere.

It was just a strange title that made Citron and the others confused.

The other party even suddenly remembered something, quickly put down his backpack, rummaged around for a while, and then threw something over.

“By the way, I still have this thing, so give it to me!!”

The thing was very small, so Xiaozhi quickly raised his hand and carefully caught it.

Opening your palm, you see a mega stone?

Small light pink beads, with pink, purple and indigo patterns intertwined inside.

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows. This was the first time he had seen a full-sized mega stone. He didn't know what kind of Pokémon it would be.

"This is something I found in a small forest near Yingxue City!"

This is a mega stone that Xiaozhi accidentally picked up in his own world, a place called "Pokémon Village". However, there is no record of the mega evolution list in the illustrated book.

Even Dr. Bratano said it was an unknown stone.

Mirror Cave Xiaozhi has a vague feeling that maybe this powerful Xiaozhi from another world can unleash the true use of this mega stone?

"Thank you, Xiaozhi! Keep going forward, you will definitely reach an unprecedented peak."

With nothing to repay, Xiaozhi could only roar loudly again to enhance the other person's self-confidence.

In the opposite world, Mirror Cave Serena also looked at her other self, looking a little soft and weak.

She couldn't help but put her hands on her hips and shouted loudly:

"Hey! Serena over there, don't embarrass me, remember to take down Ash over there as soon as possible!!"

Serena: "?"

Is that me in another world? It feels like a hot girl.

And also to capture Xiaozhi

Could it be that in that world, he and Xiaozhi were actually strong rivals, and the other party was trying to become stronger and try to defeat Xiaozhi?

But the Xiaozhi on the opposite side has a weak and accepting temperament. How can Xiaozhi look like this? !

Serena was shocked!

In the midst of each other's last loud shouts, the two worlds drifted further and further away, and finally they were both in each other's field of vision, gradually turning into tiny points of light and disappearing.


Finally, the light completely converged, and the mirror crystal in front of him turned into an ordinary large mirror again, nothing unusual.

Xiaozhi and the others were still standing in front of the crystal in a daze, looking at themselves reflected in the mirror, seemingly unable to react for a long time.

It seems like I experienced an incredible adventure today!

After checking that there was nothing strange around, and it was getting late, everyone chose to turn around and leave this strange place.

"Come on, tell me, Xiaozhi! What is Yurika like in the other world? Why does that little girl look like a princess!"

"Ah Xiaozhi, how come I look like a nagging wizard in that world?!"

"Tell me about Serena over there!"

After leaving the Mirror Point, Serena and the others naturally surrounded Xiaozhi and started asking questions with great interest.

Xiaozhi has experienced a lot in the parallel world, but this is definitely the first time for Serena and others to come into contact with it. It is extremely novel and has completely opened up the world view.

"Um, okay, okay~ I'll say it slowly."

Xiaozhi was in a good mood and said in a cheerful tone.

On the other hand, he put the newly obtained mega stone into his bag.

He didn't know what kind of Pokémon's exclusive mega stone it would be, but he had a hunch that it would play a role in the future.

Mirror Cave Ash is a stone found near Yingxue City, which seems to be east of the Kalos region.

It seems that even the travel route of Mirror Point Xiaozhi is opposite to his own.

Maybe you will find something new when you get to that city!

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