He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2512 One person and one dog with no tacit understanding

He easily captured one. The Thunder Drum didn't rush to attack or run away. It just stared coldly at the human in front of it.

Its aggressiveness is not as strong as that of Bodang Shui, but it is more alert and always stares at everyone vigilantly.

"Come back for now, Bakujiro!"

Ah Jin could only take back the Green Fire Beast first. It seemed that the level of his Pokémon was still not enough, and he had to continue to level it up.

Now Ajin's main force is two fire beasts, and his experience is almost enough for these two Pokémon.

As for the others, they are basically tool men and the like, with extremely low levels.

At most, he could be used as cannon fodder so that he could have time to resurrect the two fire beasts.

But that's it.

He also has a secret weapon today!

Ah Jin suddenly grinned and took out a high-level ball in his hand.


The red light fell, and a majestic aura suddenly filled the entire place. Everyone seemed to feel that a volcano was about to erupt out of thin air, and the momentum was high.

This is a majestic and solemn Emperor Yan, with a brown mane, a lion's head covered with three-color hard armor, and his back seems to be carrying a volcano, with white smoke like volcanic ash floating up.

It was the Flame Emperor that Jin borrowed from Xiaozhi to support the scene!

"Hey! Get it for me today, Emperor Yan!!"

Ah Jin waved his hand and started directing with great interest.

He knew that Xiaozhi, the Flame Emperor, was stronger than the other two Three Holy Beasts.

I can finally get over the addiction of commanding Emperor Yan!


Emperor Yan didn't say anything, just glanced sideways at Ah Jin, and then turned to look at the opponent in front of him.

But the curious appearance of the long-necked thunder god opposite him made Emperor Yan, who had always been serious about his words, unable to hold back his nerves and almost laughed out loud.

What kind of monster is this? !

Similarly, Meng Lei Gu also noticed how powerful this Flame Emperor was, and the thunder clouds around his head rotated faster.

In fact, speaking of it, it is also very innocent.

I was sleeping soundly, but somehow I was teleported to this place where no one knows how to poop.

After all, it has such a long neck, it is natural selection, survival and evolution, in order to eat the fruit branches and leaves of high places.

But this valley is bare, with only exposed rocks everywhere, and the environment is extremely harsh.

It is estimated that there are only some pangolins, rock snakes and other Pokémon that like to live here.

However, before Meng Leigu could find his way back, a group of humans surrounded him.

Although it is not a belligerent character, if someone attacks first, Thunder Drum is not a coward.


Suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and there was a faint sound of thunder.

"Pre-emptive strike, Emperor Yan, use flame jet!!"

The battle started again, and Ah Jin immediately attacked with a fiery face.

However, after Emperor Yan glanced at him, he did not brew fire in his body. Instead, he raised his forelimbs and then trampled them to the ground.


Immediately, the ground began to shake violently, and the tremors affected the fierce thunder drum. The latter endured the blow with a somewhat uncomfortable expression.

The stomping effect is outstanding!

But soon, Thunder Drum also began to fight back.

Sizzle! !

Bundles of current pulses broke through the ground out of thin air and rose from below. While destroying the vibrations of the heavy pedal, the coverage area of ​​​​the current was still spreading towards Yan Emperor's position.


Emperor Yan immediately jumped up to avoid the rising electricity.

And he raised his majestic lion's head, and the blazing flame condensed at his mouth, and he was about to spit it out.

However, the next moment, a familiar scene appeared.

From the thunderclouds surrounding Meng Leigu's head, an arrow of lightning suddenly shot out, catching Emperor Yan before he could release his flames, and hit him right in the chest!

Boom! !

The strong and rapid electric current caused Emperor Yan's body to feel numb, and his moves were naturally interrupted, forcing him to fall back to the ground.

The hair all over his body exploded due to static electricity, making him look slightly embarrassed.

Another move from the Thunder Drum, Thunder!

"Hey, hey, hey! That's an electric attack move, be careful!"

Ah Jin quickly reminded him, but after realizing it later, he frowned this time and complained with some dissatisfaction:

"And Emperor Yan, you have to obey the command!"

"Yan drink.!"

The furious Emperor Yan responded with an equally rude growl.

The opponent has dragon attributes, and fire moves are not very effective, so he naturally has to use ground attributes.

"What? You have to trust my judgment. Fire moves will have better effects!!"

Ah Jin complained again and argued with reason.

Didn't that guy Xiaozhi do any social training for Emperor Yan at all? !

"Um, these two guys"

Behind her, Chris could not help but slapped her face with her palms, and shook her head helplessly.

There is no tacit understanding at all!

One person and one dog are both full of personality. If it weren't for a subdued partnership, they really wouldn't be able to work together well.

"At this time, if Xiaozhi is here."

Chrissy couldn't help but think of Xiaozhi in her mind.

But he quickly shook his head. After all, Xiaozhi is currently traveling in the Kalos area, which can be described as a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from Kalos.

"Yan drink.?!"

While everyone was still tensely confronting each other, Emperor Yan suddenly sensed something and turned his head to look in a certain direction on a high slope in the distance.

This made other people follow suit subconsciously and cast their gazes.

And in everyone's sight, two heads slowly poked out from behind a rock high up.

"Wait a minute, does it look familiar?!"

Ah Jin raised his eyebrows and squinted his eyes hard.

It seems like Xiaozhi? !

Aren't I just being blinded?

The next moment, a person and a frog at the top climbed over the rock, half-sat on the slope and slid all the way down, just in time to reach a position near everyone.

"Yan Ao.?"

Even Emperor Yan was confused. It seemed like he was really his trainer? !

"Hey, Emperor Yan? And Ajin, Chris, why are you here?"

The visitors were naturally Xiaozhi and Frog. He walked over curiously, rubbing the back of his head and asked.

Xiaozhi had just used the magical golden ring to travel here again from the sunken ship of the Saint Teanu. As soon as he came out, he felt the breath of his own Flame Emperor and slid down.

“We should be the ones asking this question!!”

Ah Jin's eyebrows jumped wildly and he couldn't help but complained loudly.

The few people from the investigation team behind also had similar expressions.

Where did this person come from?

This valley area is extremely hidden and deserted. They also found the location after searching for a long time.

This person seemed to appear out of nowhere, so supernatural!

"Wait a minute, is that the long-necked thunder god you're talking about?!"

Xiaozhi also noticed the fierce thunder drum next to him, who was staring at him closely. The strange appearance also made him tilt his mouth.

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