He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 249 The owner of Viridian Gym, Qinglu.

"See? This is the real power!"

Sakagi sneered, looking at the Iron Armored Pokémon under him, his eyes were full of greed and covetousness.

With such terrifying power, what is the Pokémon Alliance?

What is Champion Crossing?


Xiaomao's mentality has been completely broken, and he no longer pays attention to the rules of the battle. Instead, he waved his thumb and roared almost roaring:

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, Flying Mantis!! Attack together!!"

"Oh? Three against one? You can still release all your Pokémon today."

Sakagi showed a look of looking at the ants, but it was just a battle between trapped beasts.

Although he can easily kill this novice trainer with his own strength, but to achieve such a big difference, it is like...

Like a god, this made him enjoy it very much.

With the help of this Pokémon, even the world is at your fingertips! !

Sakagi's gaze is fiery, and a grand plan has already begun in his mind!

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Flame Charge!! Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, use Sacrificial Attack!! Flying Mantis, use Cross Scissors!!"

On the other side, Xiao Mao roared madly, his handsome face had become distorted at this moment.




Xiaomao's three Pokémon rushed out together, one side sparked a flaming fireball, one side sparked an energy golden light, and the other side lit up a sharp cross cut, the energy of the three attributes echoed in the Viridian Gym, Then three powerful attacks burst out at the same time!


The Iron Armored Pokémon's expression remained unchanged, without any movement, but a strange and deep blue light suddenly lit up in the eyes, and the blue light spread out again...

In the next instant, the flames, golden light, and cross cuts were all frozen in place.

Then Wind Speed ​​Dog, Flying Mantis, and Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus were hit by a sledgehammer, and their bodies flew upside down at the same time. After landing this time, they completely lost their fighting ability on the spot and could no longer move.

Three against one is also crushing.

"I lost..."

Xiaomao took several steps backwards, and finally revealed the truth.

The arrogant and handsome face in the past instantly became extremely dim, and the expression of the Iron Armored Pokémon in front of him was even more terrified.

Not even being able to move half a step toward the opponent, or raise an arm...?

"Is the gap between me and the strong so big..."

He couldn't help lowering his head in disappointment. In Xiaomao's heart, he knew that there was a gap between himself and the extremely strong, but he never thought that there was such a big gap...

His mind is broken...

"Hmph, does this completely lose the will to fight? A rookie is a rookie...then just kill him!"

Sakagi smiled disdainfully. A trainer who has not grown up is a waste no matter how talented he is.


The Iron Armored Pokémon emitted a blue light in front of its body, condensed into a transparent sharp blade out of thin air, and shot it straight out without the slightest hesitation.

He doesn't seem to have the slightest emotion, just a heartless machine.

"call out..."

The Nianli sharp blade cut through the air, made a piercing cutting sound, and shot towards Xiaomao's neck.

That's right, since this kid has already seen this Pokémon, then today's life has to stay here!

This is how Team Rocket survives, not child's play Pokémon battles!

Xiao Mao, who was still lost, finally felt the sound of the sonic boom coming from in front of him, and then slowly raised his head, but when he came into his eyes, this spiritual blade that could cut everything was approaching infinitely, and he didn't have any time to resist it!

The white light of the sharp blade dazzled.

In an instant, countless scenes flashed in his mind, the life with his sister and grandpa when he was a child, the play house game with Xiaozhi and Xiaolan...

I haven't become the strongest trainer yet...

I also want to spread the name of Zhenxin Town all over the world...

I haven't even played Ash officially once...

Am I dying...?

He even closed his eyes in despair, this spiritual sharp blade could definitely cut off his head directly.

"I'm sorry, Brother Qinglu, I'm the one who hurt you..."

In the end, Xiaomao couldn't help but lost his mind, his face was full of despair for death...



"Then remember this feeling well..."

Suddenly, a steady voice sounded in his heart.


The next moment, a blue light barrier suddenly appeared around his body, protecting it inside, and the spiritual cutting that could cut everything was slashed on the blue light barrier so fiercely, bursts of sparks and terrifying bursts burst out in the stalemate. the sound of.


But soon, the blue light barrier shattered like glass shards.

But it was enough, that spiritual cut turned into transparent energy and dissipated in midair.

But at this moment, Xiaomao's back was completely soaked, and his forehead was sweating profusely. He was so scared that he almost fell to his knees.


There was movement at his neckline, and he subconsciously looked down, only to see that the egg-shaped pendant he had been wearing had cracked from the middle at this moment.

"This is the amulet that grandpa gave you, the only protection you have used up..."

Qinglu said slowly.

The protection pendant, which he also carried when he was in the electronic world, naturally knew that there was a skill sealed in it.

Invincible protection.

This is not a black technology invented by Dr. Oki, but a treasure passed down from generation to generation by Oki's family. It is unique in nature, and once consumed, it will be completely gone.


"I don't have time to sigh for you, remember everything about you today." Qinglu interrupted Xiaomao's sadness, and continued to say: "The sinking brought about by death, or the new life, you should think about it yourself..."

To be honest, Xiaomao's journey was indeed too smooth, so when he was abused, his mentality exploded instantly, and he actually put himself in a defenseless and stupid state.

If the mentality can be better, it is impossible to defeat, but it is enough to force this almost invincible Pokémon to move half a step, with the current Xiaomao.

After all, the mentality is too bad!


"Leave it to me, this is no longer a battle that you can touch now..."

Qinglu opened her mouth slowly, which made Xiaomao finally couldn't help taking a big breath, and closed her eyes.

In the next second, when he opened his eyes again, the situation changed suddenly!

The terrifying aura of the strong man soared into the sky, making the atmosphere of the whole room dignified, and even faintly covered the aura of Sakagi and Iron Armored Pokémon, which made Sakagi look at the boy in front of him in a daze.

"A different person...?"

Sakagi frowned and blurted out.

The boy's clothes and appearance, even the hair that was messed up because of the mental explosion just now, have not changed, but he just feels like a completely different person.

At this moment, there is no trace of fear in those calm and introverted eyes, and there is even a hint of... disdain? !

Sakagi was dumbfounded, this look was the expression he would show when he was disdainful!

Is it acting? !

No, this person in front of him is by no means the novice trainer just now, but a seasoned and truly strong man who has experienced countless life and death hardships! !

Sakagi is also a person who has experienced countless hardships and experiences, he understands this feeling!

Obviously the situation is infinitely favorable, but now he doesn't dare to be careless anymore, he slowly stood up from the sofa, looked at the young man with the hedgehog head below, and couldn't help asking in a deep voice:

"Who the hell are you...?"

Qinglu raised her head, her eyes swept across the Iron Armored Pokémon in front of her, and landed on Sakagi again, as if she could see through everything with a single glance, an evil smile appeared on the corner of her mouth inadvertently, and finally calmed down gave the answer.

"The owner of Viridian Gym, Qinglu."


(Three chapters, subscription, ticket!!!)

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