He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2538 The underground diamond mine country!

When the smoke and dust dissipated, the giant pincer mantis in the gravel pit had exited its mega-evolved posture and fell there. The surface of the dark red metal body was covered with charred black marks visible to the naked eye.

The restraining effect of the fire attribute on the Giant Pincer Mantis is too strong, and it is simply difficult to resist.


The Lizard King had already picked up a branch again, with a completely calm expression.

"Did you lose?"

Heavenly King Yankai was stunned for a while, and then he retracted his giant mantis with a heavy arm.

The feeling was similar to when I played against Ms. Karuna. At that time, the opponent's Mega Gardevoir also had such strong oppressive power.

But, the Lizard King in front of me doesn’t seem to be Ash’s main Pokémon? !

However, Yan Kai was very open-minded about the outcome. He dragged his blunt and heavy armor to the center of the arena and raised the sword inserted there.

"What a wonderful battle! You and your Lizard King cooperated perfectly!"

Then he solemnly performed a knight's salute as the ending ceremony of the game.

Xiaozhi also quickly responded with a symbolic Kalos etiquette. After this battle, he probably had some understanding of the level of the Kalos Alliance King.

Average strength.

Even with the help of the power of mega evolution, he is not much stronger than the kings of other regions.

Well, it is also possible that Mr. Yan Kai is the weakest local king and cannot be used as a standard for judgment?

The battle ended, and the solemn atmosphere temporarily subsided.

The sunny environment that had just been forcibly broken by the Lizard King returned to its original state at this moment, and was once again covered up by the sandstorm weather filled with wind and sand.

Everyone returned to the power plant. This area was one of the few places in the wilderness that was free of wind and sand.

Xiaozhi did not take the Lizard King back immediately. It was a rare occasion for him to come back. He was going to let the old man, the Lizard King, teach Carlos' newcomers a good lesson.

"Nima niima!!"

As Ha Lili, who also belongs to the third family of the grass-attribute royal family, was naturally the first to get in front of the Lizard King and start shouting.

He even picked a thick leaf from his back and held it in the corner of his mouth in a similar manner.

Lizard King: "."

Is this the three grass-attribute royal families in the Kalos region? Why does it look like a conspicuous bag?

It stands to reason that grass owners will either have a cold and aloof character like him, or they will have a simple and steady character like the second brother.

This kind of silly character should appear in the house of the water attribute Yusan, right?

In comparison, the Lizard King paid more attention to the frog next to him.

When it first appeared on the scene, it had already noticed the existence of the frog.

Both appearance and temperament are perfect!

It seems like a worthy successor who can take up its mantle!


So the Lizard King tilted his head coldly, walked towards a corner of the power plant, and motioned for the Crotalid Frog to follow.

The frog squinted his eyes, and after a moment of silence, he followed Teacher Big Lizard and walked up. Only Harry was left there, his expression gradually breaking.

"Nima niima!!"

Ha Lili was furious, one of you is a grass attribute person, and the other is a water attribute person, and you are exchanging hammers! !

Shouldn't he give all his money to this genius like himself, the secret of the grass attribute? ?


Harry was so angry that he stamped his feet, finally shook his head and walked to another corner of the power plant.

It is ready to delve into other powers within itself and strive to fully master them.

Then surprise everyone!

"Well your Pokémon are quite interesting."

Watching this scene from a distance, Heavenly King Yankai smiled and touched his chin. They all have their own characteristics.


Seeing this, Xiaozhi could only smile and let Harili and the others go on their own.

And although the lizard king and the frog have completely opposite attributes.

But they are all Pokémon that can use cutting moves.

The Frog is definitely unable to practice the Leaf Blade Slash move, but the skill of cutting with a 100% guaranteed critical hit can be used on moves such as Iai Slash and Water Wave Knife.

The lizard king's special cutting moves, such as Leaf Blade Slash and Cross Poison Blade, had not been displayed at all when he faced the Giant Pincer Mantis.

And even if we don’t discuss the inheritance of combat power, just the cold and coquettish style of the Lizard King is worth learning from the croaking frog!

Returning to the topic, Xiaozhi calmed down a little and looked at the Heavenly King Yankai.

It just so happens that the other person is a local expert who is good at the properties of steel, and maybe he knows exactly that!

"Mr. Yankai, do you know where to find diamond mines in the Kalos area?"

Xiaozhi asked in a sincere tone. He had not forgotten to find a way to evolve his crystal rock snake.

After leaving the Mirror Cave, he also asked Citron to do some research online, but the data he obtained showed that there were indeed many crystal mines in the Carlos area.

But no exact information was found in the diamond mine.

"Diamond mine?"

Yan Kai was stunned for a moment, feeling a little confused.

After listening to Xiaozhi's explanation, he nodded suddenly.

"I see, it's a rare crystal rock snake. It's really unheard of."

"The idea of ​​evolving into a diamond steel snake through a 'diamond membrane' is bold, but it is very feasible."

Seeing that Yan Kai lowered his head and pondered for a while without any response, Xiao Zhi was still a little frustrated, thinking that there was no more to come.

However, Yan Kai suddenly raised his head:

"Although I don't know the specific location, but let me tell you a secret about the Kalos area first. This is probably a story that only older people have heard."

Hearing this, locals like Citron and Serena also cast curious glances.

"Legend has it that the underground of our Kalos region is not solid, but consists of long and narrow underground caves, which are intertwined and intricately connected to each other."

"And the branches of these underground caves will eventually converge into the same open place."

"A place called Diamond Mine Country, a mysterious country beneath the ground!"

It sounds like a fairy tale. Not to mention Ash, who is a foreigner, and his eyes are confused. Even Citron and Serena are also wide-eyed and have never heard of these statements at all.

"Legend has it that there is not a single human being in this diamond mining country, but a special Pokémon race that has formed a social group that resembles a country."

"And in the center of this country, there are not only rich crystal mineral deposits, but also a large number of precious and dreamy diamond mines!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, as if this was the goal!

So the question is, where is this diamond mining country?

"As for the location, diamond mines are so precious. Naturally, countless people have been flocking to it in the past few decades, trying to find the specific location of this mining country, but so far there is no information."

Yan Kai shook his head regretfully.

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