He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2553 Amnesia versus the leader of the development zone?

"Well, Magiel has woken up."

Just in time, Miss Joy also came over at this time and reminded with a smile.

It's just that there is some hypoglycemia, and the body's energy seems to be excessively consumed.

In addition, I suffered a slight concussion, so I fainted on the spot and took nutritional injections overnight. There was basically no problem.

"Then Mr. Hansen, let's take care of Maggie Elle first!"

Everyone in the Miare Gang quickly bent down and bowed, and then rushed to the ward in a hurry.

Xiaozhi could only laugh dryly at this, this organization is quite interesting.

He and Hansen, who had not hung up the phone, were the only ones left there.

With nothing to do, Xiaozhi started chatting casually:

"By the way, Uncle Hansen, where are you performing your mission now, in the Hezhong area?"

For Xiaozhi, Hansen still has a high degree of trust, and he does not intend to hide some confidential information:

"No, I'm currently in the Alola region."

"Alola region?"

Xiaozhi was stunned. He had heard of this area. It seemed to be an archipelago in the ocean and a famous resort.

Is this international patrol officer on vacation?

"Well, anyway, the problem here is a bit strange. Not long ago, my colleague discovered some special Pokémon locally. Although I don't know whether I should call them Pokémon."

Ash scratched his head, what a Pokémon, it wasn't a Pokémon.

"But speaking of my colleague, damn it, he was promoted to be my boss at such a young age. Eh!"

Hansen couldn't help but complain that when he was on a mission in the Unova area, he worked as a subordinate for Heiji, who was in his early teens.

While on a mission in Alola, I was given the job of being a subordinate to a man in his twenties.

But he can't question it yet, because they are indeed people with outstanding abilities!

"My new boss is also strange. He was found on a beach outside Alola two years ago, and he seems to have lost his memory."

"It is said that he is still a pioneering leader in the Fangyuan area, fighting against the pioneering area.?"

"As a result, less than two years after I joined the International Patrol, my position has been continuously promoted, and I have climbed above mine."

Hansen seemed to have found a pouring hole and poured out the bitter water.

Despite his decent appearance, he usually suppresses a lot of emotions.

It's just that as an international patrol officer, and it's hard to mention his work to outsiders, Xiaozhi is a good person to talk to.

"The pioneering leader of the Fangyuan region? Has he lost his memory? Who is he?"

Xiaozhi suddenly became interested and couldn't help but ask.

He had dominated all the open battle areas there, but which leader had lost his memory and even drifted to the beach in the Alola region?

"Call Li."

Before Hansen finished speaking, a female voice suddenly shouted from the side:

"Hey Hansen! The energy is fluctuating again. Stop trying to catch fish and come here quickly!!"

The voice is quite soft, but the tone is a bit strong. She should be a serious and responsible female boss?

"Ah, I'm sorry, Xiaozhi, I have an urgent mission~"

Hansen could only nod apologetically towards Xiaozhi and laugh dryly:

"Let's talk next time. If we have a chance to visit the Alola area, I'll ask you to take care of Magiel for the time being!"


Before hanging up the phone, he waved his hand inexplicably and said hello. This seemed to be a customary greeting in the Alola region.

After hanging up the phone, Xiaozhi walked back to the lobby with his arms crossed, his brows furrowed deeply.

"Tsk, uncle, can't you finish your sentence?!"

Who is the pioneering leader whose name begins with the word "power"?

However, after ending the Fangyuan area, Xiaozhi basically had no contact with the leaders of the Battle Zone.

As for Mr. Jindai, we occasionally chatted once or twice, but the topics were basically about toilets.

Walking back to the hall, I found that Citron had temporarily put away his helmet and combat uniform.

And there was another person here, tall and burly, wearing a gray round hat and overalls, with his sleeves rolled up, revealing the rough back hair on his arms.

Although he looks rough and has a beard around his chin, his face is quite kind - he is none other than Limone, the father of the Citron brothers and sisters.

"Uncle Limone? Why are you here?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but walked over and asked casually.

Don't tell me, don't tell me, when I look at Uncle Limone today, why do I feel like I've seen him before?

"Hey Xiaozhi, you are very energetic today~!"

Limone waved his finger and said hello handsomely. Unlike the introverted Citron, Limone was a spirited and outgoing uncle.

As he spoke, he looked at his son and smiled:

"I heard that you have completed your mission~ I am here to help Flame Chicken Mask spread the word~!"

Then he handed over a note.

Citron looked happy. Just now, the people from the Miare Gang had promised to completely disband the Miare Gang.

Although there were some unexpected episodes last night, the mission was successfully completed.

Taking the note, it should be the reward promised by Flame Chicken Mask!

Taking a closer look, there was some information briefly written on it:

"As agreed, I will present the information about the Electric Dragon Mega Stone. The location is in the safe in the small room at the east end of the underground third floor of Fradali Cafe in Miare City."

"PS: There are other mega stones inside~"

After reading the information, Citron's face suddenly fell.

He did know about Fradali Cafe. The cafe was named after Fradali, the leader of the Flame Team. It was naturally related to the Flare Team.

But cafes generally don’t have three-story underground cellars, right?

I'm afraid it's not Team Flare's secret underground base.

It means that Team Flare's secret base contains the Electric Dragon Mega Stone, which makes sense.

But, doesn’t this mean that you have to rob Team Flare’s treasury? !

"Um, it seems a bit outrageous.?"

"If you say it, you haven't said it yet."

After receiving the note, Xiaozhi and Serena also twisted their mouths and started to complain.

They also know the whereabouts of the Gardevoir Mega Stone. It is on the neck of Miss Karuna, the champion. You can just pick it yourself!

"Haha~ In short, young people have to explore these things by themselves~"

Limone laughed loudly and patted Citron on the shoulder, quite satisfied with the change in everyone's expressions.

But he's not totally kidding

According to his investigation, Team Flare is not a good organization. He has long wanted to punish this organization as Flame Chicken Mask.

But it's not that easy to get.

However, the secret underground base of Fradali Cafe was basically abandoned and moved, but the mega stone is still here.

There is no one guarding the cafe. If you find an opportunity to sneak in, you can easily get the mega stone hidden deep inside.

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