He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2575 Aromatherapy Gym, Serena vs. Ma Xiu! (superior)

The next day, on the way to the Aromatherapy Gym.

Just after the hatching was completed, Xiaozhi and Serena released the two baby dinosaurs and followed them beside them.

The ice and snow dragon is naturally surrounded by a layer of snowflakes and ice mist, and it feels icy and cold when approached. This is a sign that it has not yet fully controlled its own snowfall characteristics.


The baby Tyrannosaurus is still biting the pillow in its mouth, shaking its head fiercely when walking, showing off its power.

After a whole night, the two of them felt relieved after seeing that the two Pokémon were not adapting to the modern environment.

When they walked onto the challenge arena on the third floor of the Aromatherapy Gym, Miss Ma Xiu was already waiting for everyone.

Still wearing the wide-sleeved dress that looks like a butterfly, she stands tall and graceful.

"Xiao Zhi, I will leave the Ice and Snow Dragon to your care for the time being."

"give it to me!"

Xiaozhi took the ice and snow dragon and walked to the viewing area with his friends.

Ma Xiu also noticed these two young dinosaurs. She squinted her eyes and let out a sigh:

"Oh~ Is this a newly hatched Pokémon? It smells like a new baby~"

But soon, the two women locked eyes in the center of the arena.

"Well, although Serena helped me a lot last night, I won't hold anything back today~"

Ma Xiu leaned forward gently and nodded politely.

"What I wish for!"

Serena responded with a fierce look.

In the stands nearby, Citron touched his chin. I wonder if it was an illusion, but he always felt that Serena's temperament was getting closer to Xiaozhi?

"Then the rules of Aromatherapy Gym are 3 vs. 3!"

The referee, a big sister wearing a yellow kimono with wide sleeves, shouted softly.

Ma Xiu nodded, took the lead in throwing the first elf ball, and still sent out a pink bird in the same order as yesterday.

"Powder has a fairy attribute, and has an intoxicating aroma wafting from its body. In the past, it was a Pokémon that ladies would often carry. The scent of Powder was used instead of perfume."

Xiaozhi took out the illustrated book and looked it up.

This kind of Pokémon is still very common in the Kalos area. Usually when you look up at the sky, you will either see a small dart bird or this pink-scented Pokémon.

It doesn't look very strong either. As for the first Pokémon, it's probably just cannon fodder for free?


What Serena sent out was a huge and sturdy Pokémon with an extremely weird body structure.

The body is mainly composed of two irregularly shaped rocks, upper and lower. Many tentacles and barnacles grow between the rocks, forming the trunk, head, limbs and other organs.

The Turtle Foot Giant Armor evolved from the Turtle Foot.

Originally there were only two barnacle claws on the left and right, but now, including the head, there are seven in total, and each barnacle claw has a single eye, which looks quite penetrating.

Of course, after the evolution is completed, the will of the turtle-footed giant armor is dominated by the barnacle claws located in the brain, and the other barnacles are only responsible for execution.

"It has evolved."

Xiaozhi couldn't help but lamented that Serena's giant turtle-footed armor had actually evolved for several days, and its appearance had become particularly rough.

Standing next to Serena, there is a strong sense of contrast.

And the giant-like body also gives this turtle-footed giant armor powerful strength.

"Metal Claw!!"

The battle has begun, and the powerful metal claws directly split the fairy wind blowing from Fenxiangxiang.

"End the battle once and for all, use poison attack!"

Immediately afterwards, the barnacle claws on both sides of the turtle-footed giant armor were attached with a poisonous purple light that penetrated people, and they slashed out.

Crack! !

The poisonous claws hit Fenxiangxiang right in the face. The huge difference in size and strength caused the latter to fly away like a sandbag and fall heavily to the ground.

Outstanding effect!

Fenxiangxiang fell to the ground very simply, unable to fight anymore.

Serena's side won the first game easily, and Xiaozhi nodded repeatedly.

"I see, in order to deal with the goblin gym, did you learn the metal claw and poison attack moves specifically?"

As a fairy with special attributes for slaying dragons, only steel and poison attributes can cause it extraordinary damage.

But starting from the second one, Miss Ma Xiu also started to increase her strength.


The red light fell, and it was still the magic wall puppet from yesterday.

Reflective walls and light walls that can actually isolate and bounce moves are quite tricky.

"Preemptive strike, turtle-footed giant armor, poisonous attack!!"

As soon as she came up, Serena shouted out this dangerous move again.

The turtle-footed giant armor sprinted even more fiercely, and the barnacle claws on both sides were once again attached to a dangerous poisonous sheen.

"Magic wall doll, reflective wall!"

Ma Xiu naturally used her old tricks and responded calmly.

The magic wall puppet cheered up, gestured with its palms in the void, and formed a transparent wall in front of it out of thin air.

As expected, the poisonous attack from the fierce attack was not weakened like a normal reflecting wall.

Bang bang! !

Instead, as if it had been hit by a thick steel plate, the body of the giant turtle-footed armor was thrown back by the shock.

"Now, Thunder Fist!!"

This magic wall puppet actually mastered electric-type moves. The moment he put away the air wall, he clenched his fists, burst out electric current, and smashed it out mercilessly.

Boom! !

The lightning fist hit the turtle-footed giant armor's chest, and sparks of electricity flew in an instant.

Outstanding effect!

However, the Magic Wall Doll is a Pokémon with special attack direction after all, and its physical attack ability is too high.

Even if the attributes are restrained, the damage dealt is quite average.

"Are you okay, turtle-footed giant armor!?"

Serena shouted worriedly.


The turtle-footed giant armor immediately raised its arms and shouted to vent, such an attack could not knock it down.

However, if you want to defeat this cunning magic wall puppet in front of you, obviously the double wall move, which can be called a bug, must be overcome.

Serena suddenly raised her lips. Fortunately, she came to watch the game yesterday, so she was well prepared for this dilemma.

Even now, a solution has been figured out.

"One more time, poisonous attack!!"

The next moment, the arms of the turtle-footed giant armor once again gathered the luster of venom and rushed out.

Ma Xiu frowned slightly, not knowing how serious it was, but still commanded the magic wall puppet in front of her to make the reflective wall thicker and harder.

However, just when the poisonous attack was about to touch the reflecting wall, Serena spoke again:

"Now, use Split Tile!"

On both sides of the turtle-footed giant armor, there are actually two pairs of barnacle claws growing on top and bottom, which are like four-armed monsters.

Previous attacks have always been performed by the two larger barnacle arms below, which are more powerful.

Upon hearing Serena's command, the turtle-footed giant armor quickly dissipated the purple light on the lower arms, while the two slightly smaller barnacle arms above were covered with white light.


The tile-splitting hand knife fell from top to bottom, and the originally seemingly solid reflecting wall was torn into pieces as easily as tofu!

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