He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 258 Kintaro and Sakaki Gin

Three minutes later, a file appeared in the real bird's hand.

Even though it was only a short three minutes, it was the collective result of Team Rocket's intelligence network. She was not the only one operating it before, but dozens of people were operating at high frequency at the same time behind it, supporting the result.

"Boss Sakagi, you are right. There are indeed no similar people in the Kanto area, but in the Johto area, there are new discoveries!"

Although Makoto doesn't understand the meaning of this matter, but with the wisdom of Boss Sakagi, she will definitely not do useless work, and her task is not to think about anything, but to strictly implement the orders of her superiors.

"In the Chengdu area, there is a small town that is very similar to Zhenxin Town, and its elements are very consistent. It is called Ruoye Town."

Sakagi nodded, and the secret path was as expected.

"It is also worth noting that basically every major region has such a small town with very similar elements..."

Although it is still difficult to control the head information rocket team in other regions, if it is just pure town information, it is still very easy to control.

Sakagi nodded, motioning for Makoto to continue reporting.

"This Wakaba Town is located in the southeast corner of the Johto region, adjacent to our Kanto region, with the Quartz Plateau and the Silver Mountains in the middle. The town has a small population, and it also has a Pokémon Research Institute. The owner is Dr. Kongmu, Zeng Jin is a student of Dr. Oki, and has the qualifications to be responsible for distributing initial Pokémon to newcomer trainers."

Makoto flipped through the file in his hand, and Sakagi was also a little focused. After talking about the town, the head is the key now.

"This time, our Rockets intelligence has analyzed a total of three rookie trainers who meet the requirements. Two men and one woman are all around 10 years old. They are all related to Ruoye Town. They will be formally trained in about three months. Embarking on a trip, the elements on your body match the information you gave about the three people in Zhenxin Town."

"The first boy's real name is Jin Taro, but people in the town call him Ajin more. He likes to make troubles, but he has a good relationship with the neighbors. He is currently staying in Ruoye Town."

"The second girl's name is Chris. She and this boy named Ajin are childhood sweethearts. They are ordinary, but according to the information, it seems that they are not in Ruoye Town for the time being."

"The third boy is not a native of Ruoye Town, he seems to be an orphan, but he is currently sneaking around Ruoye Town, and was captured by our team's intelligence network. His name is..."

Zhenniao was still reporting the archives quickly, his tone suddenly suffocated while he was speaking, and his eyes widened even more, as if he had seen something unbelievable.


Sakagi raised his eyebrows and snorted coldly, he didn't like the feeling of half-speaking.

The real bird didn't dare to hesitate, so he had to bite the bullet and continue to report the information.

"The third boy's name is Saka... Sakagi Gin!"

"What did you say!?"

Hearing this, Sakagi's whole body stood up with a "chuckle", his expression changed drastically, and he blurted out in a hurry.

"Boss Sakagi... this boy's surname seems to be the same as yours..."

Makoto didn't dare to continue. Although she is Boss Sakagi's confidant, she has never heard that Boss Sakagi has any heirs.

That's right, if the leader of a large organization like the Rockets has descendants, it is absolutely impossible to be exposed casually, the threat is too great.

Not only for this leader, but also for this heir, it was almost a devastating blow.

Sakagi frowned deeply, and asked again:

"Have you checked it out, Ah Yin... Sakagi Yin, is it really related to this matter?"

"Yes, Boss Sakagi! It fits the elements of the three novice trainers in Zhenxin Town!"

Sakagi sat back on the office sofa again, his face was already full of thoughts and entanglements, and Shinto did not dare to make any moves, so he had to wait by the side as if facing an enemy.

"Who the hell...?!"

The sullenness in Sakamu's heart has almost rushed to Tianlinggai. He clearly arranged that the prefix of this young man's surname should be hidden and removed by him. The only thing left in the name is the word "silver". At this moment, he doesn't know who added the surname again. "Sakagi".

Damn, who the hell! ?

Although the surname Sakagi is not rare, it is definitely not common. Once it is revealed that it has something to do with him, it will be a great threat to both Sakagi Yin and himself.

And it's a hassle to get involved with this schizophrenia...

"Ayin, have you reached this age..."

I haven't seen him for many years, and Sakagi almost forgot about his son, and he didn't even know that the latter has grown up to the age to start traveling immediately.

Immediately, Sakagi frowned, and stood up suddenly, his expression had already made a decision, and he no longer hesitated.

"Matou, arrange a ticket to the Johto area for me immediately."

In the final analysis, this matter is just his guess, and it needs to be investigated on the spot. As for the three in the Kanto region, Sakagi thinks it is better not to contact them for the time being.

It has become a climate, and it is not suitable to be an enemy.

And the three in the Chengdu area hadn't officially set off to travel, and he took the initiative to attack again, with a huge advantage.

And he wanted to see his son too.

"Yes, my subordinates will arrange it immediately!"

Makoto nodded quickly, and was about to prepare a private jet for Boss Sakagi.

"Also, erase all the information about Sakagi Yin, oh, you don't need to be so thorough, just erase all the words about Sakagi."

"Yes, this subordinate will arrange it later!"

"By the way, you shouldn't talk nonsense when you go out, right?"

"Yes, this subordinate will arrange it later!"

Only then did Sakagi nodded in satisfaction, he still trusted the real bird.

What is the origin of this group of schizophrenic novice trainers, it is estimated that there will be clues soon.

"Set today's file information as Team Rocket's top secret. As for the name, it's called...Grandpa Project."

This is his Sakagi's world, and these messy old grandpas cannot be allowed to intervene.

Although the friends and foes are unknown, and it is unclear how many grandpas there are in other areas, one thing is certain.

Killed them all, that's clear.

Sakagi's eyes flickered, and his heart was even more murderous, but this matter should not be careless, and a long-term plan must be considered.

A green has already made his head big, if other people are so powerful...

But it doesn't matter, the enemy is in the open, he is in the dark, and the start is invincible.

Sakagi couldn't help but licked his lips. While his body was trembling, his eyes were hot, showing a gloomy expression.

This world has finally become more interesting...!

"I may have to stay in the Chengdu area temporarily for the next few months, let them be quiet, and reveal a little about the Silver Building to our enterprise group, hmph, this group of people really think I don't know what happened what?"

This group of core cadres needs to be hammered hard, and it made him almost go to war with the Pokémon League.

A few days ago, he had already e-mailed the challenge letter to the champion, and he did not show any affection to the other party, bluntly saying that the other party was just a bird attribute champion trying to gain fame.

"Also, Chaomeng, keep him on hold these few months and don't go out."

Being obsessed with green, now Sakagi no longer has the stupid idea of ​​being invincible to Mewtwo, just like a ninja frog in a well, his short-sightedness is ridiculous.

"Yes, Boss Sakagi, we have injected enough sleeping pills into Chaomeng, and nothing will happen."

Seeing that everything was arranged, Sakagi sat back on the sofa chair in the office again, leaned his back back, and a secret door mechanism appeared on the rear wall, teleporting him out with the chair.

After a while, he had arrived at an airport lawn, the wind and waves were blowing, and a private jet was ready.

"Grandpa? Criticize Grandpa! Hmph, if you don't submit to me, then there will only be one end!"

He showed a shady smile, and officially stepped on the plane to the Johto area.

Sakagi had a bold plan in mind.

Hunt down all the old grandpas!

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