He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2645 Route 20, the psychedelic forest!

It took a long time before the gym door opened, and suddenly another strong cold wind blew out from inside, making Xiaozhi and others shiver.

Hey guys, is there an icehouse in this gym?

A man came out of it. He was about the age of an uncle. Although he was wearing a down jacket, he still had his arms trembling and his teeth were chattering as he replied:

"Mr. Edefu is not in the gym at the moment."

Xiaozhi couldn't help but look at it. As a person from an ice-type gym, are you so insensitive to freezing?

Although this uncle was wearing a velvet hat and earmuffs on his head, his face was still purple from the cold, as if he would faint at any moment.

"Hey, the owner is not here!"

Hearing this, Serena was immediately disappointed, her fighting spirit had only just been raised.

There is no other choice but to come again tomorrow.

"Well, I guess it won't work tomorrow. OK, Mr. Defu probably won't return to the gym for ten days and a half after going to the Pokémon Village."

This person's physique may be that of a dragon, and he is unusually weak. Although he stumbled, he still spoke the words completely.

"Pokémon Village?"

Xiaozhi was stunned, was it some nearby village?

Having said that, do we all have to stand in the coldest place at the gate, chatting in the cold wind?

Several people quickly helped the uncle from Yingxue Gym to the outdoor corridor, and he felt much better now.

"Pokémon Village is a remote village south of Yingxue City. It is a small village where wild Pokémon gather nearby. No humans live there."

This weak uncle can finally speak without stuttering.

After some exchanges, everyone finally understood.

It turns out that the master of Yingxue Gym, Mr. Defu, is also a person who likes to leave his post without permission. He likes to go to that paradise-like Pokémon Village whenever he has nothing to do, and stays there for several days, often even more than a week.

He prefers to stay with innocent Pokémon than with humans.

And he won’t bring any technology equipment with him, so he won’t be able to call him back.


Hearing this, Serena's face dropped again. Will she have to wait so long? !

However, according to Uncle Xiu Bing, they can also go directly to the Pokémon Village to find Defu, and then immediately launch the gym challenge.

"It's just that the forest going to the Pokémon Village is like a natural maze. Except for Mr. Defu, no one seems to be able to successfully pass through that forest and reach the destination."

This description actually made Xiaozhi become more interested in this forest.

According to Uncle Ruobing, Mr. Defu, who left Yingxue City just yesterday, would have to wait at least three days before returning.

Three days is a conservative estimate.

Since we are waiting here anyway, why not go to that strange forest first.

"Is there only a village where Pokémon live? Yurika wants to go too!!"

Yulijia, who has a strong sense of adventure, was the first to raise her hand in agreement.

It was still early, so a few people simply changed their destination and planned to go to the Pokémon Village to find out.

"The forest maze that no one can cross is not a big problem. I have the power of waveguide, so I should be able to cross it easily~"

Xiaozhi is still very confident in his own power.

"By the way, remember if the Blizzard King on the roadside asks you to take pictures, just ignore it~"

Before leaving, Uncle Ruobing kindly reminded him, leaving Xiaozhi and others stunned.

Speaking of which, when I entered the city, I did see a few Blizzards on the roadside occasionally decorated with colorful ribbons and lights, like moving Christmas trees, waving to passers-by.

Everyone has a rebellious mentality. Originally, Xiaozhi just glanced at these Blizzard Kings on the roadside.

Now that Uncle Xiaobing said this, when he walked back to the street, Xiaozhi walked towards the Blizzard King dressed as a Christmas tree without thinking.


However, this Blizzard King has an unusually kind and hospitable personality. He gave Xiaozhi a big hug, hugged his shoulders enthusiastically, and took photos as a souvenir.

Just when all these actions were over, the Blizzard King had already carried a wooden sign in his hand, with the words "10 for hugs, 50 for photos" written on it.

Everyone: "."

That weak ice uncle, can't you just say that these Blizzard Kings want to collect money? !

About half an hour later, several people had left the city from the south of Yingxue City and arrived at the suburbs.

At the beginning, it was still a bare snowy wasteland, and there was no such thing as a maze.

However, after walking less than a hundred meters, you can see a dense and tall coniferous pine forest in front of you.

This Route 20 has another nickname - the Psychedelic Forest!

Although it is covered with snow, most of the branches of the pine trees in the Psychedelic Forest still have leaves hanging on them, but they are not as prosperous as in spring and summer.

Under the cover of these tall pine forests, the entire forest suddenly had a gloomy feeling.

It was obviously still broad daylight, but as soon as a few people entered the forest, a light white mist naturally floated around them, and the visibility dropped rapidly.

Even the sky dimmed, as if it was already dusk.

In the distant black shadows in the jungle, there are still some sneaky sounds, or the strange sounds of feet stepping on the snow layer and tree branches.


Serena, who was not good at dealing with such ghostly and gloomy environments, suddenly changed her expression and couldn't help but hold on to Ash's clothes.

"Don't panic~!"

Xiaozhi comforted him casually, then curved his mouth, closed his eyes, and secretly began to exert strength in his heart.

The power of waveguide! !

It’s just that the situation here is just like the scene in the Ending Cave not long ago.

"Why didn't it work again?!"

Xiaozhi frowned and couldn't help but curse.

How come the power of the waveguide, which was always invincible in the past, is always failing recently?

The reason why the Terminus Cave failed was because it was the habitat of the ancient god Zygarde. The ancient god's aura invalidated his waveguide power, which he could accept.

But in this psychedelic forest, have you ever heard of any ancient gods or phantom beasts living there?

It's just a natural and strange forest maze, connected to a Pokémon Village where wild Pokémon live.

Why is the power of the waveguide still ineffective?

Xiaozhi opened his eyes again and unlocked the power of his waveguide. Only then did he feel the touch behind him that had been tightly grasping the corner of his clothes, seemed to disappear.

The sound of breathing that originally came from Serena behind him was gone.

Xiaozhi quickly turned his head, only to find that all his friends had disappeared out of thin air.

I am the only one standing here in the snowy pine forest.

And on the ground, there are also the footprints left by four people walking side by side.

But the footprints of the other three people suddenly stopped at this moment, and their figures disappeared, which was obviously extremely strange!

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