He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2672 Extra 2 Xiaoxia’s Adventure at Yuejian Mountain

Chapter 2672 Extra 2-Xiaoxia’s Adventure at Moon View Mountain

Cerulean City.

Compared with the unattractive Nibi City, the festive atmosphere in Hualan City is much richer. The shops on both sides of the street have long been put on Christmas decorations, and the jingling and cheerful festive ditty can be heard in the streets and alleys.

But today, Xiaoxia was in a very depressed mood.


Now his strength seems to have reached a bottleneck, and it is difficult to improve no matter what.

He said he wanted to challenge King Kona. Although his strength has increased, Miss Kona's strength seems to have also increased simultaneously, and she is still no match!

And last time in Waves, when faced with the dinosaur-looking Suicune, he was completely unable to deal with it. He just missed out on one of the best water-type Pokémon.

And the most depressing thing today is

"Oh~ Xiaoxia, I have to ask you to look after my house again this Christmas~"

"My boyfriend is here to pick me up~"

"Hehe, it's so miserable, Xiaoxia~ I really hope my sister can share some of my beauty with you~"

The three beautifully dressed sisters are going out on a date tonight, and they didn't forget to laugh at themselves before leaving.


Xiaoxia sat beside the swimming pool in the gym and cursed angrily.

"Hey, by the way, didn't your little boyfriend come to see you?"

After forgetting to take her mobile phone, the second sister Chang Pu who came back saw Xiaoxia still sitting there stupidly, couldn't help but leaned over and said angrily:

"Damn that kid, he must be obsessed with a girl from out of town. He didn't even send you a text message on Christmas?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but appear in Xiaoxia's mind, and then she quickly shook her head and scolded:

"Second sister! Xiaozhi is not my little boyfriend!!"

"Well~ I really can't get involved in this kind of thing, but you are my sister after all."

Calamus suddenly remembered something, raised a finger and said:

"I heard that someone recently discovered auspicious signs on the top of Yuejian Mountain. Anyone who sees auspicious signs will have their wishes come true and become lucky."

"What a mess, go on a date quickly!!"

Amidst Xiaoxia's laughter and scolding, Calamus could only speed up and leave the gym. Her boyfriend was driving a luxury car and waiting outside to take her to Christmas dinner.

When the time comes, pack up the leftovers and give them to Xiaoxia as a supper~!

In the gym, it suddenly became much quieter again.

Xiaoxia silently took out her mobile phone and put it down silently.

Damn it, that guy Xiaozhi really didn't even send a blessing text message.

Since the last Bodangshui incident, there has been no contact!

"How about you really believe in Second Sister for once and go see that auspicious sign?"

It happened to be Christmas and no one would come to challenge the gym. After thinking about it, Xiaoxia no longer delayed. After locking the gym, she ran towards the mountain road to the west of Cerulean City.

Entering the Yuejian Mountain cave, Xiaoxia walked towards the fork at the top of the mountain with ease.

"Hey, are there really big changes here?"

She hadn't been here for a while, and the Moon View Mountain, which had removed all traces of human activities, seemed quite deserted at the moment, and there were still some sneaky sounds faintly heard in the distance.

"Well, let's send out the jewel starfish."

Walking on the mountain road alone is quite lonely, so Xiaoxia wants to send gem starfish to accompany her.


As expected, the other Poké Ball on her waist automatically popped open, and the figure of Kodak appeared in front of her.

Xiaoxia: "."

Moreover, Kodak seemed to notice Xiaoxia's lonely mood, sighed, and patted Xiaoxia's arm to express comfort.

It doesn't matter, I'm still with you.

Xiaoxia: "."

She doesn't want to be comforted by a Kodak duck! !

"Damn it, hurry up and follow me!!"

Xiaoxia was so angry that she gritted her teeth and could only speed up her pace.

Because I was familiar with the road, I successfully reached the top of Mount Tsukimi—or a valley square—in less than half an hour.

It's very dark here. There used to be a shop here, but now it's all deserted and there's no light at all.

"Auspicious and auspicious. Where is it?"

So Xiaoxia started looking around, but she miscalculated and forgot to ask her sister what the so-called auspiciousness was.


Suddenly, she heard movement. The sound came from the side of the valley square, near the spring lake.

When I got closer, I saw a strange figure lying low on the shore of the cat, wiggling his buttocks.

After hearing her approaching footsteps, the figure turned its head, only to see it was...

Black-faced uncle? !

"Xiao Gang!? Why are you here?!"

Xiaoxia recognized her friend, breathed a sigh of relief, and walked over quickly.

"Hey Xiaoxia? Why are you here too?"

Xiaogang also looked confused, holding a large bottle in his hand, which seemed to contain a lot of spring water.

"Um, don't tell me that you came here just to decorate these springs on Christmas night?"

Xiaoxia slapped her forehead.

It's rare to meet again, why don't you be so bored!

"Hmph, these are precious water sources that can make me embrace a beautiful woman!!"

Xiaogang held up the bottle proudly, and the scene of him sleeping with Chuchun in his arms already appeared in his mind.

"By the way, wait a minute, so Xiaoxia, are you coming to get spring water too?"

Hearing this, Xiaoxia's face turned red, she quickly folded her hands in front of her body, turned her head and hummed softly:

"Huh, I'm not as boring as you. I'm here to see Xiangrui!"


Xiaogang was stunned for a moment, looking around the dark surroundings, and then looked at Xiaoxia.

Well, you are indeed more boring than me.


But it seemed that the conversation between the two people on the shore had disturbed something. The soil slope next to them suddenly began to tremble inexplicably, as if something was about to break out of the ground.

"Cross-shaped bat, flash technique!"

Xiaogang released his Crossed Bat with his backhand, and the diffuse light instantly lit up the soil slope.

Under the surprised looks of the two people, they saw an oval yellow head emerging from the soil slope, like a short snake.

"It's auspicious!!"

Xiaoxia blurted out, looking happy.

"Is there a wild earth dragon brother in Yuejian Mountain? Oh, it turns out this is auspiciousness."

Xiaogang touched his chin, and realized later that the rare earth dragon brother could indeed be called auspicious.

However, the Xiangrui in front of him didn't look very good-tempered. He opened his mouth wide, and a burst of violent storm air suddenly spewed out from his mouth, causing the two of them, including the Crossed Bat and the Koda Duck, to stagger around.

"Is it a storm move?! Wait a minute, can Brother Tulong still be able to perform such a powerful storm move?"

Xiaogang lowered his body and couldn't help but said in surprise.

Pokémon like the Earth Dragon Brother are pure mascots. They have little combat power and are extremely timid. They will just crawl into the ground and run away when they see people. It is absolutely impossible to attack outsiders.

"Anyway, we have to calm it down, Crossbat, Ultrasonic!!"

Xiaogang attacked with a backhand, but the cross-shaped bat's ultrasonic wave had not yet been thrown.

The earth dragon brother opened his mouth wide, and this time released a storm-like explosive sonic boom. The harsh high-pitched shock wave directly completely covered the cross-shaped bat's ultrasonic wave.

Boom buzz! !

The violent sound made Xiaogang and Xiaoxia turn pale, and they quickly covered their ears, their eardrums about to burst.

"It's a sonic blast. What the hell, can brother Tulong still use this kind of move?!"

Xiaogang was completely confused.

However, squinting his eyes allowed him to focus better. Through the violent sound waves, he could vaguely see the rear half of the body of this "earth dragon brother" emerging from the earth. It seemed that there was more to it than he realized. Festival.?

There are also an extra pair of little wings on the back?

"Could it be that he is an evolved type? So his personality has become rougher and his strength has become stronger?"

Xiaogang guessed in his mind.

But under the sonic blast, the two of them couldn't do anything at all, and were completely restrained by the sound.


Until the exaggerated sonic boom rolled up Xiaoxia's duck, which landed on its head and hit a hard rock hard.

Xiaoxia \u0026 Xiaogang: "?!"

The next moment, Kodak Duck's eyes turned completely blue as he stood up again.


With a loud roar, the power of the telepathy shock wave released by Kodak Duck was as surging as the waves of the sea. It actually completely dispersed the explosive sound wave of the earth dragon brother, grabbed its body from the air, and lifted it into the air.

boom! !

Then it hit the ground hard, and countless rubbles burst out.

Xiaogang: "."

Sure enough, it has to be the Duck God showing off his power!

And after just floating in the air for a short time, he was also sure that the person in front of him was not the earth dragon brother. There was a high probability that it was an evolved type that had never appeared before.

Then he should be called Brother Tulong, or Sister Tulong?

"Good opportunity!! Xiangrui, here I come!!"

However, Xiaoxia's eyes lit up, she took out a high-grade ball with her backhand and threw it up. She hit this "earth dragon brother" very accurately.

After a while of shaking, it was successfully conquered!

Seeing this, Xiaoxia was relieved, and today's anger has weakened a lot.

Anyone who sees auspiciousness will be lucky

She just conquered it, wouldn't she be even luckier?

Sure enough, just as she stepped forward to pick up the elf ball, a message popped up on her phone.

When I opened it, I saw it was a holiday blessing from a Carlos guy:

"Merry Christmas~my dearest friend~!"

Although there were only a few words in total, a text message finally came, and it was "dearest friend."

At least you have some conscience!

Xiaoxia immediately put away her mobile phone happily, and the irritation she felt all day finally disappeared.

At the same time, Xiaogang was also looking at his mobile phone, with a pleased expression on his dark face.

"You actually call me my dearest friend. Well, it turns out that the friendship between us is the greatest!"

Xiaogang felt proud in his heart.

So now, it's my turn!

"Congratulations, Xiaoxia. I got the rare Pokémon. I have to leave beforehand. I have to have some leisurely tea~!"

Xiaogang held the spring water and ran down the mountain with howling wolves and ghosts all the way to Nibi City.

He can already sense that a wonderful tomorrow is waiting for him! !

"Hey Xiaogang, forget it~"

However, Xiaoxia was very interested at the moment. She grabbed Tulong's brother's high-end ball and took the Kodak duck down the mountain leisurely.

Next, let’s start practicing again, with the goal of catching up with Master Kona!

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