He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2674 Yi Ping vs Jing Zang, the battle for the leader!

Standing at the front of this group of rebel ninjas was a middle-aged man. His black ninja uniform was covered with thick armor on his chest and shoulders.

His face couldn't be seen clearly. He was wearing a mask that looked like a dragon with two axes, and only a square chin was exposed.

There is also a Mahuola standing next to him. It seems to be his ninja partner?

When Xiaozhi and his party came outside, Hanzo next to them, and several high-level officials from Yiping Ninja Village also rushed out.

Hanzo touched his beard, looked at the double-axe battle dragon mask rebel ninja in front of him with complicated eyes, and said with emotion:

"Qiuzang, I didn't expect you to attack the village on such a large scale."

The latter took Ma Xuanla with him and took a few steps forward with a sneer:

"What's wrong, teacher, do you regret letting me go?"

Hanzo stepped on high clogs and shook his head:

"I don't regret it, I just don't want you to make the same mistake again and again."

Seeing that there seemed to be some bloody master-disciple plot in it, Xiaozhi didn't mind watching the excitement and couldn't help but quietly asked Sanping next to him.

"I don't know either"

Sanping just shook his head blankly. He was a few years older and didn't know the grudges back then.

Erping, who was next to him, interrupted in a low voice and responded:

"Qiuzou turned out to be Hanzo-sama's disciple and was extremely powerful. However, because he acted too extreme, Hanzo-sama did not pass the position of leader to him in the end."

It is said that the prisoner secretly conducted some evil human experiments underground in the Ninja Village, which touched the bottom line of the Ninja Village, and the leader was ready to take them down on the spot.

"It was just a fight between the two masters and apprentices, and Hanzo-sama couldn't bear to do anything, so he made the other party defect from the village. I didn't expect that he would make a comeback today!"

Erping said with a slightly angry tone.

Everyone nodded, not too surprised.

Ninjas are indeed like this.

"Humph, I don't care about the position of leader a long time ago, and I don't want to see this position fall to such a young boy!"

Qingzang's eyes were pointed at Yiping.

The age difference between the two was more than ten years. When he defected, Yiping was still a young brat.

He was able to take over the position he once dreamed of at such a young age, so he chose to launch a surprise attack the night before he took over as leader!

"Come on Yiping, let me see how your level is now haha~!"

Qiuzang raised his head and laughed loudly, then his body flashed and disappeared from the place together with Ma Xuanla.

The next moment, he appeared on the high slope of the mountain road adjacent to the Ninja Village.

From that position, everyone in the village could see it as long as they raised their heads.

He wants to knock down Ippei in front of everyone and make the new leader of the village a joke!

Seeing this, Ippei frowned, thought for a moment, and then made a move with the Koga Ninja beside him.

"Wait for a moment, don't fall into the opponent's trick!!"

Qizang wanted to stop him, but Yiping shook his head and looked around with a serious face.

The number of rebel ninjas brought by the other party was too many, about three times the number of ninjas in the village.

After all, this is a time of peace, and the six major sects are all dead again. The ninja village is not in danger of foreign enemies, and there is no such large-scale training of new generations of ninjas.

Training ninjas in the village, just like training trainers in the Pokémon League in the outside world, requires a lot of money.

It is said that Sanpei is the first of the new generation to be promoted to Chunin.

In fact, he is also the only new generation ninja in the village.

"No opponent.!"

With this group of rebellious ninjas engaged in a full-scale firefight, the village is obviously at a disadvantage. The best way now is to defeat the prison head-on one-on-one!

"Then, I'll leave it to Sir Banzan for the time being!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yihei and Koga Ninja flashed and disappeared from the place at the same time.

Like the prisoner, it was a teleportation technique of the Koga school. In the next second, he appeared on the high slope of the mountain road a hundred meters away.

"Hmm, boy, you are quite bloody. But your Koga Ninja Frog is no match for me."

Izo sneered and looked up and down at Ippei's Koga Ninja.

A flat eyebrow was raised, with a solemn expression, and his eyes also fell on Ma Xuanla next to the other party.

If it's a Mahuola, it shouldn't be difficult for me to deal with it.

However, the next moment, Qiuzang curled his lips and threw an elf ball.

Who said his partner was this Muggle Maura?


When the red light fell, I saw a Pokémon that was sixty-six times similar to Maura, but its figure became taller and slender, and its fur color changed from black-purple to a sickly and demonic pale color. blue.

Especially the pair of black and red claws on both arms, which look very slender and huge, almost hanging to the ground!

"This is.?"

He was stunned for a moment. This was the first time he saw such a Pokémon.

"It's Daxuanla!!"

While still in the village, Xiaozhi squinted his eyes and looked far away, and couldn't help but exclaimed that he was the first to recognize the "tall" Mahuola sent by the other party.

He had seen this Pokémon from Mingyao when he was traveling in the Sinnoh region. It seemed to be an ancient Pokémon with their distinctive appearance.

The attribute has become fighting + poison attribute. Especially the fighting attribute is quite dangerous for the evil attribute Koga Ninja.

"Hey, big Nyura, split the tiles!!"

The battle on the high slope had already begun, and Qiuzang took the lead in launching the attack.

The claws of the large Nula in front of him were covered with an astonishing cold light, and they were heading straight towards Ippei's Koga Ninja Frog.

"It's not a good idea to hide that guy. Has he already figured out how to restrain our Koga-ryu's signature ninja Pokémon?!"

Hanzo's expression changed. He still had confidence in Yiping in a head-on battle.

But the prisoner was obviously well prepared, and the situation was not good.

"Hanzo-sama, leave it to us!!"

"As long as we kill these traitorous ninjas first, we can help big brother!!"

Erpei and Sanpei quickly faced the rebel ninjas in front of them with their ninja partners and shouted sternly.

There were many ninjas in the village, and they all attacked these rebellious ninjas.

"Bulbasaur, Vine Whip!!"

Erping commanded his Bulbasaur and instantly shot out eight vines, attacking several Alidos at the same time.

It's just that the moves have more attack targets, so their power is inevitably averaged out.

"Alidos, bug bite!"

"Signal beam!!"

A group of rebellious ninjas wearing masks were basically at the level of chuunin or even jounin, and their strength was not much inferior to that of Erping. The situation reached a deadlock for a while.

"I'm here to help too, Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, use rocks to crit!!!!"

"Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard, use discharge!!"

Citron and Serena also released their Pokémon and stood beside Erping to help fight against these masked ninjas.

Serena also deliberately released the Armored Tyrannosaurus that had just joined the team. If she could deal with all these rebellious ninjas, she would probably be able to get fully acquainted with the Armored Tyrannosaurus!

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