He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2695 Fierce battle, Pikachu vs Arceus clone! !

"A ground attribute move?"

Xiaozhi was surprised. Even the God of Creation is a person with attribute restraint?

The Arceus clone gave him a very mediocre feeling. There didn't seem to be any obvious aura in various attributes. Should it be a Pokémon with average attributes?

However, the turbulent hot sand land came in front of me, and the battle space of the Hall of Beginning had no cover at all, it was bare.

If you take this blow, you may even get burned!

Xiaozhi had an idea and came up with a strategy.

"Pikachu, use the Stand!!"

Pikachu understood. It had not used this move for a long time.


I saw Pikachu tightening his body slightly and exerting strength. His body seemed to shed its skin, and a gray-white "Pikachu" substitute emerged.

It's not like the Koga Ninja who uses the Substitute Technique, it's just a simple cover bubble and doesn't consume much.

Pikachu uses a traditional stand-in, which consumes a certain amount of physical energy.

But it does not use this move to avoid attacks, but to directly control the substitute in front of it to lie on the ground and change its form.

The next moment, the substitute Pikachu had turned into a gray-white skateboard!


Pikachu stepped on it and assumed a surfing posture.

Wow wow wow.!

What followed was an influx of huge three-meter-high mud and rock stray flowers, covering them up like crazy.

However, as the hot sand poured down completely, as if everything could be submerged in the next second, Pikachu's figure appeared on the surface of the hot sand.

Standing on a stand-in skateboard, assuming a surfing posture, he can glide on the hot sand very flexibly.


Arceus' clone was stunned. This was a literal surfing trick.

It seems that this electric mouse is not as simple as I thought.

"Since the other party says that he has the power of an ancient god, then let's not be polite."

Xiaozhi raised his hand and pointed, this time he took the initiative to attack:

"Super speed!!"

The entire space was filled with scalding hot sand. Pikachu simply used the stand-in's skateboard as a leverage point and kicked out. The speed was so fast that no shadow could be seen at all, leaving only a faint cyan arc light.

In the surprised eyes of Arceus' clone.

Boom! !

Pikachu collided directly with the former's face. Although there was a huge difference in size, the strength was not weak at all, and the head of the former was bent due to the impact.

Xiaozhi raised his fingers to the sky and shouted:

"Then comes the thunderous trick!!"

The previous combo was lightning flash + 100,000 volts. Generally speaking, this combo can end the fight if you encounter a loser.

But since today's opponent is a clone of Arceus, both moves have been upgraded to a new level, turning into a powerful combination of speed and thunder!

With Pikachu's current strength, it is enough to perform these two moves quickly and continuously!

Knocked out at a great speed, Pikachu used the force to bounce into the high air, his whole body tensed, and the electric light on his cheeks moved crazily.


With a low roar, surging electricity burst out from Pikachu's body, hitting the Arceus clone like thunder!

Boom! !

The clone of Arceus was instantly covered by Nuo Da's electric light, forming a beam of electric light rising into the sky.

Despite the physical strength of the God of Creation, this lightning strike made his body tense and twitch.

Even a second-level god would probably be unable to handle such a combination of punches.

However, in the lightning, the Arceus clone showed a look of joy.

I didn't expect to encounter such a powerful electric mouse today. I can finally reduce the power that I can't consume at all!

At least 5% of the battery was consumed today!

The original look of disdain for Pikachu was completely put away. Even though the God of Creation's clone was being continuously electrocuted by thunderous moves, his body was still not paralyzed and could respond.

As soon as his eyes were focused, several energy stones condensed out of thin air in front of his eyes and flew out quickly.

Mental shock!

And with his ability, he can control the trajectory of these energy sharp stones at will.

call out.!

Part of it was shot at Pikachu's body, causing the latter to interrupt Thunder's continuous release.

call out.!

Another part of the mental impact was directed at the small boat in the hot sand—the small stand-in skateboard.

A smooth hit, directly destroying Pikachu's only foothold!

But at this moment, the hot sand in this battle arena has not disappeared. The ground is covered with hot sand, and it is easy to get burned if you step on it directly.

"As expected of the God of Creation."

Xiaozhi couldn't help but praise in his heart.

The hot sand earth released at will can last for so long, and the mental shock moves released can also attack the target separately. Every move of the opponent seems to be an enhanced version!

"But don't underestimate my Pikachu!"

Xiaozhi touched his nose and looked complacent. His Pikachu was enough to fight the ancient god head-on:

"If we don't have a foothold, we don't need a foothold at all. Pikachu, let's run in the air!!"

Pikachu, who was falling in mid-air, instantly raised the corners of his mouth in a cunning manner, and then spun his body around in the air.


The sound of electric current could be faintly heard in the ears, and then a strange scene appeared.

There was nothing under Pikachu's feet, but it seemed like he was stepping on some transparent pedal.


Pikachu actually ran horizontally in mid-air and jumped up. Every time he bounced, you could see arcs of electricity running on the soles of his limbs and feet, with fire and lightning all the way. It looked very cool!

"Thunder cloud line...?"

As the God of Creation, the Arceus clone recognized the technique used by Pikachu.

He was getting more and more surprised. What was the origin of the man and the mouse in front of him?

Not only is he connected to himself, but he also has such strength? !

Now, at least 10% of the power can be lost!

"But this move is useless against me!"

Arceus stood on the spot with his head held high, and his green eyes and red pupils suddenly flashed with a grayish luster.

Bang! !

As if the gravity of the entire Beginning Hall had doubled, there was a low roaring sound.


Pikachu, who was still in the air and was flying smoothly with the help of the thunder cloud line, also felt as if his waist was suddenly tied with a lead weight, and his body was suddenly dragged down.


Pikachu fell directly into the hot quicksand below!


Suddenly the hot sand around him was so hot that Pikachu jumped up screaming again.

Then it fell again due to gravity and fell back into the hot sand earth.

Da da da.!

The next second, Pikachu's left and right feet kept falling and lifting alternately, and with bursts of screams, it jumped happily on the sand.

Although the scene was a bit comical, Pikachu learned to tap dance.

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