He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2703 Set off to Desert City!

"Well, if you have nothing to do, just go inside the statue."

So Xiaozhi kindly suggested to Mei Yali:

"The Creator God Arceus is your faith. Since he has left his divine power here, he naturally hopes that you can use it."

"Even if you don't dare to fight Arceus, it's okay to go in and kowtow."

Xiaozhi changed his mind and thought that if he accepted the local people's kowtow ceremony, it might also help the arceus clone's power consumption.


Mei Yali was suddenly enlightened and couldn't help but widen her eyes.

Yes, even if attacking Lord Arceus is disrespectful, there seems to be nothing wrong with going in and kowtow?

If you go in and come out by yourself, won't there be no psychological burden? !

Why have I never had this idea before?

"Xiao Zhi, you are such a good person!!"

Mayali suddenly became excited. After bowing to Xiaozhi, she immediately turned around and ran towards the town square.

She wanted to see Lord Arceus' true appearance now and worship him up close!

Watching Mei Yali leave quickly, Xiaozhi touched his chin complacently, hiding his merit and fame:

"Brother Arceus, there is no need to thank me!"

Then he walked into the bathroom, took off his clothes and washed himself.

During two full days of high-intensity special training, he had not even taken a shower.

Then he dried himself off, put on his pajamas, and lay on the bed with Pikachu in his arms.

Although it was a rough slate bed, Xiaozhi slept extremely soundly and fell asleep immediately.

Different from the quiet little stone house.

That night, the center of the Valley of Creation was particularly lively.

A long queue has formed in front of the statue of Arceus, and all the local residents are queuing up to respond to the induction of the statue one by one and enter it to worship.

After listening to Xiao Zhi's suggestion, Mei Yali was the first to enter the statue.

In the mysterious and peculiar space of the Hall of Beginning, she indeed met the legendary God of Creation.

That noble and majestic look made Mei Yali immediately kowtow several times with tears of gratitude.


The Arceus clone showed a confused expression.

Why did just after sending away that strange young man, another little girl came.

This time, it was the bloodline of the Valley of Creation that had roots in Miaohong, and he could clearly sense this.

It's just that after this little girl came in, she didn't challenge him. She just knelt on the ground, cried and kowtowed, making the Arceus clone look confused.

However, this is always a good thing.

Xiaozhi drained his battery from 99% to only 38%, far exceeding his expectations.

Now there are new locals coming in, and the remaining 38% of the power is completely consumed, and it’s just around the corner!

It's a pity that after kowtowing 20 times, the girl went out.

Calculated in terms of power, it consumes approximately 0.001% of power.

After going out, Mei Yali also began to spread Xiaozhi's story to the neighbors.

"Even if you don't challenge Lord Arceus, it's still appropriate to go in and kowtow!"

And when she entered just now, she seemed to feel the change in Lord Arceus' expression of joy.

Hearing this, all the loyal believers in the entire Valley of Creation queued up overnight and entered the space of the Hall of Beginning one by one to kowtow.

It's just that if you just kowtow and don't fight, the one who ends up being tortured is Arceus' clone.

The believers who keep coming in to kowtow, every time they kowtow, a string of numbers seems to float before their eyes.




"Forget it. It's a good thing."

In the end, this Arceus clone also became damaged, and its eyes were numb as it accepted the continuous influx of kowtow believers.

Based on this calculation, he probably only needs to undergo the kowtow ceremony 760,000 times before the power is completely consumed!

The next day, Xiaozhi got up early.

After two days of mental exhaustion, I completely recovered, and I even enthusiastically performed a set of military boxing on the small lawn next to the courtyard.

"Morning Xiaozhi~!"

Serena, Citron and others also woke up, smiled and said hello when they came downstairs, and sat around the stone table to eat breakfast.

The latter's energy was quite high. In the past two days, Xitron and Yulijia had a lot of fun in the Valley of Creation and had a very pleasant time.

Coupled with the protection of the local area by the power of Arceus, the climate in the valley is excellent, making it a completely comfortable two-day vacation.

Serena's expression was a little wilted

In order not to be left too far behind by Xiaozhi, she has also been actively exercising in the past two days.

However, Serena's physique is not as monster as that of a true newcomer. No matter what the damage is, she can be resurrected with full health after resting for one night, and she still has to rest for two more days.

You even need to find a tourist city to take a good vacation and relax!

"I'm going to Desert City today!!"

Serena's eyes lit up. These two days of high-intensity exercise were worth it. Let's rest and relax there!

"By the way, where's sister Mayali?"

Yulijia used a spoon to put the local delicacy braised beans into her mouth, while looking out the door curiously.

As Mei Yali said before, she would take them to the Desert City next door today.

As the younger generation in the Valley of Creation, they are not as closed off as the older generation and stay in the valley all year round.

She used to often follow her brother to the desert city next door, which was half of her hometown.

"Meiyali? It seems like you haven't come back all night~"

Hupa also stayed in the house. It was floating above everyone's heads. Its two little hands floating alone spread out and said helplessly.

It was almost noon before Mei Yali came back belatedly.

Her eyes looked very excited and wide, but her face was sallow and looked extremely haggard, with heavy dark circles at the corners of her eyes.

"Um, is this an all-nighter? Why do you look more exhausted than I did two days of intense training?"

Xiaozhi tilted his lips and couldn't help but complain.

Soon, Mayali walked into the room and fell directly onto the stone chair next to her like mud. She seemed to have fallen asleep on the spot.

The corners of his mouth were still muttering vaguely:

"I entered a total of 9 times and kowtowed to Lord Arceus 108 times."

Due to the white turban and cap, no one could see the red mark on the latter's forehead.

Xiaozhi: "."

He forgot one thing. The people of the Valley of Creation have been so pious for hundreds of years. Now that they know they have to go in and kowtow, they will become even crazier!

Last night, after all the believers left the statue, they consciously placed themselves at the end of the queue again, and the cycle continued endlessly.

The length of that long queue remained the same throughout the night!

Xiaozhi touched the back of his head and laughed helplessly:

"Well, I feel like that Arceus clone brother had a harder time last night."

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