He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2772 Brother Citron, it turns out you are also a rich man! ?

Officially arriving in Miare City, Xiaozhi and his team also introduced each other to Limone and Saliman.

Hearing that they were the royal siblings who were in the limelight recently, Limone rubbed his hands in excitement.

Originally, Saliman was planning to let Xiaozhi and others stay with them in the most luxurious hotel in the area.

"Why don't you live in our Prism Tower and let me do my part as a landlord?"

Citron invited, Miare City is technically his territory!

However, because this city is so important to the Kalos region, one of its gyms does not seem so important.

"Yes, come live in our Prism Tower. It's been a long time since I've been home!"

Yulijia also greeted warmly.

Although the Prism Tower is not as luxurious as the palace in Desert City... it is still an extremely famous building in the entire Kalos region.

"Prism Tower...it turns out to be Brother Citron's territory!"

"I've heard about this place for a long time...can we still live in it?!"

Hearing this, Saliman and Sara looked at each other, their faces gradually becoming excited.

For Carlos' trainers, Prism Tower is a rare holy place!

Living there is much more interesting than any luxury hotel!

So everyone made up their mind and set off towards the Prism Tower together.

Although the roads in Miare City are complicated... the Prism Tower is located in the center of the city and is the tallest building. It is very easy to identify. Just head towards this high-tech tower.

"It's really been a long time since I've been back~"

Xiaozhi was also observing the changes along the street, and sighed a few words from time to time.

In conjunction with the Alliance Conference that will start tomorrow, the entire city of Miare is now filled with tourists from out of town, and there are many places on the streets decorated with signs surrounding the Miare Conference.


Xiaozhi pressed his hat, somewhat confused.

These signs are only for the Miare Conference, but there is no conference for the strongest trainers behind it...it's really strange.

"It's not a big problem. I have already seen the announcement of the conference on the alliance's official website..."

Citron tilted his head and replied casually:

"It's probably because it's the first time it's held and it's not very famous, so we only publicized the Miare Conference."

However, the two games are seamlessly connected. The subsequent conference does not need much publicity. Everyone will naturally continue to watch after watching the league conference.

"Well, I hope there will be some incredible opponents...my blood is already starting to boil!"

Xiaozhi geared up, his eyes already filled with fighting spirit.

Unfortunately, he had to wait until Serena's game was completely over before he could play.


Side by side with him, Serena was also quietly looking around.

It was the first time she saw so many people gathered in Miare City, which made her a little nervous.

At this conference, her mother will also come to cheer her on.

Set a small goal first, and it will be considered a success if you reach the finals!

Soon, several people arrived at the bottom of the Prism Tower.

Since the conference has not officially started yet, the largest crowd gathered around this landmark building in Miare City. There was even a long queue outside. Many people were waiting to board the elevator and enter the Prism Tower for sightseeing.

It wasn't a big problem, Citron took a few people out the back door directly.

Zhi... click!

Through a burst of operation with his long-tailed monster's mechanical arm, a hidden mechanical door opened.

Then take the internal elevator and ascend to the height of the middle section of the Prism Tower...

The entire Prism Tower can be roughly divided into three areas.

The high-rise and top rooftops are public areas, and tourists can go up for sightseeing on their own.

"The bottom floor is where the Miare Gym is located...Sara, you will also challenge the Kalos Alliance next, so this is the place to come~!"

In the elevator, Citron introduced to several people.

Through the glass, you can see a huge indoor battle arena, and there seems to be a robot standing there...


Princess Sara swallowed her saliva and secretly made a note of this place.

"Then there is the middle area of ​​the Prism Tower, which is where we stay and rest every day~!"

As the elevator opened, Yulijia introduced to several people with an air of master.

She and her brother usually live here, with food, accommodation and entertainment, as well as some of Citron's laboratories and maintenance rooms.

Saliman was so amazed that he walked out of the elevator and went all the way to the edge of the floor. Here, through the huge wall window, he could also enjoy the view of the entire city of Miare.

He immediately gave Citron a thumbs up:

"Incredible...Brother Citron, it turns out you are also a rich man!"

The upper area is shared by everyone, while the middle and lower areas are completely private to Citron...it is also extremely luxurious!

"Haha, it's not that exaggerated. They are all the property of the Pokémon Alliance..."

Citron rubbed his head in embarrassment.

But when the Prism Tower was built, his father Limone put in a lot of effort... So it can be said that this Prism Tower is their family's property, barely?

"Welcome! Friends of Citron!"

At this time, a mechanical sound came from behind everyone, and a robot came over.

His shape is simple, but he has the same dull yellow hair as Citron on the top of his head.

Xitroit is the robot invented by Xitron to replace him in the gym challenge.

"Oh~Long time no see, Heroite!"

Xiaozhi waved and said hello. At first, this robot was violent and forced the Xitron brothers and sisters out.

Then he was rescued by himself and the Bubble Frog, and this is how the rest of the story unfolded...

"Welcome, Ash!"

Xitroit nodded towards Xiaozhi, obviously it also has enough hard drive size to accommodate these memories.

"Wow, robots... I've also wanted to buy some smart robots for a long time!"

Saliman was startled, but he made up his mind to arrange a few of them in his palace.

"Anyway, let Xitroit take you to the room to put your luggage first... If you have any requests, you can also tell Xitroit directly~"

Citron said with a smile.

Recently, there are matters related to the alliance conference, so the gym can be temporarily closed, but Hitroit is very leisurely.

But he is not idle.

I have to maintain and inspect the electrical facilities of the Prism Tower, monitor Zygarde on Yurika, and cheer for Ash and Serena...

We can only ask Hitroit to greet these friends!

"It's okay, we can just do it ourselves~we are all our own people."

Xiaozhi waved his hand, signaling Citron not to be too nervous.

Then they followed Xitroit into the inner hall, and each chose a room to put their luggage.

Citron and Yulijia already had their own rooms and were familiar with each other.

Xiaozhi and Suliman live in one room, while Serena and Sara live in another room...! (End of this chapter)

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