He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2806 Ending, mega evolution vs Z moves!

"Hehe, let's see how you can move even if your speed is gone! Alidos, missile needle!!"

Guzma was not polite and directly launched a continuous bombing offensive.

Alidos Spider raised its legs, and countless dense green spiked shells blasted out, carpet-bombing the area around the Lizard King.

This made the Lizard King barely dodge, and because of the remaining spider silk on his body, his movements were not as smooth as before.

"Stop hiding, attack directly, use Leaf Blade Slash!"

Rin Dou shouted immediately.

If my Lizard King can kill this Alidos now, then the situation will become 2v2 and I can still advance to the finals!

The Lizard King nodded and while dodging missile needles left and right, he raised his arms and two green sickles extended from his back.


However, before the Lizard King's leaf blade slashed out, Alidos had already turned into a bright yellow and purple stream of light, and hit the Lizard King's chest hard.

The force was so great that the Lizard King immediately flipped his head back, and his Leaf Blade Slashing move was destroyed on the spot.

Guzma showed no mercy, beckoned and shouted:

"Finish it once and for all! Cross Poison Blade!"

At this moment, the distance between the two Pokémon has shortened. Alidos immediately lifted the two spider legs in front of him and crossed them, which were also covered with dangerous poisonous purple light.

Crack! !

The cross poison blade struck the Lizard King's chest hard again, sending him flying hard!

Outstanding effect!


When the Lizard King landed on the ground again, his neck tilted and his red tongue stuck out.

"Lizard King, lost the ability to fight!"

The Ghost Sword referee immediately said loudly.

Now, the semi-finals have reached a crucial match point, and Rinto has only one Pokémon left.

"Damn it, this guy really doesn't give him any chance!"

Lin Dou couldn't help but feel anxious, especially since Guzma on the opposite side always showed a provocative and disdainful look, making him eager to defeat the opponent.

But the more urgent it was, the greater the negligence of the commander, which gave Guzma an opportunity to take advantage of.

"Hey hurry up, this is a boring battle, let me destroy your last Pokémon and then you can get off work~"

Guzma on the opposite side was still uttering provocative words, but as soon as the Ghost Sword referee made a move to move closer, he immediately stopped talking.

Generally speaking, trash talk is allowed in the arena.

But we cannot always say that when the referee's bottom line is touched, a yellow card warning will be issued at any time.

Guzma has already received a yellow card, so he can't talk too much trash now, otherwise he will be directly awarded a loss by the referee and leave the field with a red card.

This made Rin Dou even more angry, and he could only let himself breathe heavily in an effort to calm down.

"The next one is the mega Elledor, right?"

In the stands, Xiaozhi was looking forward to it.

Beside her, Serena couldn't help but wonder:

"Say Rinto player can use mega evolution, can the opposite Guzma player also use it? Mega armored warrior or something?"

Citron gave the explanation:

"No, mega evolution is only popular in our Kalos region, and each region has its own popular and good mechanics. Well, in the Alola region, it should be something called Z-move!"

Everyone around them had blank expressions as if they were hearing about it for the first time, and could only nod in confusion.

Still, Citron, you read a lot!

In other words, maybe we can see Alola’s Z-move later?

"Z move.?"

Xiaozhi blinked and remembered something in his mind.

The most profound impression on him in the Alola region was the powerful Royal Masked Man Le. At that time, the opponent seemed to have used the Z move, right?

A one-time burst, using one move to unleash all the power

Compared with the mega evolution of continuous combat and improvement of overall abilities, can it be said that they are two completely opposite combat mechanisms?

He cheered up and was curious about the development of the next game.

"In the end, it's up to you, Eluredo!!"

Rin Dou had already calmed down, so naturally the last one he sent was Elle Duo.

And as soon as he appeared, he raised his hand and used mega evolution!


A dazzling light rose, and the hand sword of Elledo, who had completed the mega evolution, became more powerful, and a heroic cloak appeared on his back.

Facing the spider silk spewed out by Alidos again, Mega Elledor immediately punched out.


The fist ignited a flame, and the flames swept out with the fist, easily burning all the spider silk.

Don't look at the slender hand knife on the back of Mega Elledo's hand.

But as a fighting Pokémon, it is not only good at cutting moves, it is also very good at boxing moves.

"Full poison blade!!"

Facing the poisonous blade that Alidos struck again, Mega Elleduo jumped up with extremely fast movement. While dodging the poisonous blade, his figure had already reached the top of Alidos' head.

"Now, Fire Fist!"

The next moment, Mega Eluredo's fists ignited flames at the same time, and he punched down hard.

Boom boom! !

In an instant, Alidos was smashed into the ground, the surrounding earth and rocks collapsed, and the latter's body was ignited with high-temperature flames.

Outstanding effect!

One blow decided the winner.

"Hmph mega evolution!"

For the first time, Guzma's expression was a little more fearful.

The most famous battle system in the Kalos region is indeed not built.

"Then come on, armored warrior! Destroy the mega evolution for me!!"

Guzma bypassed the penultimate Pokémon and sent his ace general directly.

"A head-on blow!"

And as soon as he appeared on the stage, he hit Elleduo hard in the chest with a strong head-on blow, knocking him back several meters.

"Thunder Fist!!"

However, Mega Eluredo's strength was not inferior to that of the armored warrior, so he swung a lightning punch with his backhand and hit the armored warrior's chest hard.

The electric current surged, and the armored warrior also retreated several meters.

Outstanding effect!

"The water breaks!!"

"Spiritual Blade!"

The next moment, the two Pokémon performed fierce slashing moves at the same time, and the energy blades condensed by the water flow and super powers slashed at each other.

Bang bang! ! Bang bang! !

They slashed at each other several times within a few seconds, and with bursts of metal explosions, the two retreated backwards at the same time.

"How is it possible?! My Elledor has evolved to mega, and its power has not overwhelmed the opponent yet?!"

Rin Dou had a look of panic on his face.

"Humph, there are many things you can't think of."

Guzma sneered, then suddenly raised his hands and made strange gestures on the spot.

Two hands shaking left and right as if dancing tropical hula?

But as the movement settled, a strange power was injected into the armored warrior in front of him.

In an instant, countless water streams condensed all over the body of the armored warrior, twisting and spinning on the surface of the body, and finally it rushed forward with all its strength.

Wow! !

When it collided with Mega Elledo, the center of the two stirred up an exaggerated water tornado, rising into the sky and engulfing everything.

Z move, super water whirlpool! (End of chapter)

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