He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3025 The battle continues, the two are equally matched!

"Please, ice and snow dragon!"

Facing Guzma's unique weapon King Centipede, Serena chose to send in her own fossil Pokémon.


The heavy figure of the ice and snow dragon fell, and the ground made a muffled sound, and its own snowfall characteristics caused heavy snow to fall in the sky.

This was the first time Serena saw a Pokémon like Centipede King, and she quickly took out the illustrated book:

"King Centipede is a Pokémon from the Unova region. It has insect and poison attributes and a very aggressive personality. It will chase enemies with agile movements. The horns on its head and the claws on its neck can inject dangerous venom into the target. .”

Serena quickly put away the illustrated book. This was a dangerous Pokémon.

"But since it is an insect-type ice and snow dragon, use the original power!"

She tried to use attribute restraint to open up the situation.

Facing several huge stones thrown by the giant ice and snow dragon, Guzma calmly responded:

"Round! Then roll!"

King Centipede immediately curled up his body. From the outside, it looked like it had turned into a thick tire, with a red-purple hard shell with strange patterns on the outside.

Whoosh! !

After becoming round, the defense power was increased, and then the Centipede King began to rotate. The considerable destructive power instantly smashed all the original power, and even rolled away in the direction of the ice and snow dragon!

After turning into a circle and then connecting with the rolling moves, this is a classic combination punch. The effect of the former can double the power of the rolling.

"Use the reflective wall to block it!"

Serena waved and shouted, and the ice and snow dragon quickly formed a transparent barrier in front of it, and forcibly launched the Centipede King's tire-rolling body away.

"It's not over yet, keep using scroll!!"

Guzma shouted loudly, as long as the Centipede King's curled up posture is not untied, the power of rolling can be superimposed layer by layer!


Even after leaving and coming back, the Centipede King who rolled and collided with it also lit up with a sharp red light, which made the latter rotate faster!

"It's the acceleration characteristic!"

In the stands, Xiaozhi recognized him immediately and blurted out.

His flame chicken has the acceleration characteristic, which is very familiar. The acceleration characteristic will continue with each round of battle, and its own speed will also increase accordingly. It is definitely an extremely dangerous characteristic!

"Frozen light!!"

Serena was trying to interrupt King Centipede's increasingly stronger rolling offensive.

Rock-type moves are not only effective against King Centipede, but also pose a fatal threat to your own Ice and Snow Dragon.

Zhi! Zhi! !

Several shots of freezing light were dodged by the extremely fast Centipede King, and a few icicles condensed on the ground in vain.

With the blessing of acceleration characteristics, King Centipede's movements became more and more flexible, and only a high-speed rotating purple-red afterimage could be seen on the field.


Gritting her teeth, Serena shouted out her ultimate move.

The gradient flesh fins on the neck of the ice and snow dragon kept fluttering, and in an instant a violent wind and snow blew up, covering the entire arena, and everything on the surface was covered with a layer of ice shell.

It's just that the power of the blizzard has been dispersed. At this moment, it can no longer freeze the Centipede King after rolling 3 or 4 times.


There was only a sound of ice breaking, and the purple-red tire body of the Centipede King suddenly broke free from the blizzard, speeding all the way on the ice arena, and crashed straight into the ice and snow dragon.

Even after the reflection wall is weakened, the power of this rolling shot is definitely not weak!

Phew! !

In the end, King Centipede slammed into the ice and snow dragon's face, and the rolling force directly pushed it to slide several meters on the ice.

Outstanding effect!

"The poisonous attack is not over yet!!"

Guzma shouted fiercely. The moment King Centipede released his rolling posture, the two curved sharp horns on his head were covered with poisonous purple light, and he stabbed the ice and snow dragon's chest hard!


After being hit hard continuously, the huge body of the ice and snow dragon collapsed and lost consciousness on the spot.

"The ice and snow dragon has lost its ability to fight!"

The strength gap between the two sides in this final was not as big as imagined. One person played each game without giving in.

Of course, Guzma's advantage is even greater now. This centipede king has already gone through three levels of acceleration characteristics. Even with only four short legs underneath, it is still incredibly fast.

"Have a good rest for now, Ice and Snow Dragon, and then you! Tanabata Blue Bird!"

Serena took a deep breath and sent the Tanabata Blue Bird up with her backhand.

Of course, it was not to complete the "bird eats the worm", but to shout out the moment he appeared on stage:

"Qixi Bluebird, use Blow Up!"

The Tanabata Blue Bird spread its cotton wings and blew out a cyclone with strange power. Although it had no power, it forcibly blew King Centipede into a beam of red light and forced it back into the Poké Ball.

There is no need to fight against opponents whose acceleration characteristics have been increased.

The next time you face this centipede king, you must fight quickly and not give the latter a chance to speed up!

On the other side, uncontrollably, a Poké Ball from Guzma's waist automatically bounced away.


This time it was a large, colorful spider crawling on the ground, with slender legs and grimace-like patterns on the back of its abdomen.

It is the classic villain Pokémon from the Johto region, Alidos.

Serena's eyes lit up and she immediately attacked quickly, not giving Guzma time to change Pokémon:

"Qixi Blue Bird, use Storm!!"

The Tanabata Blue Bird flapped its wings vigorously for the first time. This time, the fierce hurricane blew out and swept the entire audience. Even Guzma, who was at the back, could only passively stand still and unconsciously raised the palm of his hand holding the Poké Ball. Protect yourself from the wind in front of your eyes.

"Damn this woman, why are you targeting the trainer?!"

Guzma let out a low scolding, and even Alidos in the center of the arena was restrained by the storm, making it difficult to move.

In the somewhat hazy hurricane, a dazzling light suddenly rose from the sky. The Tanabata Blue Bird then entered its mega evolution, and its momentum began to rise!

"Alidos, use sludge bomb!"

Taking advantage of the opponent's mega evolution, Storm's restrictions were finally lifted, and Guzma immediately launched a counterattack.

Alidos half-raised his body and threw the poisonous energy ball condensed in his mouth into the air.

The Tanabata Blue Bird, which has become a fairy attribute, is also restrained by the poison attribute in terms of attributes.

"Hmm the power of the moon!"

However, after Mega evolved, Serena's confidence greatly increased and she immediately faced it head-on with confidence.

The mega Tanabata bluebird spreads its wings, and the pink air bomb condensed above its head is more powerful than the sludge bomb!

The two energy bombs collided diagonally in mid-air. The power of the moon violently shattered the sludge bomb from the middle, and then threw it towards Alidos.

Boom boom! !

The moonburst successfully hit the target, and a burst of pink mist exploded near Alidos, which was extremely powerful.

However, the effect is average.

Alidos was not blown over and retracted his spider legs ()

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