He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 279: The Birth of the Magic Wall Puppet

"Thank you, Auntie Huazi, for your hospitality. Then we will go back first. Let Xiaozhi's affairs be on our shoulders. We will definitely be rescued."

After a full meal, the three of Xiaogang and the group leader Ajin bid farewell to them, planning to go back to the circus camp before making any plans.

"Hehe, there's no need to worry about Xiaozhi..."

Huazi said cheerfully, and after watching everyone leave, she slowly returned to the house, her expression full of joy.

"It seems that Xiaozhi has made a group of good friends, so I can rest assured."

She used to think that with Xiaozhi's stunned personality, she would suffer if she went out, but now seeing such reliable Xiaogang and Xiaoxia, her eyes were full of comfort.

"The people of Zhenxin Town are simple and honest, and they are all good people~~"

Hanako hummed a country tune and began to clean up the pots and pans.

After a while, a knock on the door interrupted her movements. Huazi wondered if Xiaogang and the others forgot to bring something back and opened the door.

In the eyes, it is a pink and white humanoid Pokémon with a cute face, but it is a magic wall doll.

"Ah, isn't this Xiaozhi? I just said you'll be fine."

Hanako was overjoyed when she saw this, and immediately gave the magic wall doll a big hug, and greeted him beamingly to come in.

I haven't seen you for a few months, why do you feel that the hard muscles on your arms are gone?


The magic wall puppet was a little confused, but the woman in front of her was not malicious in her demeanor and movements, but was very friendly, which made her not want to resist or run away.

That's right, the magic wall doll in front of me is a real magic wall doll, and it is the one that Xiaozhi and his party first met before.

"What's the matter~ I haven't been home for several months, are you embarrassed?"

Hanako pulled him to the living room with a smile, and just happened to have leftovers from the meal just now, so she directly poured him a large bowl of curry rice plus, the rice bowl was the size of three human heads.

Eating, this is the best way to shorten the distance between mother and child.

"Let's go~!"

The magic wall puppet's eyes brightened, and saliva appeared at the corner of its mouth.

As a wild Pokémon, there is always a life without a meal. The curry rice is delicious, how can I resist the temptation, pick up a spoon on the spot and plan it fiercely, every bite, the intimacy with Hanako will be +1 .

+1, +1, +1...

After eating a big bowl of curry rice, its intimacy with Hanako reached the highest 255.

"Although it's a bit strange, this idiot looks like Xiaozhi~"

Hanako looked at the magic wall puppet feasting with a smile on her face, as nervous as she was, she didn't think much about it, and by the way, she called Xiaogang and the others to keep them safe.

Zhigui, don't panic.

"Let's go~"

After eating, the magic wall puppet lay back and burped. Seeing that Hanako had already taken the bowls and chopsticks to the sink to wash, she quickly moved over and signaled for it to wash.

"Ah~ Why is Xiaozhi so polite today~?"

Huazi suddenly laughed like a flower, thinking that Xiaogang and Xiaoxia were acting as a role model, but she never thought that Zeng Jin's lazy dog, Xiaozhi, would take the initiative to help with housework.

A sense of sadness that the baby bird had grown up and left the nest flooded Hanako's heart unconsciously.

grown up...

In another eight years, he will reach the legal age of marriage, so it seems that time is running out, and it is time to find a marriage for Xiao Zhi.

The blue girl next door is pretty nice, cute and looks like me...

Xiaoxia who came this time is also good...

Xiaogang is also very reliable...


"Mom, I'm back~!"

A violent and irritable knock on the door interrupted Hanako's thoughts. The way of knocking on the door sounded very familiar, and the voice was even more familiar, as if...

Is it my own silly son...?

Hanako stared in bewilderment at the magic wall doll who was still washing the dishes, then went to open the door, and saw another magic wall doll.

It's just that this kind of magic wall doll is only wearing the doll clothes of the lower body, but the headgear has been taken off. At this moment, the head on the neck is her silly son.

"Ah~ Xiaozhi? Welcome home~!"

The nervous Hanako immediately gave Xiaozhi a big hug.

At this time, the magic wall puppet who had finished washing the dishes inside noticed the movement, poked its head out from the kitchen, and Xiaozhi recognized it instantly.

"Ah, it's you, that wild magic wall puppet that escaped!! It even ran to my house!"

"Let's go~"

The magic wall puppet was startled, and quickly hid behind Hanako, only then did the latter know the whole story.

This is really a magic wall puppet.

Hanako nodded her chin and muttered:

"I just said why Xiaozhi suddenly became sensible. It turned out that I was being sentimental, so it's okay."


Xiaozhi has a straightforward temper, and immediately wants to capture the magic wall doll and hand it over to Ajin, and pulls out an elf ball with his backhand.

"Wait for Xiaozhi, Captain Ajin has decided not to capture the new magic wall doll, and plans to retrain her one." Hanako quickly interrupted Xiaozhi's movements, and continued:

"And today's performance, you are already a great benefactor of their circus, there is no need to continue to catch Pokémon for them~"

Xiaozhi's character is straightforward and just, and he likes to fight against injustices. This is Hanako's favorite character.

But too much meddling to help is not only meaningless, but also encourages the other party's mentality of getting something for nothing, which is what Hanako doesn't like.

Don't look at her indifferent appearance, but she doesn't want her son to work for someone without a brain.

"All right..."

Seeing this, Xiaozhi had no choice but to lower his palm, expressing that his mother understood a little today.

"Hee hee, then you can lend me the poke ball~"

Then Hanako took Xiaozhi's elf ball and looked at the magic wall doll hiding behind her.

"Little Devil~ Would you like to live with me~"

Hanako has already given it a cute nickname.

Xiaozhi's father is not at home all the year round, and Xiaozhi will also be like this in nine out of ten times in the future. Although he only met for a short time, this magic wall doll gave Hanako a feeling of relatives, sensible and polite, which made Hanako very fond of it.

"Let's go~!"

The magic wall puppet's eyes brightened immediately, without any hesitation, he slapped the poke ball immediately, and when he pressed the poke ball button, it turned into a red light in Xiaozhi's shocked eyes, without even shaking, the poke ball was successfully subdued.

This is the effect of full intimacy.

"Huh? Is this how Pokémon are subdued now?"

Xiaozhi scratched his head, feeling that he had been in vain for the past few months.

"Come out, little devil~"

Huazi released it backhandedly, and the two happily embraced each other, then looked at Xiaozhi at the same time.

"Xiaozhi, you have a younger brother, quickly call him younger brother~"

"Let's go~"

Xiaozhi: "..."



That night.

On the other side, many tents of the circus have been dismantled, and they plan to go to the Fangyuan area for a performance in two months.

Ajin fed the fat magic wall puppet to eat chicken legs, hesitation and sadness flashed in his eyes, but finally turned into fierceness, muttering in his mouth:

"It's me who hurt you...Tonight is the last night, let you have a good meal for the last time, but starting tomorrow I will train you seriously."

Doting, Ajin was completely scared.

From now on, she will not show any sympathy, she must let it stand on the stage again!

"Let's go~"

The fat magic wall puppet was sweating profusely, with an ugly expression on its face, but it still ate the chicken leg, wondering what was going on in its mind.


late at night.

The lights of the tent were turned off, and the magic wall puppet slowly got up, looked at Ajin who was sleeping next to him, hesitated in his heart, and finally walked out of the tent lightly.

I saw it come to a corner where no one was there, staring at the starry sky above its head, put its palms into its pockets, and slowly took out two things.

Lighter, cigarettes.


The obese magic wall puppet lit a cigarette and took a puff, exhaling a cloud of smoke, with skillful movements.

"Hey, I'd better run away..."

He spit out human language.

Yes, he is a human being.

Half a month ago, because he coveted the beauty of the head of the group, Ajin, he took care of his heart, and after killing the big star magic wall doll, he changed into a doll suit and pretended to sneak into the circus.

From then on, not only did he have no worries about food and clothing, but he could even sleep with the big beauty Ajin in his arms at night, which can be described as a fairyland on earth.

But from now on, Ajin probably won't indulge him like this again, and now he has to run!

Then he reached out and grabbed his headgear, trying to take off the doll's headgear and throw it away.


Why can't I take it off?

Profuse sweat fell down again and again, and he immediately pulled out the hood with all his strength, and a terrible idea appeared in his mind, and then he desperately tore at the doll costume on his body.

"Hiss...it hurts!" He let out a miserable cry.

Why? !

Why do you feel like you're tearing your own skin when you're just tearing off the doll's clothes?

The neck seems to be connected together, it can't be separated at all...

Why does the hood on his head look like his real head at this moment?

Extreme fear appeared in the depths of his heart, and he was so anxious that he rolled crazily on the ground, screaming hoarsely, and kept tearing at the doll costumes on his body.

There is no broken fabric, but blood is continuously flowing out of the clothing...

"What's the matter, magic wall puppet?"

At this time, a female voice came from behind, it was Ajin, the head of the circus.

He was overjoyed when he saw this, and quickly opened his mouth, trying to speak human language to Ajin for help.

"Wait, oh, oh, oh, oh?!"

Unexpectedly, it was obviously the pronunciation of human language, but at this moment the exit turned into the cry of Pokémon.

He hadn't spoken human language for more than half a month, and coupled with the extreme fear in his heart at the moment, he couldn't speak human words at all, so he could only grab his throat and express an expression of extreme fear.

"Oh~ Are you scared by what I said before..."

Ajin's expression changed suddenly, he had already raised the long whip in his hand, sneered, and then swung the long whip in the air, hitting the body of the magic wall puppet, leaving a terrible red mark.

"I've said it before, I won't show any sympathy in the future!"

Immediately afterwards, the long whip flicked again, turning into a spirit snake and wrapping around the neck of the magic wall puppet, making it difficult to breathe, Ajin turned his back and dragged it back to the training tent, his body rubbed against the ground, bloody and bloody.

Ajin turned his head abruptly again, and that beautiful face came close to the magic wall puppet, his eyes widened, full of fanaticism.

"Magic Wall Puppet, believe me!! I will definitely let you stand on stage again!!"

Then another whip hit the magic wall puppet.

"Don't think about running away from me!!!"


Fear has made the magic wall puppet completely lose the ability to speak human words, and its fat body trembles in front of Ajin.

Today, a new magic wall puppet was born in the world...

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