He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3069 AZ and the source of everything!

Xiaozhi was looking at Mewtwo, and the latter was also looking at Xiaozhi doubtfully.

"This human?"

Chaomeng couldn't help but frowned. This human aura felt very familiar to him, and he seemed to have encountered it many times.


Even thinking about it carefully, Chaomeng's head suddenly shrank and hurt, as if it had awakened some strange memory.

"What on earth have I seen with this human before?!"

Not in Pokémon Village, but earlier. When was that?

For a time, Chaomeng was completely immersed in his heart, looking for memories of the past.

As for the ancient giant, the ultimate weapon

It was none of his business in the first place, so Chaomeng simply put it behind him.

After seeing the newly arrived Xiaozhi, AZ nodded to the latter and continued to speak slowly.

If this memory is not told, maybe even he himself will be forgotten in the endless years, right?

"I used to be a king of Kalos? I was the one who invented the final weapon!"

After hearing AZ's words, Vladali's expression changed.

He remembered the records left by his ancestors. In fact, Vladali's direct ancestor in the third thousand years was the second king of that generation.

The first king was the elder brother of the ancestor.

The historical materials of his ancestors that Fradali saw were actually recorded and passed down by his younger brother later.

According to the records of the second king three thousand years ago, his elder brother was a man of superior intelligence, with talents and skills far beyond that of his time. He even single-handedly created the ultimate weapon, which was also called "the tool of God" by his younger brother. .

"And the purpose of my invention of the ultimate weapon was not to attack anyone but to resurrect my Pokémon."

Speaking of this, AZ was silent for a moment, and his face couldn't help but become sad.

During the Carlos War three thousand years ago, he lost his beloved Huayedi, so he racked his brains and invented the ultimate weapon to resurrect Huayedi.

In the end, Huayedi successfully came back from the dead.

The extra energy even acted on Huayedi and him, giving the pair of humans and Pokémon eternal life!


Xiaozhi couldn't help but be shocked. Did he hear such outrageous things as soon as he came up? !

Are there machines that can resurrect people, or even live forever?

By the way, many people below seemed to have been resurrected just now!

"It's just that the cost of using the final weapon far exceeded my expectations. Just for the lives of me and Huayedi, the final weapon has taken away the lives of thousands of innocent Pokémon!"

AZ shook his head sadly. At that time, everyone was saying that the final weapon was a "god's tool".

But for this cost of loss, it’s not a big deal at all!

After being infused with the energy of the ultimate weapon, Huayedi, who was resurrected from the dead, also possesses emotions comparable to those of humans.

After knowing that in order to resurrect herself, Huayidi sacrificed so many innocent creatures, she was also very disappointed with AZ and chose to leave her trainer.

"I was completely crazy then, just like you are now, Fradali!"

AZ looked at the junior in front of him, sighed sadly, and said slowly:

"I blamed Huayedi's departure on both parties involved in the war, so I activated the final weapon again and destroyed everything."

After that, he was in great pain because he could no longer find Huayedi, but he could not wish to die, so he could only wander aimlessly in the land of Carlos.

Three thousand years have passed, and even AZ doesn't know why he wants to live in this world.

Not long ago, Team Flare dug out the final weapon again, which, like telepathy, also awakened AZ's memory.

"This machine can no longer be used!"

So AZ made up his mind not to let anyone start the machine again!

He even threw himself into a trap and specifically asked Team Flare's people to lock him in a cell adjacent to the machine.

"While I gained eternal life, my strength was also greatly enhanced. I have never shown it in front of you, Team Flare."

In the next AZ, taking advantage of the lax defense of the secret base in Shixiang Town, he used his great strength to break free from the shackles and prison cell.

Even some of the soldiers left behind in the secret base were knocked unconscious.

Fradali, who focused all his attention on Miare City and prepared to fight with all his strength, did not leave any interested subordinates in Shixiang Town.

This made it easy for AZ to reach the storage room of the final weapon.

He was a tech geek, and he could clearly see the working mechanism of the machine in the final weapon room at a glance, so he took advantage of the trick and changed the destructive attack of the final weapon into healing and resurrection!

Then even if the machine is started again, the attack will only be healing and will not cause any harm to the living body.

"As for the red and black giant egg"

Although AZ did not know Yveltal, the Y-god, he could see the surging power contained in the dome, and it also exuded an extremely ominous aura.

The dome will burst out of its cocoon at any time, and it will probably violently attack all surrounding creatures.

Therefore, AZ did not cut off the energy output port of the final weapon, and directly allowed the latter to absorb the dangerous energy contained in the dome, preventing the dome from successfully breaking out of the cocoon.

If the black and red dome originally contained 150% of the energy, now 100% has been drained away, leaving 50% of the energy remaining, which will not cause any life-threatening harm to the unknown Pokémon inside.

After the events 3,000 years ago, AZ attaches great importance to life.

Not long ago, the final weapon was officially launched to heal and resurrect the entire city.

"I see"

Xiaozhi and Kaluni nodded blankly.

Although the process sounds a bit mysterious,


Fradali, who was listening simultaneously throughout the whole process, had already completely broken through the defense.

"Damn it, so all my plans were ruined because of you?"

His eyes were split open, and he shouted in anger. After all, his plan was ruined by the ancestor he admired!

If AZ hadn't temporarily modified the program of the final weapon, this place would have been a living hell now!

"Damn it, even if you are really my ancestor, you are absolutely unforgivable!!"

Fradali struggled wildly, cursing with all his strength.

Team Flare, which he has carefully planned for many years, and the new Carlos who will be reborn in the future


The next moment, there was a low shout, and Gardevoir had released circles of hypnotic beams, completely covering Vladali.

The latter's furious face gradually calmed down until he closed his eyes.

"This time, I can't let you mess around again, Fradali"

Kaluni's face turned cold and she said slowly.

This person is too dangerous. Knock him out first!

Even the Pikachu next to him followed suit, throwing out an electromagnetic wave to create a double stun of sleep + paralysis! ()

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