He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 288 Xiaozhi vs Xiaomao!

The figures of the two were approaching quickly, and when they were less than one meter apart, they leaped high at the same time, lowered their heads, and slammed their heads into each other.


There was a clanging sound of collision, and the force spread to the surroundings with ripple energy, and Pikachu and Eevee also retreated from the midair at the same time, both taking a few steps back.

Ibrahimovic took four steps back, but Pikachu took five steps back, which was slightly inferior.

Different from Xiao Mao's secretly complacent, Xiao Zhi's expression changed on the spot.

"How can it be!?"

Although Pikachu is mediocre in terms of strength, if the opponent is also such a petite Pokémon, Pikachu is absolutely impossible to fall behind.

Is this Ibrahimovic a Hercules?


Ibrahimovic screamed triumphantly, showing his white teeth, while Pikachu on the opposite side frowned.

"Have you seen my strength? This is the difference between a senior trainer and a miscellaneous fish trainer." Xiaomao waved his finger, and then attacked again:

"Eevee, use high-speed stars!"


Ibrahimovic jumped up on the spot, his body twirled in the air, and dozens of light yellow energy stars condensed on his big tail. When he landed, he swung his body violently, and all the high-speed stars flew away.


The high-speed stars came lasing, extremely fast, and the sound of piercing the sky penetrated people.

Losing the opportunity at the beginning, Xiaozhi didn't dare to be careless at the moment, and quickly instructed:

"Pikachu, get out of the way!"


Pikachu immediately landed on his forelegs, and ran quickly on the grassland, sprinting from the side to avoid the high-speed stars in front of him.

Unexpectedly, these energy stars seem to have their own intelligence, they missed the target, they went back and forth, and then turned back again, and once again quickly skipped towards Pikachu.


The high-speed stars left yellow phantoms in the mid-air, dragging their long tails and quickly chasing Pikachu, launching a fast chasing race on the grassland.

This is a sure-to-hit skill with its own navigation function.


Seeing that Pikachu's movements were about to be overtaken by the energy stars behind him, and it would be futile to waste his energy if he continued to dodge, Xiaozhi immediately changed his strategy and shouted:

"Pikachu, then destroy them all with the steel tail!!"


Pikachu suddenly brightened, it doesn't like to dodge, what it wants is this kind of domineering, smashing everything!

The high-speed star was already approaching, and its running figure suddenly shifted sharply, its limbs even dragged a long black shadow of a ravine on the grassland, and the stepped tail was covered with a layer during the shift. With the bright metallic light, the body follows this drifting inertia, and the tail sweeps out immediately!

Iron Tail! !

"Keng!! Keng!! Keng!!!"

The sound of metal shattering continuously came from the tail, intercepting and colliding all the high-speed stars, and the latter were shattered in front of the steel, leaving only a faint brilliance.

And Pikachu was also forced by this force to retreat several meters in a row, and landed in front of a fence on the edge of the grassland, with a drop of sweat dripping from his forehead, obviously the force was not light.

"So strong..."

Xiaozhi looked at the Ibrahimovic who was ready to go from a distance, and his brows were also wrinkled.

The power of this flash of lightning is outrageous, why is the power of high-speed stars so outrageous now?

"Didi. Eevee's characteristic: adaptability. When using skills that match its own attributes, its strength will increase a lot."

The waist illustration book reminded in time.

In other words, when Ibrahimovic uses general attribute skills, the power will get an increase.

Of course, there are individual differences in this growth rate, but the growth rate of this Ibrahimovic is really not weak.

"How about it~ Awesome, my Ibrahimovic? Ibrahimovic deserves to be the protagonist Pokémon. Look at your Pikachu's characteristics again? Thick fat or lazy? Hahaha!! Ranked third is flattering Right?! You can’t make up for the void, be careful that you’ll pass out one day~”

Xiaomao is still using words to break Xiaozhi's Dao heart.

These words made Xiao Zhi speechless, his own Pikachu's characteristics were indeed metaphysical, too riddles.

It is said to be static electricity, but it has not been triggered so far.

It is said that it is a lightning rod, but it has always been a pirated lightning rod with its feet off the ground and its tail, and it has never really ignored any electrical attribute skills.

But this interruption also made Xiaozhi calm down a little. It's not scary that the opponent is strong, but the fear is that he doesn't know why the opponent is strong.

Now that I know...

Xiaozhi pressed his hat, his eyes flashed with arrogance and fighting spirit again, and with a wave of his thumb, he said the most familiar instruction.

"Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!!"


That's right, in front of Pikachu's housekeeping skills, don't fix these bells and whistles!

Being suppressed one after another, Pikachu was already a little upset. Immediately, he clenched his small fists in front of him to accumulate power, and an electric current burst out from his cheeks to envelop his whole body. Finally, this violent electric pulse turned into an extremely powerful electric snake and shot away.


The 100,000 volts of power is terrifying. It just flew in mid-air along the way, and even split the grassland on the ground into a long ravine.

"A hundred thousand volts so strong..."

The electric light shone on Xiaomao's handsome face, and even he couldn't help being shocked by the powerful current pulse.

But soon, his head was slightly lowered, but the corners of his mouth were raised again, his eyes half closed, he looked at the rushing electric current in front of him as if he was looking at prey, and even licked his lips.

"But now, it's mine...Ibrahimovic, use it to follow suit!!"

After saying that, Ibrahimovic raised his head high, his face was sly, and in his purple-black pupils, no matter it was Pikachu's movements or the trajectory of the electric current, he quickly skipped over them and memorized them by heart.


In the next moment, Ibrahimovic heard a loud cry, and the familiar electric light exploded on his body!

Its tan body also suddenly erupted with a burst of electric fire, which turned into an equally violent electric pulse, and shot towards the front.

Follow suit—one hundred thousand volts! !

Xiaomao's eyes were fierce, what he was waiting for was Pikachu's unique skill of guarding the gate!


This time, the fierce electric light also shone on Xiaozhi's face, making him startled for a moment, but he calmed down soon.

Hmph, although it does have some tricks, but it's just an instant copy, this level of one hundred thousand volts is absolutely impossible to stop Pikachu's Nine Heavens Thunder!

Resilience does not add to the imitation of 100,000 volts!

In the next second, his expression froze.


The two 100,000 volts from opposite sources collided without any hindrance, and kept striking back and forth in a stalemate. They were evenly matched! !

"How can it be!?"

Xiaozhi immediately widened his eyes and blurted out.

This is impossible! How could the 100,000 volts that are being learned and sold now be able to block his own Pikachu! ?


One hundred thousand volts is not a skill with stable energy. It exploded within a few seconds of the stalemate, and the energy exploded in the center of the handover. people swallow it...


"My grandson, Xiao Mao, has really grown up a lot..."

After a set of operations, even the well-informed Dr. Oki couldn't help but praise again and again, and finally remembered his grandson's name.

"Dr. Oki, why is Ibrahimovic's 100,000 volts equal to Pikachu's?"

Taking advantage of this gap, Xiao Gang, who was watching beside him, hurriedly asked.

Even as witty as he is, he still can't figure out which floor Xiao Mao is on.

"Hehe, the old man is not sure..." Dr. Oki fanned the black smoke in front of him, and said with a smile:

"But a Pokémon like Ibrahimovic has genes with multiple attributes, everything is possible..."

Generally speaking, imitating one hundred thousand volts is a single electrical attribute skill, and it will not react with adaptability.

But for the blessed Ibrahimovic, maybe the one hundred thousand volts imitated can also trigger its adaptability?

Dr. Oki looked at the end of the black smoke, looked at Xiaomao's vigorous face, and couldn't help smiling, full of relief.

It seems that it is not luck, but has been prepared for a long time...

Immediately afterwards, Dr. Oki looked at the other end of the black smoke, smiled again at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were full of expectation.

"Then, how will you fight against it next? Xiaozhi."

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