He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 294 Fish Killer, Garlic Bastard!


Froggrass nodded in satisfaction.

That's right, it is now to use the most powerful skills to make everyone focus on themselves, and then...

I saw Froggrass climbing out two rattan whips, pulled them out, hugged the horned goldfish that had woken up leisurely, and held it high.


Froggrass let out a low growl, signaling to everyone that the horned goldfish still has a little HP, and it was Mary Luli who saved her life! !

This is a pointless dispute!

This backyard is a peaceful backyard, everyone is good friends, don't fight.

Froggrass is a peace-loving Pokémon, and it wants to use this peaceful way to persuade fights.

Everyone was stunned by this action, even Xiaozhi and his team stared blankly at the drowning horned goldfish in midair, the air seemed to be stiff.

This does not seem to be trying to persuade a fight.

Should be adding fuel to the fire...?

"Froggrass, you...hey..."

In the middle of speaking, Xiaozhi decisively took a step back with his friends, expressing that they were not familiar with this garlic bastard.

Frog Grass: "?"

It's a little confused, and it doesn't understand why everyone has such a face.


At this time, there was a wailing sound from above, which seemed to be accompanied by extremely strong pain. After a while, the horned goldfish that was lifted high passed out like this.

Originally, there was still 1 point of hp, but it has been completely wiped out at this moment.

And the perpetrator is the rattan whip of the frog grass.

Even the grass under your feet can become a flying knife. The high rattan whip of the frog grass is no different from a strong whip to the horned goldfish.

In other words, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Froggrass imposed the death penalty on this drowning horned goldfish.

Everyone: "..."

In the next moment, the gazes of the twenty or thirty Pokémon became sharper, all pointing at the froggrass holding a dead body high on the bank.

It turns out that you are the culprit who caused this fight! !


Froggrass was stunned, and blurted out a cry, the first transliteration and free translation became the same meaning.


Faced with dozens of sharp chills, the Kami turtle next to him took a step across and stood in front of the frog grass. The bald head on the top of his head was more shiny than his sunglasses.

It turned its head, the corners of its mouth curled up, showing Froggrass a handsome side face, its eyes could not be seen clearly under the sharp-framed sunglasses.

"Grass... (hxd...)"

Looking at the back of the resolute terrapin in front of him, as if he was going to risk the world's displeasure, and one against ten, Froggrass couldn't help but feel a sore nose and mouth, and was very moved.

Only at critical moments can the essence of a Pokémon be recognized.

From today, Kami Turtle is my brother!


Kamigui suddenly took off the sharp-framed sunglasses on his face, and put them on the face of Bulgaria Bulgaria with his backhand.

Toad, glasses, and a wise long-lived Pokémon, the situation suddenly became violent.

"Cami! (Sunglasses give you some evil attribute buf)."

Kami Turtle just patted Frog Grass on the shoulder, and then took a standard diving posture. With a "thump", the turtle dived directly into the creek in front of it.

It's really not its superficial brother of the Kami Turtle, it is now in a torrent state by an unknown AOE, and it is a candle in the wind.

If you are still alive, then definitely next time.

Then the turtle dived and disappeared.


Under the sunglasses, although I can't see Frog Grass's expression clearly, I must really want to use grass-attribute skills on Kami Turtle.

"Swoosh!" "Boom!" "Crack!" "Sizzling!!"

Soon, countless attribute attacks flew towards Frog Grass from all directions at the same time, and the energy was violent. The latter also widened its eyes, and the colorful light shone on its face, a little dazed.


"Frogweed, use the rattan whip to jump up!!"

Suddenly, a sound from one side made Froggrass shudder, and subconsciously whipped out two rattan whips from its back, and slapped it hard against the ground, its body bounced 5 or 6 meters high.

Only then did the colorful attribute attack land on its original standing position, and there were repeated explosions, blasting a big hole on the spot.


Froggrass fell to the ground. Although it was unharmed, it was taken aback by the series of skill bombardments. If there hadn't been this reminder just now, it should have died suddenly on the spot, not to mention that Candle in the Wind had entered the flourishing characteristic.

"Frog Grass, don't be dazed! The enemy is coming again!"

Little Zhi didn't know when he was standing behind it.

Unfamiliar, but familiar.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that my Frogweed is just a good-natured persuasion by those who eat melons, but the dozens of Pokémon with red eyes are obviously irrational, and they just want to bring this fish-killing bastard to justice .

But now that I'm out of my mind...

"Then beat them all down!"

Xiao Zhi roared loudly, he hadn't enjoyed the battle with Xiao Mao just now, and looked directly at the many Pokémon in front of him.


Froggrass shook his head, his head sank a little, and then he stopped hesitating, and the flames of war were also ignited.

Don't look at it as an honest person and don't care about it, but even clay figurines are three-pointed, not to mention that he has received the blessing of the mysterious garden and is gifted with extraordinary talents. The future can be expected, so are you afraid of these Muggles?

"Xiaozhi, are you sure...?"

"Should we still run?"

"There are twenty or thirty here..."

The three of Xiaogang persuaded.

But Xiaozhi waved his hand. Regardless of the large number, there are too many trash fish. Just about to count, only 5 or 6 can be beaten.

But even so, a strategy is needed...

"Frogweed!" Xiaozhi shouted.


Froggrass understood, turned its head and ran away from the creek, pulled the battlefield to the ground, directly abolished the combat power of all aquatic Pokémon, and without the water flow, even the amphibious Pokémon was hacked.


Froggrass let out a low growl, and with the body of a frog, it faced nearly twenty Pokémon, and its expression gradually became irritable.

It just wants to persuade them to fight. Since peaceful methods can't work, they can only use violent methods.

You know, the ground under everyone's feet at this moment is grass...

Xiaozhi waved his thumb and shouted:

"Froggrass, use the grass slide!!"


As soon as Froggrass stepped on the grass, the whole world became slippery in its eyes.

"Swoosh!" "Swoosh!" "Swoosh!"

Froggrass instantly turned into a bunch of green shock waves moving at high speed, carrying extremely powerful and majestic kinetic energy, and rushed in front of several Pokémon in an instant. With a burst of force, it was knocked out by the green light on the spot.




In less than a while, more than 20 Pokémon flew upside down almost at the same time. Froggrass has brought this move to the extreme with the pre-made grass slide, and the pink petals on its back trembled even more. , seems to resonate with it.


Among the more than twenty Pokémon, only one blue and white Pokémon is still standing on the scene. Its whole body is like an oval water polo. One of its long ears is tied up, and the other is folded in the middle. , looks very cute.

But his demeanor was very bad.

It was Mary Luli who killed Kuailong with his bare hands.

This Maliluli is the king of this water area, if not because of the eagerness of his son, the goldfish king would not dare to attack it at all.

You must know that the backyard of the Damu Research Institute has a vast landscape, and each region has its own king, whose status is extremely high and cannot be provoked!

How dare you attack me with a garlic bastard today? !

Mary Luli's expression was extremely ferocious, and it killed Froggrass on the spot as if it had killed a fast dragon.


Froggrass also let out a low growl without showing any weakness, and looked straight at Mary Luli.

It even had a strange thought in its mind out of thin air, and once it appeared, it would intensify, as if it was born like this.

"I, want to be the king here!"

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