He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3048: Rada, the Overlord of the Mob!


Mumu Owl immediately spread its wings and took off, swung its little fat wings forward, and flew out countless sharp green leaves!

Like the Lush Cave, the levels of these miscellaneous soldiers, Rattata and Rattata, are not high. Even Mumu Xiao's flying leaf blade has become a move similar to "Flying Leaf Storm".

Not only did it scratch several Rattas, but the airflow driven by the flying blade even knocked over several Rattas.


Ibrahimovic on the other end raised his head and roared loudly, and began to accumulate strength.

In an instant, the whole body lit up with evolutionary white light. This time, because of the surrounding jungle, Ibrahimovic evolved into Yeibei.

Full Moon: "?"

She was starting to feel confused now.

"Ye Yibu, it's just the sun blade!!"

Xiaozhi looked up at the sky. This happened to be a small hilly area in the jungle. There was no dense forest to cover it, and the sun could shine directly.

Although it still cannot reach the intensity of sunlight on a standard sunny day, the speed of activating the solar blade has been shortened by nearly half.

Ye Yibu jumped up high, and his leaf-like tail expanded rapidly under the sunlight, and was attached with sharp golden-white light.

There are also a few Rattata who want to take advantage of Yeib's short-term energy storage state to jump up, open their front teeth, and prepare for an interrupting bite attack.


Mumu Xiao, however, flashed and appeared in front of Ye Yibu as if he had teleported.

He swung his wings forward and once again released dense flying blades, slapping away all the Rattata that were planning a sneak attack.

With the cover of Mu Mu Xiao, Ye Yibu also successfully completed the energy storage.


Slash the two-meter-long golden-white energy blade downwards with great force!

Bang bang! !

In an instant, he killed seven or eight Rattata and Rattata, and even the aftermath of the power swept away many Rattata around him.

So Mumuxiao and Yeyibu looked at each other and continued the offensive strategy of one person covering and the other taking the opportunity to accumulate energy and amplify his moves.

"Is there something weird about this Eevee?"

Watching the battle silently from behind, Man Yue rubbed her chin and frowned.

In the jungle on Route 1, there are no moss rocks that can allow Yeib to complete his evolution, or other items with strong grass-type energy.

If it evolves, it should evolve into Sun Eevee or Fairy Eevee.

And the silly Mumu Owl's speed is comparable to that of a teleporting assassin, which is also outstanding.

She was also the trainer who trained Mu Mu Xiao. Her sniper Yu Xiao was not as silly as Xiaozhi's during the Mu Mu Xiao period.

And he is not good at close-up sneak attacks, but is good at throwing feathers as sharp flying leaves.

"Every Mumu owl is different."

Man Yue sighed secretly in her heart.

And this battle was not tragic, but seemed a bit easy.

After all, the overall level of the wild Pokémon on Melemele Island is not high, and the same is true for the only two overlord Pokémon, which are the best overlords to deal with.

Especially the subordinates, they are all cannon fodder.

Bang bang! !

After Ye Yibu's fourth solar blade struck hard, the surrounding ground was already full of Ratada and Ratada who were staggering and unable to fight.

On the battlefield, only the huge and bloated Overlord Lada was left.



Mumuxiao and Yeyibu panted. It took a lot of energy to clean up these miscellaneous soldiers.

However, the situation is advantageous against them, and they can completely deal with this overlord Lada in a two-on-one situation.

"Alolarada is a Pokémon with evil and normal attributes."

Xiaozhi silently recalled the information he had investigated before.

The evil + normal attribute combination is suppressed four times by fighting attribute moves.


However, Overlord Lada had already taken the initiative to attack, opening his bloody mouth, and the teeth at the corners of his mouth were shining with dangerous white light.

The rat Pokémon's signature move, Angry Fangs!

"Mumuxiao, take Yeyibu and escape!"

Xiaozhi quickly commanded, Mumu Xiao understood, and quickly grabbed Ye Yibu's back, using all his strength to continuously lift into the air to distance him, and then avoided this slaying bite.

"Then there are double flying blades!!"

In mid-air, Mu Mu Xiao threw Ye Yibu high, flapped his small wings, and flew out countless sharp flying leaves.

Ye Yibu next to him did the same, spinning in the air and shooting out countless sharp blades.

Whoosh! !

Dense flying blades fell from the sky, all attacking the overlord Lada. There was no place to hide in the exposed mountain terrain.


However, the overlord Lada roared violently and swung his tail upwards, like a steel whip, and immediately swept away all the flying blades that were attacking him.

"It's not powerful enough at long range, so let's hit Mumu Xiao at close range!"

The next moment, Mumuxiao flashed, and in the blink of an eye he had arrived at the side of Overlord Lada.

The huge difference in body size makes Mu Mu Xiao look very small.


But Mumuxiao still kicked out a bird-claw flying body, straight towards Lada's chest.

Mumu Xiao is quite reliable when he is not sleeping.

It's just that the surprise blow hit Overlord Lada's chest, which was not painful or itchy, but did not break the defense.

Snapped! !

Overlord Lada even slashed the rat paw down with his backhand, sending Mu Mu Xiao flying away like a ball, and fell heavily to the ground.

However, with Owlrow attracting attention from the front, Leafeon, who was flying down from the sky, had a perfect opportunity to perform his moves.

Xiaozhi took advantage of the situation and raised his hand, pointing, and shouted loudly:

"Now, double kick!!"

Leafeon naturally inherited the moves of the Eevee period very well.

Falling from the sky, Leafeon's powerful hind legs kicked the head of Overlord Rattata twice in a row!

You should know that after evolution, Leafeon's focus is on physical attack power!

Bang! Bang!

The two powerful trampling sounds from the front and back directly stepped on the head of Overlord Rattata, and its chin hit the ground hard.

Four times restraint, a significant attack.

It even hit the vital point!

Rumble! !

The huge body of Overlord Rattata fell to the ground, and Xiaozhi could feel the vibration of the ground from several meters away, which shows the damage effect of this double kick!

Xiaozhi's ears were sharp, and he even heard a sound similar to glass fragments falling to the ground.

Looking closely, there was indeed a black Z-Crystal on the ground next to the Overlord Rattata's feet. It was the evil Z-Crystal that I had seen at Man Yue's place before.

It really exploded!

After being hit hard, this Overlord Rattata did not lose its fighting ability.


However, the fierce look on its face disappeared completely, and it turned into a timid and fearful expression.

The intention to attack and fight was completely forgotten.

In just a moment, this Overlord Rattata led the surrounding small Rattatas and Rattatas to flee in panic, looking very embarrassed.

Xiaozhi: "."

It hadn't been a few rounds, how could it end suddenly? !

Seeing this, Man Yue also spread his hands helplessly. No wonder this Overlord Rattata was driven away by others. It was just a group of rabble.

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