He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 305 Apprentice Shiba

"It's ridiculous, I think this is a parallel king, playing tricks on us!"

Xiaozhi complained rather unhappily.

The big man sleeping on his side in front of him is full of flaws no matter from which angle he looks at it. A truly powerful fighter, no matter when he is sleeping, his whole body should be in a tense state, so there is no flaw.

Xiao Gang: "?"

Do you want to improve the fighting power of Pokémon, or the fighting power of the body?

After hesitating for a while, Xiaogang still pulled Xiaozhi away, and said in a deep voice:

"Master Xiba naturally has his reasons for his actions. He must be training us..."

Moving the stone pile platform is to make them pay attention to the foundation and stand on their feet...

Drinking fish soup is to make them full and maintain sufficient physical strength at all times...

"Then why do you want us to sharpen chopsticks?"

"You don't understand, there is a saying in ancient times..."

Xiao Gang held one of the chopsticks in his hand, and easily broke it with his backhand, then picked up 10 more chopsticks and handed them to Xiaozhi.

"As the saying goes, if one chopstick can be broken, ten chopsticks..."


Xiaozhi broke the 10 chopsticks by the waist with a backhand without any effort, and then looked at Xiaogang with doubts.

"Ten what?"

Xiao Gang: "..."

He flicked his hand and defended Shiba again:

"In short, he wants to tell us that unity is strength!"

"What kind of big trick is this? Calling me to fight Pokémon in the future, others send one, and I send ten?"

Xiao Gang: "..."


Looking at the muscular man in front of him who was sleeping soundly on the rocky ground, and the electric mouse who was also sleeping soundly next to him, Xiao Gang's pupils became serious, and he opened his eyes, revealing a gleam of coldness.

"Hmph, I believe Master Xiba, there must be no flaws!!"

Xiao Gang let out a deep sigh, bent down and picked up a wooden stick on the ground. This was a fire stick used when cooking fish before. It was more than one meter high, and the tip was enchanted with a layer of black charcoal fire.

He took a deep breath, held the fire stick high in both hands, slowly walked to the back of Master Xiba's head, then nodded to Xiaozhi, and slammed the wooden stick in his hand.

Master Xiba must be able to avoid it, or block it!


There was a burst of explosions that shattered the watermelon, and the strong reaction force made Xiaogang's palm holding the wooden stick ache, and the fire stick almost lost its grip and went away.


Even the top of the fire stick broke in two due to excessive force.

"Ah my head!!!"

Then there was a sound of howling ghosts and wolves, and I saw Xiba, the king of heaven, pressing the back of his head tightly, and the severe pain caused him to roll back and forth on the ground, bleeding all over the place.

After a while, he passed out completely, became unconscious, and stuck out his tongue.

Xiao Gang: "..."

He was dumbfounded.


A SLR shutter sounded.

Archer subconsciously took pictures of this scene.

In the center of the photo is Xiao Gang holding a broken wooden stick with a dull expression.

Underneath is the unconscious Heavenly King Xiba, with blood flowing from his forehead.

Killing the King of the Alliance, if human beings also have experience points, they are already full by now.


"As expected of a man I recognize.!"

"I'll send you a copy of the photo after it's finished. You can take this photo to join the Rockets. You'll start with a three-striped position..."

Xiao Gang hastily dropped the wooden stick in his hand, and used all kinds of tricks to save Xiba who fell to the ground...



half an hour.

Shiba regained his spirits, but his head was covered with a big bandage, and his face was also embarrassed.

Thinking that he was just an ordinary trainer, he had no defenses, but he almost disappeared today.

"Master Xiba, I'm sorry, it's me, a rude person, who acted recklessly!!"

Xiao Gang fell to his knees immediately, and sincerely apologized again and again, even buckling his head three times.

Boom boom boom!

"Haha boy, it's okay, you don't need to perform this great gift..."

Xiba was not very angry, but just laughed heartily a few times, just about to scratch his head, but touched the crack on the top of his head, and suddenly felt a sharp pain.

In other words, your kowtow is a bit too much, right?

Boom boom boom!

At this time, Xiao Gang had already kowtowed 9 heads in a row, and each head hit the ground hard. This action made everyone around him feel a little confused.

"Young man..." Shiba seemed to understand what this meant.

I saw Xiao Gang raised his head, wiped off the clods on his forehead, opened his narrowed eyes, and looked straight at Shiba, his expression became more serious than ever.

"Master Xiba, please accept me as an apprentice! Teach me the true rock will!"

These nine heads are the gift of apprenticeship.

Since childhood, Xiba has been the man Xiaogang admired the most, now that he really sees him, he can't bear the idea of ​​being a teacher.

Especially with that mallet just now, his impulse has overflowed.

"Xiao Gang..."

The group was also shocked by Xiao Gang's sudden actions, which they did not expect.

Xiaozhi was even more confused, saying that now I want to steal Master Xiba's stunt, how come you want to learn from him?

But as Xiao Gang's best brother, Xiao Zhi naturally wouldn't intervene indiscriminately, but stood firmly behind Xiao Gang.

Shiba was also shocked by these words, and was stunned for a while before waving his hands.

"Hehe, boy, I don't like taking apprentices, forget it..."

He is a pure-hearted and ascetic practitioner who has always been alone and does not like to establish fetters with other people.

"Master Shiba, I am willing to do whatever I am asked to do!"

Xiao Gang said sincerely again, his eyes narrowed, and he looked straight at Shiba.

This serious and fiery intention made Xiba a little stunned, and then his expression couldn't help becoming serious, his eyes narrowed unconsciously, and his mind began to fall into thinking.

Although he doesn't like having one more apprentice, the young man in front of him is indeed very suitable to be his disciple no matter in terms of aptitude or character...

The cooking skills are pretty good.

How about making an exception...?

Anyway, he is also a cheap apprentice, occasionally pointing out a trick or two, and usually does not take it with him, so there is no concern...

Soon, Xiba had the answer in his heart, looked at Xiao Gang, and said in a deep voice:

"Xiao Gang, I can accept you as my disciple, but you must pass my test."

Xiao Gang was suddenly ecstatic, and quickly patted his chest and agreed.

"Yes, Teacher Shiba! No matter what the test is, I will definitely complete it!"

"The test is very simple. Isn't there a riotous big rock snake on this mountain? Go and subdue it."

Hearing this, Xiao Gang and Xiao Zhi looked at each other and were overjoyed.

Master Ganqing Xiba didn't take a fancy to this big rock snake at all, it's a good thing now, it completely coincides with their original plan.

So Xiaogang stood up, bowed respectfully to Shiba, and led Xiaozhi and his party to the top of the big pit in the hills of Miyazaki Mountain. Looking down from the top, you can see a lot of people rolling on the rocky ground below. Pokémon such as the small fist stone, and the mountain mouse.

"Xiaozhi, don't help me, I want to tame that huge rock snake on my own."

Xiaogang's eyes revealed a bright light, his teeth were extremely white against the skin, and his expression was extremely high-spirited.

"Teacher Gang, you are the protagonist today."

Xiaozhi said with a smile beside him.

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