He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3144 Be a good Pokémon tonight!

"Although I was agile and managed to avoid several attacks from huge plants, I didn't have much means to fight back and I soon became exhausted."

Uru tried to make his image more glorious.

Although when he faced a plant attack for the first time, his legs were so frightened that he could not move.

Xiaozhi nodded. It seemed that the remaining riot plants in Carlos had not completely disappeared.

Those plant roots from the earth are so powerful that it almost takes a king-level trainer to block them with a full blow.

"In the end, a passing ninja saved me!"

Mao suddenly showed doubts in his eyes.

Are there any ninjas in the Kalos region?

There should be the Knights of the Round Table over there, right?

However, after hearing these words, Xiaozhi's expression changed.

Is it possible?

Ulu continued, with a look of admiration on his face:

"The ninja master was wearing a dusty gray cloak, and he was holding a kunai short blade in both hands. In the lightning and flint, the seemingly fierce plant tentacles were chopped into pieces like tofu!!"

"And the ninja-sama turned around at that time. I could clearly see its face. It was a frog!"


Mao put his finger on his chin. Is he a ninja like the Mosquito-repellent Frog King?

The brother and sister seemed to have a good understanding, and Ulu quickly corrected:

"No, no! It's a blue frog!"

Mao raised his head again, and his mind turned into a picture of a strong swimming frog wearing a cloak and holding a kunai.

What a curious style of painting!

However, when the brother and sister were facing each other, Xiaozhi was almost completely sure.

It's my own Koga Ninja!

Apparently by accident, his Koga Ninja managed to rescue Mao's brother once?

"So based on the inspiration that day, I specially created this creamy ninja lasagna~!"

Ulu solemnly introduced again.

Unfortunately, he didn't get the contact information of that handsome ninja later.

After the latter destroyed the huge plant like chopping melons and vegetables, he jumped away with extremely cool and mysterious movements.

Later, Uru also heard that a righteous ranger ninja had appeared in the Carlos area in the past six months. He was eliminating these giant plants everywhere and had rescued countless unlucky passers-by.

As for his identity, no one knows.

But some people speculate that it is the partner Pokémon of the trainer who won the recent Tournament of Power?

"Conference of Power?"

Mao blinked in confusion. Isn't there only the Alliance Conference in the outside world?

Ulu also scratched his head. He was a foreigner and didn't know what the local people talked about about the Conference of Power.

If you pass through the golden ring, you can instantly reach an oasis thousands of miles away, a competition held in the desert.

It’s simply a fantasy!

Hearing this, Mao suddenly lost interest, so he changed the topic:

"Brother, let's talk about the branch you plan to open in Kenico City, right?"

"Well, I plan to open a stir-fry restaurant."

"Then I'll go help too~!"

The two brothers and sisters in front of him were still having a heated discussion about the branch of Aina Restaurant, while Xiaozhi's emotions had already flown to the distant Kalos region.

After a long while, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

"That guy Koga Ninja is working hard now~"

They were separated for less than half a year.

Today's Koga Ninja must have become a legendary and mysterious existence in the Kalos region, right?

How amazing!

"I guess the strength has become even more powerful."

After all, with the personal guidance of an ancient god-level being, he was already as strong as a league champion, but now I don’t know how much it can be improved to?


Ash's expression hardened, the remnants of Carlos' "Earth's Punishment" would probably be completely cleared soon.

When the time comes, no longer bound by responsibilities, he and Koga Ninja can meet again and fight side by side!

"Koga Ninja is so good but still working hard, I have to work hard!"

Xiaozhi secretly determined to cultivate Alola's new team!

Returning to Kukui's cabin, he was alone in the empty room again tonight.

"Xiao Zhi, Dr. Barnett has been feeling a little unwell lately, so I won't be back tonight~!"

Kukui also left a message for him on the table in the hall.

I don’t know what’s going on, but recently Barnett has been having thoughts of vomiting from time to time, but she can’t vomit anything.

So Kukui decided to take care of the latter personally!

"Hey, is the doctor completely trapped?"

Xiaozhi sat helplessly on the sofa. Instead of having a girlfriend, he might as well cultivate one more powerful Pokémon!

After thinking about it, Xiaozhi walked out of the wooden house, took out the riding device with his backhand, and released Kreslia during the day.

In the dark night, Cresselia's body still exudes a faint light, as dazzling and beautiful as the stars in the sky.

"Cresselia, please stay in Alola tonight~!"

Xiaozhi invited with a smile.

After hearing Rotom's introduction today, he remembered that Cresselia was also called the "Goddess of Dreams."

It is said that when sleeping, the dream god can give the humans below a good dream as long as it passes above the roof.

What about sleeping directly with the Dream God?

Just in time, it’s been hot lately, and the Mane Rock Werewolves are very tired from training every day.

Xiaozhi intends to make all the Pokémon a good Pokémon tonight!


Cresseria floated in the air and blinked her eyes. The surrounding Heat Meowth and others were also curiously looking at her.

Although she planned to have a shameless fight with Darkrai tonight.

But noticing the tiredness of everyone, Cresselia nodded to Xiaozhi, flew to the roof of the wooden house, and a soft and strange warm light slowly bloomed around her body.

Darkrai, do it yourself.

The dream god Cresselia is a kind legendary Pokémon!

The crescent feathers on her body released a light green light, which made Xiaozhi yawn.


As if sleepiness was contagious, one after another Pokémon opened their mouths and yawned.

After a while, they all went into the house and found a piece of land to sleep soundly.


Even the Owl, who was sleeping in the Pokémon School, flew over from a distance in a daze.

It felt that sleeping here would be particularly sweet!

Owl still had a tree-tailed bald head in its claws

Man Yue, who was coming back from the town, couldn't help but twitch her lips when she saw the tree-tailed bald head and Owl flying overhead.

However, the Dream God seemed to have the ability to hypnotize, so Man Yue yawned when she passed by Kukui's cabin.

"You're home so soon today? I'm so sleepy."

So Man Yue also walked into the cabin in a daze, closed her eyes, and climbed up to the small attic on the second floor skillfully. (End of this chapter)

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