He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 3151 This student's parent's ideas are somewhat extreme

After talking about Lillie, Gladion's eyes suddenly became solemn:

"I actually think that what happened when I was young may not be a coincidence."

Xiaozhi raised his head with a puzzled expression.

Gladion continued:

"I suspect that someone in the Aether Paradise was studying how to open the Ultimate Cave at that time, and Lillie accidentally stumbled upon it."

Every time he went to Aetherland as a child, he never felt anything was wrong.

It is said to be a research base, but in fact it is a large man-made ecosystem inhabited by all kinds of Pokémon.

This is also the origin of the ether "paradise".

It’s just that in recent years, Etherland has no longer been open to the public at will, and the areas that outsiders can browse are only the outermost natural ecological zones.

The entire research base at the back is classified as a restricted area, and there are even armed personnel guarding the entrance 24 hours a day.

Today's Etherland reveals a strange atmosphere, as if shrouded in a mysterious haze. .

"And my Silver Companion Beast also has a codename in the Ether Foundation, 'Alien Beast Killer'!"

In other words, it is a weapon specially designed to resist the hunting of ultimate beasts!

Gladion has now told Xiaozhi all the information he knows.

While opening the ultimate cave, it is natural to also study ways to deal with the ultimate beasts.

Spending a lot of manpower and material resources to create the ultimate alien beast, then everything makes sense.

"Exotic beast killer.?"

Xiaozhi thought about it for a moment. If he could fully control his power, the Silver Companion Beast would indeed be enough to fight against the ultimate beast.

"No, I think they underestimate the ultimate beasts too much."

Gladion shook his head, his expression serious.

The Silver Companion Beast that defeated the jellyfish-type ultimate beast was indeed powerful.

But what if we face three ultimate beasts at the same time, or even ten or twenty?

There's no way the Aether Foundation can artificially cultivate twenty Silver Companion Beasts to deal with the enemy, right?

According to his understanding, the Ether Foundation has only cultivated two in total.

One is the "first-generation machine" Silver Companion Beast that saved him and Lillie many years ago.

The other one is the newly evolved Silver Companion Beast that he is carrying now.

The number of ultimate beasts is only the three that Xiaozhi saw at the Space Research Institute not long ago, which proves that the number is definitely not small.

"So a year ago, I secretly took away the attribute that was just created at that time: emptiness. I hope they can use a mouse-proof device and pause the research. At least slow down the frequency of opening holes."

After all, the 'Alien Beast Killer' who can restrain the ultimate alien beast is gone. If you want to open the ultimate cave, you have to weigh your own strength first, right?

During this period, Gladion has been training himself and his attribute: emptiness.

If the ultimate beast really appears one day, he can use his "Beast Killer" to prevent Lillie from being harmed again.

Xiaozhi: "."

After talking for a long time, it turned out to be a senior girl control?

He finally understood why Gladion had been eager to become stronger.

"By the way, isn't your mother the talkative person of the Aether Foundation? Can we leave these matters to her?"

Xiaozhi suddenly remembered that he had heard Kaqi and Mao talk about this before.

However, upon hearing the word "mother", Gladion's eyes instantly darkened.

"Mother. She has changed so much in the past few years."

Maybe Lillie didn't feel anything yet.

But Gladion knew very well that his mother had undergone earth-shaking changes since his father disappeared when he was a child.

In the past two years, I have stopped living at home and devoted myself full time to the work of Etherland.

Maybe even the entire research on the Ultimate Cave was promoted by his own mother!

Gladion calmed down and returned to the topic:

"I heard from Lillie that you are planning to go to Aetherland for exchange and internship this weekend, right?"

Xiaozhi nodded, he was still looking forward to this mysterious ether paradise.

"So I came here today. In addition to challenging Kapu Mingming and letting the Silver Companion Beast complete its evolution, I actually have another purpose."

Gladion suddenly looked at Xiaozhi closely:

"I hope to cooperate with Teacher Xiaozhi by then!"

"You guys from the Pokémon School are on the outskirts of the park. Help me attract the attention of members of the Aether Foundation, including my mother. I want to go deep into the base to see what research they are doing!"

To Gladion, the ultimate beast is a dangerous bomb that can destroy everything.

He had made up his mind and was ready to fight his mother.

He didn't hesitate to blow up the Etherland directly! !

"Well, you are truly a loving mother and a filial son."

The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched, this student's parent's idea was a bit extreme.

Speaking of which, Dr. Barnett had the same idea, and wanted to use Sunday's internship to gather information.

It feels like everyone is staring at the Aether Foundation.


However, Xiaozhi did not refuse and agreed directly.

Although he really wanted to go to the ultimate world and see what Brother Chi was playing on the other side.

So to be fair, he was looking forward to the appearance of the ultimate hole.

But for the locals of Alola, the Ultimate Cave is an extremely dangerous existence, and it is best not to appear.

Anyway, let’s see what happens when the time comes!

At the same time, it is located in the middle sea between the four islands of Alola.

At the entrance pier of an artificial island, a small boat slowly sailed in.

The person standing on the boat was also an old acquaintance.

He had white hair, wore a black jacket and trousers, and a large gold necklace with a skull logo on his collar.

The runner-up of the last Miare Conference and the current leader of the Skull Team, Guzma!

Beside him, there was a girl dressed like a bad girl, with a slender and tall figure, seductive eye makeup, and long hair dyed pink and yellow tied into four long braids.

Bull Meili, a cadre of the Skull Team, was also Guzma's right-hand man.

There were five or six Skull Team soldiers on the boat.

And the dock they entered.

It was the Ether Paradise!

The boat docked, and someone was waiting for them.

"Haha~ Welcome everyone to the Ether Paradise~!"

On the dock, a short man wearing green sunglasses and a white uniform of the Ether Foundation stood on it.

Although he said the welcome words politely, his slightly raised chin was also full of arrogance and disdain.

Obviously, he didn't think much of the rabble of the Skull Team.

"I'm Zaobo, the branch director of the Ether Foundation~"

He introduced himself with a smile.

Guzma walked onto the dock and looked at the weird bald uncle in front of him. He frowned and said unhappily:

"Hey! You, the Ether Foundation, took the initiative to ask me for help, but now even the person in charge doesn't come out to greet us?!"

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