He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 330 Fire Dinosaur vs Flame Bird!


"Flame Bird, fight me head-on!"

Xiaozhi raised his palm, and pointed the elf ball straight at the flame bird that was flying back with an embarrassed expression on his face.

Immediately, the latter flicked his wings, regained his composure, and straightened his posture as a god, thinking that anyway, his physical strength has recovered to the seventh floor, so he will take over this battle today at worst.


The flame bird flapped its wings in the air, and the flames on the wings fell on the ground in the form of stars. As soon as it touched the ground, it burned like a ignited fuse in an instant, drawing a rectangular playing field the size of a standard training field around it. The ignited flames Surround everyone in it.

Field of Fire!

But in fact, there is no place of fire, so apart from the coolness of the momentum, there is no increase buf.

"Brother Abin, let's drink tea at the back."

Xiaogang dragged his bald head, who was still holding his bald head and doubting his life, to the back, while the Tutu dog next to him was startled by the sudden formation of the field of fire, and the sketch in his hand - the fire of kindness Unable to control it, the crimson flame burst out suddenly.


This time, the fire of kindness completely destroyed the remnants of the pores and roots on Abin's head.

But it's kind and doesn't hurt.

Abin: "..."

"It's okay, it's fine to be bald..."

"I heard that men will go bald after the age of 30..."

"It feels quite comfortable..."

The three of Xiaogang put their palms on top of Abin's bald head, and their eyes were quietly looking ahead, wondering what kind of battle would happen between this person and one bird.


"It's up to you, Fire Dinosaur!!"

Xiaozhi threw the poke ball violently, this time it was not a tool bird, but the Pokémon that had been ready to play for a long time.


As soon as he appeared on the stage, there was a burst of arrogant roar, and there was a trace of not particularly strong dragon power, which made people look sideways.

The Fire Dinosaur stepped on the ground with its hind legs, leaving a scorching mark directly. The crimson skin was covered with dots of sparks, as if it couldn't suppress the rage in its body. Flames gushed out around its body, and in its eyes The flames of his fighting spirit were even higher than the flames around him.

The Fire Dinosaur, one of Xiaozhi's top four generals, has already evolved enough experience, but he is constantly squeezing his limit potential, just waiting for an opportunity to fully detonate this power.

And this opportunity is the flame bird in front of him!


The flame bird recognized the state of the fire dinosaur at a glance, raised his eyebrows, and looked at the trainer behind him who was staring at him as if sizing up his prey.

This is treating it as a tool bird!


The flame bird raised its head to the sky, and flew into a rage. Immediately, it flicked its slender neck in the air, and spit out a ball of hot flames, shooting away in a column of flames, which started the battle first.

Spit flames!

Now it's the second round, and the previous blockade of petrochemical power has naturally expired.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The flames came scorchingly, containing extremely terrifying high-temperature power.

"Fire dinosaur!" Xiao Zhi pressed his hat and shouted.


The fire dinosaur understood, stepped on the ground with its hind legs tightly, raised its two paws and stretched forward, its center of gravity sank, as if it wanted to catch the flame with its bare hands.


In the next second, the powerful jet flames completely acted on the fire dinosaur. The terrifying force made the latter feel as if it had been hit hard. A gravel gully appeared, and the shoulders collapsed several points on the spot.

The fiery flame splits and bursts at the edge of its claws, and scatters in all directions, while the contact point in the center is continuously roasting the arms and head of the flaming dinosaur.

For a moment, the thunder struck the ground, and the already violent flames on the fire dinosaur also stirred up, and the crimson skin flickered, as if it was about to burst out at any time.


The fire dinosaur suppressed the fire in its heart, fixed its eyes, raised its head and roared angrily, its hind legs firmly stepped on the ground, and even two small gravel pits were directly pressed out by the soles of its feet, only then did it stop the retreating figure.

But the flames were also successfully blocked.

The fire dinosaur found the opportunity to counterattack, and its sharp claws slashed forward at the same time to make a cross split, and finally split all the menacing flames.


The sparks scattered all over the sky like this around the body of the fire dinosaur. Coupled with its already dark red skin, the figure on the ground suddenly looked like a flame demon.

"Nice job!"

Xiaozhi's eyes showed joy, and he was able to block the jet of flames with his bare hands, which proved that the difference in level between the two was not so great, and at least they still had the strength to fight.

It's just that he also noticed the burnt marks on the fire dinosaur's arm at the same time, and it was not as easy as imagined for the dark way to take this move with his bare hands.

But this is the dignity among fire-attributed Pokémon, the first shot of flames will not dodge!

Fire の dignity!

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, he pointed his fingers high at the sky, and roared loudly:

"Then it's our turn now, Fire Dinosaur, use the flame jet!!"

When it comes to the heat of the flames, they will never lose!


The fire dinosaur jumped three times in a row, and spit out a crimson flame when it looked up to the sky. The energy was constantly surging. It was not as stable as the flame bird spraying flames. Instead, it was extremely violent, and the peripheral flames trembled irregularly.


Facing the flames, the flame bird put its wings in front of its body in a crossed shape, and then a burst of white light suddenly lit up above it.

Xiaozhi \u0026 Fire Dinosaur: "?"

How about picking up the promised dignity of fire with bare hands, rascal?


The white light wings are mighty, and the flames that shoot towards it are a slap that spreads outwards. There is only a sound of critical strikes in the air, and the menacing flames are smashed into spark fragments on the spot.


The flame bird's white wings were still dancing, and it gave a loud cry, with a bit of arrogance and disdain on its brows.

I am the god of fire, why do I need to compare the dignity of the fire attribute with you, a pseudo-dragon?

Then it flapped its wings again, and the white light was covered with another layer of penetrating silver light. The wings shook back, and its body flew forward.

Steel Wings!


The fire dinosaur raised its head and spewed flames again, but they were all easily smashed into pieces by the steel wings.

Although the fire attribute restrains the steel attribute, but the level gap reaches a certain level, there is also a saying that real gold is not afraid of fire.

Xiaozhi immediately changed his mind and instructed:

"Since that's the case, next, use the shoulder throw!!"

In the past, the fire dinosaur and the fire monkey were good brothers of the fire generation, and the former also stole a lot of fighting moves.

Unlike the active over-the-shoulder throw, the defensive over-the-shoulder throw pays attention to receiving the attack, using softness to overcome rigidity, which is suitable for the current scene.


The Fire Dinosaur nodded in understanding, took a stride, lowered its waist, raised its sharp claws, and was about to catch the cold steel wings rushing straight at it.


However, in the next second, there was a metallic sound, and the Flame Bird had already sent its grasping claws, along with the entire body of the Fire Dinosaur, flying out. The steel wings were vigorous and powerful!

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