He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 392: Overwhelming Level Gap

(Thanks to the free-falling angel for the reward, add one more.)


Xiaoxia looked at the two people in the arena and frowned.

What she said was like, it wasn't just the scene of the little Charmander being disobedient after evolving and spraying the trainer first.

There is also the scene of the trainer's rejuvenation roar in a desperate situation, and the Pokémon responds to his voice and counterattacks. Thinking of this, she couldn't help blurting out:

"It's up to the duck, isn't this just Xiaozhi's routine operation!?"

No wonder everyone talks about it.

Xiao Gang, who was sitting next to her, frowned again, his eyes shone with wisdom.

"Well, the two are actually not alike at all...Ahong is still missing something..."

Xiaoxia: "?"

What kind of riddle is this?

Why did I just understand the level of "like", and you jumped directly to the higher level of "unlike" to understand?

"Xiaoxia, you've got a picture..."

Xiaogang just patted Xiaoxia on the shoulder lightly. On the road of understanding Xiaozhi, the latter was several Dzogchen realms away from him.

Xiaoxia: "?"

She couldn't help but patted the brown-haired girl sitting on the other side of her, and asked in a low voice:

"Xiao Lan, do you think this person is very similar to your fellow countryman?"

Xiaolan was still thinking about it, and then she realized that she was slightly surprised.

"Ah! Oh, I didn't pay attention to the game. I paid attention to the sitting posture of my little fire. You said that it would stand up and change its posture every five minutes, and then sit down again. Is there a thorn in the brazier?"

Her angle is always so tricky.

She had already seen it in the first Ba Dadie match.

Xiaozhi has it.

Sure enough, Xiao Lan lost her curiosity, so she turned her head up to observe the flame bird sitting in the hen posture in the high brazier.

"Hey, do you think I'm going to send it a fireproof blanket later?"

Xiaoxia: "..."



In the arena, the game is still going on.

Even though the Fire Dinosaur had just evolved, it was very imposing, but the evolution could not restore the physical strength it had consumed. After it spewed out a beam of flames, it began to gasp again and again.

At both ends of the arena, the two trainers were still staring closely at each other.

"Ah Hong, I won't show mercy!"

After Xiaozhi's voice fell, Geng Gui's fists hanging on both sides of his body were already ignited with raging flames.

"Me and Shomoto will not admit defeat either!!"

Although he didn't know why he was sprayed on his face, Ahong still wiped off the black ash on his face, and responded loudly, similarly, flames ignited on the fists of the fire dinosaur.

Absorbing the energy of Geng Gui's Flame Fist, it successfully comprehended this move.

In the next second, the two shouted loudly at the same time:

"Use Flame Fist!!"

After saying that, the two figures kicked the ground with their hind limbs at the same time, rushed towards each other, raised their flaming fists, and punched each other directly in the face.


Flame Fist versus Flame Fist, the punches were fierce, the flames scattered, and the collision made a loud noise.

Perhaps because of the evolved opening buf, the Fire Dinosaur successfully received Geng Gui's old punch.

Soon, the fist split, followed by another fist's collision again!




In less than a few seconds, the two had already exchanged several flaming punches, and the sound of sonic booms exploded one after another, and the entire arena was covered in flames.

"Jiang Ben, don't lose to it!!"

"Geng Ghost, don't lose to it!!"

The voices of the two sounded from the rear at the same time, encouraging Pokémon's fighting spirit, but when it comes to boxing techniques and power, Geng Gui has the absolute upper hand.

After several rounds of collisions, the fire dinosaur was exhausted physically and mentally, and every punch was squeezing its last strength.


I saw Geng Gui suddenly smirked, and his figure turned to the left to show a flaw. The fire dinosaur was fooled on the spot, and he swung his fist hard, but it went straight through the afterimage left by Geng Gui. Another tricky angle hit straight out.

"Boom boom!!"

In the next moment, the strength of the fist and the energy of the fire exploded in the belly of the fire dinosaur. The terrifying force caused the latter to back up like a cannonball. After flying several meters away, it finally crashed to the ground.



Ahong's voice made the Fire Dinosaur barely stand up, but before he could stand up completely, the great weakness from his limbs finally made the latter unable to bear the pressure and fell to the ground.

The victory and defeat have been divided.

"Fire dinosaurs can't fight, Geng ghost wins!!"

The referee pronounced the verdict in time.

There was a burst of cheers and applause in the arena. Although it was almost a one-sided situation, the fist-to-body battle of the dragon and the ghost in the end also made their blood flutter and their breathing short of breath.

This is the process, a little shorter.

Seeing the cheering Geng Gui changing various shapes on the field, his blood-red eyes narrowed into slits, it seemed that he was not as fierce and fierce as in the previous battle, and the audience was a little shocked.

"What about the overwhelming level gap..."

"That Geng Gui is still basically full of blood..."

"I didn't expect that Xiaozhi player had such an ace..."

"Is the physical attack of Geng Gui so strong? I'll make my ghost stone forget the garbage skills like shadow ball mind power later...!"


"Come back, Masamune, you've worked hard..."

In the arena, Ah Hong took the fire dinosaur back into the poke ball, and lowered his head subconsciously. Although he couldn't see his expression clearly, he could imagine the loneliness in his heart at this moment.

After finally going through four play-in matches to reach the main arena, the opponent defeated two in a row with overwhelming strength at the beginning. Someone with a bad mentality might have been blown up directly.

But soon, Ah Hong raised his head again.

In his eyes, apart from the fiery war, there was no other emotion.

"Xiaozhi, you are very strong, but I will defeat you one day!!" Ah Hong took a step forward and said in a deep voice. Although he could choose to abstain, he resolutely took out the third elf ball, His eyes were extremely firm.

"Even if I lose, I will beat one of you today!!"

Xiaozhi was taken aback by this aura. This feeling made him feel like he was looking in a mirror, fighting against Zeng Jin's self...

Immediately, his eyes were also filled with a strong fighting spirit. Going all out at this moment is the greatest respect for Ah Hong.

Soon, Ahong threw the poke ball forward violently: "Please, Ren, my ace!!"

A red light flashed, and what appeared on the field was a yellow electric mouse, full of fighting spirit, with three curly hairs curling up on the side of its head.


Hong's trump card is a Pikachu.

"Pikachu... come back, Gengar."

Although Geng Gui's physical strength was basically full, Xiaozhi still raised his hand to take it back. The electric mouse next to his leg understood it even more, and jumped onto the field directly, facing his opponent from afar.

Electric mice against electric mice, ace against ace!

In the next second, Xiaozhi and Ahong opened their mouths to attack at the same time:

"Ren, use Flash!" "Pikachu, use Flash!!"

After the words fell, the two electric mice landed on all fours and ran towards the center of the arena at the same time. While running, their bodies were covered with a layer of dazzling white light at the same time.


The two figures of white light collided together, confronting each other fiercely, their vigor spreading like storm ripples towards the surroundings, no matter in terms of speed or strength, they were all in an evenly matched state.

After the blow was over, the two Pikachu rebounded and fell behind him at the same time.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Xiaozhi's Pikachu landed, his small eyes showed a sly smile, and he kicked the ground again and rushed up. The white light of his body reappeared, and his movements were smooth and smooth, as if he hadn't landed at all.


Caught off guard, Ren, who had just landed, was knocked several meters away by the oncoming Pikachu.

"This move is the second stage of the lightning flash!"

Xiaozhi smiled confidently.

Electric mouse fights electric mouse, his Pikachu can't lose to anyone!

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