He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 40 Come out, Squirtle, come back, Squirrel.

Having mastered the theoretical knowledge, Xiaogang took off his academic robes and handed the stage back to Xiaozhi. Next, he will enter the actual combat teaching session.

Although he feels that Xiaozhi is more like a disciple now...

After being educated, Xiaohao also became interested in conquering Pokémon, and asked curiously:

"So now you're going to tame that troublemaker...?"

However, according to Dr. Sakuragi, that Pokémon will not show up easily, and it is not known what type of Pokémon it is until now.

"Actually, it's easy to know what type..."

I don't know when Xiaogang put on his white coat again, his eyes with two bars are sharp, shining with wisdom.

Xiaozhi applauded quickly: "Please continue your performance, Mr. Gang."

"Ahem, listening to Dr. Sakuragi's description, you can basically lock in the ghost-type Pokémon, but in our Kanto region, there is only one kind of common ghost Pokémon, or only one series."

He slowly announced three names.

"Ghost, Ghost Stone, Gengar."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi nodded in agreement, although it was the first time he had heard of these three names.

Then he touched his face and thought about it: "That means our target is a ghost Pokémon...then the first step is to lure it out first."

The other three people looked at Xiao Zhi with bright eyes, and said in surprise, "Have you figured out how to lure him out?"

Generally, in this situation, Xiao Zhi's brain collapsed, and he understood.

Is it food?

But now there is no conclusion in the academic circles about what food ghost Pokémon likes.


There is a dark-skinned lecher here, but it's a lecher, not a lecher Pokemon.

"Don't talk, watch me operate."

With a confident expression, Xiaozhi opened the door with two steps, and then waved his hand, pulling the other three people to the farthest corner of the room.

Under the inexplicable eyes of the three, Xiao Zhi suddenly opened his mouth and shouted towards the air in the direction of the gate:

"Hey, hello, is there a ghost there, please close the door for me."

Three people: "???"

For a long time, there was no movement at the door.

Seeing this, Xiaogang couldn't help but sighed, and said:

"Is this what you understand? It really disappoints me."

Xiaoxia also added a sentence:

"Maybe I should take back the blue badge."

Xiaozhi frowned, feeling a little weird, because he had always succeeded in this method in the past.

For example, when he was alone at home when he was a child, when he was afraid of ghosts at home, he would deliberately open the door, and then shout, "Is there a ghost here? Close the door and shoot brother."

Ten years have passed, and no ghosts have come to help him close the door, which proves that their house has never been haunted by ghosts, and it is a house with good Fengshui.

So this method should work.

Regardless of the black lines on the heads of the three of them, he even tried several rooms, but there was no movement.

"Oh, Xiaozhi, let's quickly think of another way, aren't you just talking nonsense?"

"According to me, ghosts can only be defeated with ghosts. Let's go to another haunted house next door to capture a ghost Pokémon, and then come back and use that ghost to defeat this one."

Xiaozhi frowned, what kind of ghostly thinking is this.

Regardless of everyone's objections, he forcibly dragged the three of them to the last room.


But this time things were finally different.

As soon as he entered this room, Xiaozhi suddenly sensed something, stopped in his footsteps and shouted in a low voice: "I have a hunch that there is a ghost in this room!"

Even Pikachu's ears trembled, and this action made the other three tense up instantly.

Xiao Hao subconsciously blurted out nervously:

"What should I do, there is an inner ghost, do you want to stop trading with Dr. Sakuragi?!"

Three people: "???"

Aren't they just waiting to find out the ghost...?

The four of them came to the corner of the room again, and Xiaozhi made a gesture of calming down, took a deep breath, and slowly shouted towards the door.

"Is there a ghost, close the door."


As soon as the words fell, the door was directly closed.

Sure enough, there is an inner ghost!

Then the door was opened again, then closed again, and opened again.

"Crack, clap!"

The door kept opening and closing, as if an invisible force was playing tricks on the door.

The four looked at each other, and sure enough there was a transparent ghost Pokémon manipulating the door. If they stared carefully, they could barely see a transparent mosaic shadow.

Especially Xiaogang's eyes, the focusing effect is excellent, and even the figure of Pokémon can barely be seen.

It's a Pokémon fatter than Pikachu...

Xiaoxia hurriedly asked: "Xiaozhi, what should we do next?"

"You ask me, who do I ask...?" Xiaozhi replied with a bit of distress.

He always takes one step at a time, never predicts, and always stays on the first floor.

"Scallion Duck, don't you want to be someone else's father now, hurry up and find a way to subdue that ghost!" Xiaoxia complained and pushed Xiaozhi out.

In addition to insect-type Pokémon, she is also a little scared of ghost Pokémon.

"Who am I asking...Wait!!"

Xiaozhi, who was still distressed, was rambling in a low voice, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, as if he really could ask someone!

He suddenly patted his chest muscles, and typed out a line of words in his mind.

"Hey, hey, brother Chi, stop thinking about how to take me away, and help me figure out how to deal with this ghost Pokémon."


He has been hiding very secretly, has this been exposed...?

However, seniors still have to look like seniors. Chi just took a look at the situation in front of him, and he already understood the strategy, and said without thinking:

"Ahem, that's a Gengar, a Phantom Pokémon, it's just visually invisible, it doesn't mean it can ignore the attack, you just launch the attack directly."

"You really understand!" Xiao Zhi said happily after receiving the information.

When the consciousness switched out, Chi added another sentence:

"However, this Geng Gui is not weak, even the visual invisibility is not something you can handle now. If you have no fighting instinct, you will only become a living target for Geng Gui."

Combat intuition is a mysterious feeling, and it is impossible for trainers who have not fought for a long time to master it.

What's more, a novice trainer like Xiao Zhi who has just set off for 3 weeks.

Xiaozhi: "Express?"

Chi thought about it, and finally gave a hint.

"Your Jenny has a prop—sunglasses, which may be useful..."

Sunglasses are props that can enhance the power of evil attribute skills.

And the evil attribute, which can restrain the ghost attribute, may be able to gain insight into Geng Gui's real body.

There are no such tricks in the game world, but not necessarily in this real world.

Anything is possible if you dare to think...


Returning to reality, Xiaozhi's face showed an expression of high spirits and Zhizhu in his hands.

He stabilized.

"Come out, Squirtle!"

"Jenny Jenny!"

The Jenny Turtle appeared in front of everyone with a naive look, and when he saw a fight, he was eager to try.

It has not fought since it was subdued, and it is also eager to have a good fight as soon as possible.

"Let Guigui see who is today's opponent?"

The Squirrel raised its claws and circled around, but found no enemies.

It really confuses the turtle...

"Jenny Turtle, there is no other meaning, quickly take out your sunglasses!"

"Jenny Jenny!"

Without hesitation, Jenny Turtle took out his own sunglasses from the turtle shell, and held it up high like a prop introduced by Doraemon.

Xiaozhi took advantage of the situation and asked:

"Jenny Turtle, let me borrow your sunglasses, is that okay?"

"Jenny Jenny...?" It looked confused.

"Lend you, lend you? That means you have agreed to lend me, and I will accept it temporarily without being polite."

Xiaozhi took the sunglasses raised high in Squirrel's hand, and then pressed on its poke ball.

"Come back, Squirtle."

Squirtle: "?"

The Jenny turned into a burst of red light and returned to the poke ball.


(Still crossing the catastrophe, the current grades are mediocre... Please collect and recommend...)

(Jene, Jenny, stealing the stalk from the previous book review, isn’t it considered stealing?)

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