He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 409 All members fight! vs Emperor Napoleon!

Soon, under the operation of professionals, a new floor has been replaced between Xiaozhi and the masked man, and the arena is ready.

The game was still going on, Xiaozhi did not take it lightly, this is not a bo1, winning six rounds means victory.

And that Frog Flower is just a Pokémon that the masked man just came to the Kanto region, and its strength is already so strong, so the next five will only be stronger...

Thinking of this, seeing the referee signaling the start of the game, Xiao Zhi rallied and threw the second Poké Ball abruptly.

After all, whether it is physical strength or mental strength, Froggrass is not enough to continue to fight. Today, it is perfect enough.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

The two poke balls were opened at the same time, but the masked man also threw his poke ball, a red light flashed, and two Pokémon appeared in front of Xiaozhi and the masked man.


Of course, Xiaozhi sent the Kami turtle, which is the second in the front of the illustrated book, with a pair of wide ears trembling, the eddy tail behind it is shaking, bright eyes are shining, and the face is firm.

Coincidentally, what the masked man sent was also a Pokémon covered in blue and black and filled with strong water vapor.

This is an upright penguin-shaped Pokémon as tall as a person, with black and warm fur all over the body, with several dark blue steel-like skins covering the edges, and a touch of white around the neckline. Its body looks like it is wearing an elegant dress. Like a noble black tuxedo, with a white tie, he has an extraordinary demeanor.

On the head, there is a golden trident, like a crown, and the whole body stands upright, not arrogant and angry, just like an emperor.

"Didi. Emperor Nabo, a high-class Pokémon, with water and steel attributes, is one of the original three royal families in the Sinnoh region. It has a body as hard as iron and an extremely proud personality."

The illustration book reminded in time, and its introduction was rare and serious.

"Xiaozhi, my Emperor Nabo is the Yusanjia I conquered in the Sinnoh area a few years ago, and is responsible for assisting me in underwater exploration."

The masked man added, with a proud expression, that this Pokémon is definitely his best transport... best helper!

"A few years ago..."

Xiaozhi's face became serious. A few years ago, this meant that this penguin would be very powerful.

Water attribute and steel attribute?

This combination of attributes is quite outrageous. The two pairs of wings of the penguin in front of me give people a sense of steel hardness...


"Two, the game starts now!"

As the referee's arm fell, the two were full of energy. This time it was Xiaozhi who took the lead in attacking.

"Cami Turtle, use the water cannon!!"

Coming up is a great trick.

Even if the attribute is not good, as long as the skill is powerful enough, it can still cause a lot of damage.


Kami Turtle nodded, opened his mouth wide and took a deep breath, a burst of water flow energy suddenly condensed in his mouth, and he was about to launch it.

But the masked man on the opposite side was not in a hurry, and after a delay of half a second, he punched hard and said:

"King Nabo, use the water jet!!"


However, Emperor Nabo flapped his two prismatic wings to the side, and his black and blue body was immediately covered with a layer of blue water, which was like an energy coat, and then his body rushed out like a rocket at a very fast speed .

"Boom boom boom!!"

In the next second, the jet of water had already hit the turtle's shell head-on, and the strong force made the latter fly several meters away, and the water covered its face even more.

Water Jet is similar to Grass Slide, both are preemptive skills, even if you shoot later than you, you can still hit one step ahead.

It's just that this move doesn't have the limitation of the grass field, and can be used at any time, so its power is much lower than that of the grass slide.


Sure enough, during the retreat, Kami Turtle tried hard to maintain its figure. Although the power of this blow was strong, it was not enough to completely knock it down. The energy of the water flow in its mouth had already been accumulated.

"Boom boom boom!!"

I saw Kamigui's eyes turned serious, his mouth opened and closed to the maximum, and a huge jet of water spewed out immediately, the power was majestic and vigorous, and there were bursts of roaring sound like the engine of a high-pressure water pump along the way, which made people dare not underestimate it.

"Emperor Nabo, use the steel wings to block it!!"

After the masked man's voice fell, Emperor Nabo's expression remained the same, his figure stabilized, and he moved his two wings crossed in front of him to form a shield, with a silvery metallic luster on it.

"Boom boom boom!"

Immediately afterwards, the strong water flow fell on the steel wings, but no matter how great the water pressure was, it still couldn't make Emperor Nabo take half a step back, standing still like a mountain.

The water flow suddenly burst on it, soaking the surrounding ground.

"Damn it, it's so hard... But in terms of hardness, we won't lose!"

Xiaozhi's face changed, and then his face turned cold, he raised his hand to attack and said:

"Cami Turtle, then use the Rocket Hammer!!"


Looking at the iron-hard wings and shield in front of him, Kamigui couldn't help swallowing, and asked Xiaozhi a question mark, hesitating a little.

But what is important in combat is to cooperate with the trainer tacitly. Immediately, it no longer hesitated, and chose to trust Xiaozhi. A burst of energy accumulated in its body aroused a surging white light, and there was a faint roar of fuel in its ears. A bunch of rockets sprinted straight out.


The head collided with the metal wings head-on, and suddenly there was a violent metal explosion, and the sparks covered the ground with golden light, which made Kamigui stunned for no reason, and there was a pain in his head, as if he had hit a hard object that could not be destroyed at all.


However, this shock made Emperor Nabo tremble, causing negligible heavy damage.

Seeing this, the masked man secretly marveled at the hardness of the glans, but quickly instructed again:

"Imperator Napoleon, use metal claws!"

I saw Emperor Nabo suddenly opened his two steel-winged wings and flipped them outwards, only to see three golden claws on the lower part of the wings.

Its wings are somewhat similar to those of fossil pterosaurs, even with arms and claws growing in the middle of the wings.


At this time, there was a burst of metal cold light on the sharp claws, and the silver claws were enlarged several times visible to the naked eye. Finally, with a heavy chop, with great force, the Kami turtle, which was already lacking in stamina, flew out and fell back on the ground. superior.


After landing, Kamigui staggered, rubbing the top of his head frantically with his two short hands, excruciating pain, and there was already a big swelling on it.

It really makes the glans bigger!

"Can't even compare the hardness..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help wiping off the sweat that fell from his forehead, looking at the two steel-like black and blue wings in front of the emperor Nabo, this is something that must be resolved...

"Yes, the fire attribute restrains the steel attribute!"

Xiaozhi suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Steel is afraid of fire.

Since you are water + steel, then I will use water + fire!

He remembered Zeng Jin's unique skill in the domain of his Kami turtle in the volcanic hot spring on Honglian Island.

It is the energy of the water flow, but with scorching heat, it cleverly combines two incompatible energies.

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi roared loudly:

"Cami Turtle, use hot water!!"

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