He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 412: Fighting with all members! vs Blazing Roaring Tiger!

"Cami Turtle can't fight, this match is won by Emperor Nabo!"

The referee hesitated for a long time before issuing the verdict. Is this tortoise touching porcelain? He even fooled the ten-year-old referee.


Xiaozhi, on the other hand, had a dull expression on his face, and took the Kami turtle back to the poke ball like a robot, a little confused.

No, the huge golden water tail in the play-in competition is effective, it bursts with power, and this time the movement is bigger than last time, why is there no reaction at all?

That's it?

There are still many poisonous dogs on the field who have already started to yell at Xiaozhi and Kamigui. The most annoying thing in the competition is the counterfeit match. They all overwhelmed...

"Wait, I'm pressing the Masked Man player."

"Indeed, I didn't pressure player Xiaozhi at all."

"Misunderstanding cleared, Kami turtle is man's best friend."

"Contestant Xiaozhi is still a good brother."

The odds before the game were very different, and no one chose to bet on Xiaozhi. Such a situation is beneficial to everyone.

"But isn't this really a fake match...?"

This is the doubt in everyone's mind.

But Chi sitting on one side of the auditorium couldn't help but shook his head, showing such an expression.

"It seems that the power of this fetter is not so easy to grasp."

The power of the bond superimposes the will of the trainer and the Pokémon to achieve the effect of enhancing the combat power of the Pokémon in a short period of time.

And the higher level of the power of fetters will increase the body energy of the Kami turtle to an extremely high level, and the whole body will be as hot as an oven lamp. proof.

And the tail of the water flow is of the water attribute.

This is equivalent to pouring water directly into an oven with a high temperature of several hundred degrees, which will naturally evaporate the liquid water instantly, and the energy will be exhausted accordingly.

This trick is different from the previous "hot water". Others use 100-degree energy to match 100-degree water, which is a perfect match.

But your 1000-degree energy paired with 100-degree water is the most stupid combination. Whether you can release a unique trick depends purely on control and luck.

See if you can complete the attack before the energy is evaporated, such as the previous finalists, happened to be in a middle position, the water has not been evaporated, the trick is just right.

But now for this attack, the timing is too late, the water has been evaporated, and the energy has also dissipated.

It's like accumulating full power but having no energy. In the end, it only issued a skill similar to "knocking" and hit the "steel wing".

"Oh, the director told me that he captured a precious battle scene just now."

The commentator Xiaojia quickly reminded on the stage.

Immediately after that, a replay of Kami Turtle dropping from the sky with a huge golden water tail suddenly appeared on the main screen. The momentum was like a demon god, which made people shudder. This made all the audience, including Xiaozhi and the masked man, subconsciously raise their heads and watch intently with.

In slow motion, the golden light on the tail of the water flow became more and more dazzling, even to the point of shining brightly, and finally the picture was frozen at the critical point where the tail was about to touch the steel wing.

What is jaw-dropping is that the golden light energy and water flow on the tail have completely disappeared at the moment when the surrounding white mist is pushed away. This is just an ordinary "knocking".


Then Cammy Turtle A went up, and was directly ejected a few meters away, and then fell straight to the ground, like touching porcelain.

This scene was as smooth and flowing as the anti-counterfeit match, as if Kamigui deliberately dissipated the energy of his whole body at the last moment.

Xiaozhi: "..."

Masked man: "..."

Xiaozhi's face darkened quickly, and he signaled to start the next game quickly, but he really couldn't explain it properly because of the counterfeit match.

Moreover, my Kami turtle is also young and frivolous. He has been in the underworld for several years and has a record with Miss Junsha.

Although the masked man was also curious about this move and wished to study it on the spot, he could only hold back his temper and continue the game.



"Come back, Emperor Napoleon."

Unexpectedly, the current Emperor Nabo's health was at least healthy green blood, but the masked man chose to take it back, and then took out his third Poké Ball.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi regrouped and took out his third elf ball.

"It's up to you!"

The two released their third Pokémon at the same time again.

"Dragon Roar!!"

A strong roar of the dragon exploded, and the handsome figure of the fire-breathing dragon appeared in front of Xiaozhi. As soon as he appeared on the stage, he spit out a ball of flames into the sky, full of momentum, and ignited the embarrassing atmosphere of the arena just now.

The third one, Xiaozhi decided to send the third highest Pokémon in his illustration book.

"Tiger Roar!!"

But before one person and one dragon could make any moves, a roar of tigers erupted from the other end of the arena, like a thunderclap. The sound completely overwhelmed the sound of the fire-breathing dragon in just an instant, and everyone in the arena couldn't help but Startled, he covered his ears.

A red-and-black tiger-headed Pokémon has stood in front of the masked man, posing a grappling gesture, with a stern expression, and his whole body seeps into him like black flames are burning. The flames tied around his waist The belt is rolling with solid golden flames.

Blazing Roaring Tiger!

This is the masked man's real trump card.



The terrifying aura made both Xiaozhi and the fire-breathing dragon back half a step at the same time, a few drops of sweat appeared on their foreheads, and a burst of blue light that weakened their abilities lit up on the latter.

Roaring tiger characteristic, intimidation, successfully reduced the attack power of the fire-breathing dragon by one level.

"Hiss, what a terrible pressure..."

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi couldn't help sighing secretly.

Only when you are on the scene can you feel the terrifying oppression of this roaring tiger. Even though the fire-breathing dragon is even bigger than the opponent, there is a faint feeling of invincibility.

This feeling is by no means comparable to that of the Miao Frog Flower or Emperor Nabo...


Xiaozhi immediately took a step across and shouted in a low voice, not only to revive the morale of the fire-breathing dragon, but also to boost his courage.

A face-to-face fight with the masked man and his roaring tiger, this thing Xiaozhi had fantasized about when he participated in the p1 fighting competition in Yuhong City, and now the fantasy has come true, making him so excited that he couldn't help but tremble all over , the fiery fighting spirit in his eyes, not even losing to the two flame Pokémon in the field.

"Two, the match begins!!"

As the referee's voice fell, Xiaozhi took the lead in raising one arm high.

"Charizard, fly!!"

The fire-breathing dragon has one more wing than the opponent, and the advantage of flying high in the sky is a point that must be grasped.


The fire-breathing dragon nodded, and immediately stretched out its two wide fiery red wings, its hind legs stepped on the ground fiercely, and it was about to flap its wings.

"Roaring Tiger, use high-five surprise attack!"

Although it was half a second behind, Roaring Tiger's movements were faster, and he had already sprinted in front of the target in a few strides. When the fire-breathing dragon was about to take off, he raised his arms and slapped him fiercely.


The crisp applause directly interrupted the fire-breathing dragon's take-off movement, and it froze in place.

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