He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 414: Everyone Fights! formidable opponent

"Isn't jetting flames even effective..."

Xiaozhi's face was tense all the time, the opponent's terrifying attack made him a little hard to breathe, but fortunately he finally flew up now, so he could take a breather.

"Charizard, just in the sky, use the air blade!!"

Melee combat is impossible. Others are quasi-champions in the P1 fighting competition, and melee is free. Although Xiaozhi is reckless, he is not stupid, so he has to choose long-distance attack.


The fire-breathing dragon nodded. The opponent was too strong, which also made it less irritable in the past, and became more cautious. After opening the distance in the sky, it flapped its wings, and immediately condensed several white energy, which turned into sharp blades and rushed towards The target shoots away.

The fire-breathing dragon has its own flying attribute, and when the air blade trick is used, its power is not low, and the penetrating sound seems to cut through the air.

However, the masked man ignored the attack and shouted in a low voice:

"Roaring Tiger, use Bodybuilding in situ!"

"Tiger Roar!!"

The Roaring Tiger let out a roar, and swung his arms to the sides. Suddenly, the muscles on his chest and arms burst into three layers, and his whole body exploded with fiery red energy ripples like flames. The red and black body instantly changed. It is extremely aggressive and fierce.

"Papa papa."

Half a step later, the air blade slashed on Roaring Tiger's firm chest, leaving a few white marks, which stirred up faint smoke.

"Didi. Bodybuilding improves physical attack and physical defense, while air slash is a special trick with good damage."

The timely broadcast of the illustrated book made Xiaozhi calm down, then raised his finger and continued to instruct:

"Don't end it, just keep the distance, and use the air slash continuously in the sky!"

The level gap is huge. In this case, neither Xiaozhi nor the fire-breathing dragon will choose any frontal attack. As long as they fight this terrifying opponent, they can try any strategy.


Hearing that the fire-breathing dragon flapped its wings this time to distance itself, the flying attribute energy in front of its body condensed and turned into several sharp air blades again, and it was about to shoot out.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the masked man issued new instructions, but the contents were confusing.

"Roaring Tiger, run up, treat this place as a ring arena!"

The Roaring Tiger comprehended, and instantly understood the meaning of the latter, closing and opening a pair of piercing tigers. In its eyes, the empty quartz arena had completely transformed into the familiar ring arena.

"Tiger Roar!"

Immediately, the Roaring Tiger started to run, sprinting towards the side, narrowly dodging the menacing air blade above, and before it stopped moving, it rushed directly out of the white line on the edge of the standard playing field .

"Beep. The white line outside the court, the outside line outside the court, and the countdown to out of bounds is 5 seconds..."

Not only the illustrated book, but even the loudspeakers in the arena started broadcasting.

Generally speaking, a playing field the size of half a football field is enough, and it is basically difficult to play off the field.

But even if you go outside the white line, it doesn't mean you are defeated, but you can't stay outside the boundary for a long time. There are regulations in the official game. Once you are outside the white line for more than 5 seconds, you will voluntarily admit defeat.

Of course, this is for Pokémon whose feet touch the ground, and there is no such restriction for Pokémon that can fly.

"So, what does it do...?"

Not only Xiaozhi's question, but all the audience are also confused, you roaring tiger didn't sprint in the direction of the enemy, why did you run in the opposite direction, even...

Even almost ran to the auditorium?

In the next second, Roaring Tiger gave everyone the answer, which was not about to happen.

"Tiger Roar!!"

I only heard a roar, but I saw that the Roaring Tiger had sprinted to the edge of the arena, jumped directly onto the handrail of the auditorium above, raised his arms and roared at everyone, posing as a winner, scared The audience nearby backed away again and again, their faces changed drastically.

But this movement has not been sustained, Roaring Tiger's hind limbs suddenly exerted force, using this armrest platform to jump high again, and this time, it bounced towards the upper part of the arena.


"Is this treating this arena as a ring..."

Many viewers have been dumbfounded by the roaring tiger's posture.

When boxing in the arena, wrestlers jump onto the edge of the platform in reverse, and then use their strength to fly up and attack the opponent. This is a common move, but in this kind of empty arena, it is outrageous to directly regard the edge of the auditorium as a ring .

"Didi. 4.9 seconds, legal appearance."

The voice of the illustrated book brought Xiaozhi back from his sluggishness, but he saw that the Roaring Tiger was already flying up to a height of 5 or 6 meters in a state of prey, and the distance between him and the fire-breathing dragon was less than one meter.

The fire-breathing dragon was about to flap its wings to dodge, but the masked man shouted again:

"Roaring Tiger, use Hell Roll!"

"Tiger Roar!!"

The black and red demon-like figure with an unstoppable aura instantly devoured the fire-breathing dragon. As soon as it touched the target, the Roaring Tiger's flexible limbs exerted force at the same time, and rushed out. The fire-breathing dragon's body joints and limbs are tightly entangled.

Then the body exerted strength, and the fire-breathing dragon spun crazily in the sky, like a hell roller.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Projected on the earth, it is a rotation with a diameter of about 5 or 6 meters.

And the hell rolls, the rotation diameter is 0, which also means that the rotation speed will become extremely fast, which makes the fire-breathing dragon spin around suddenly.

"Charizard, break free!!"

At this moment, Xiaozhi's voice from the outside world can't be heard, and it is only dim in front of his eyes and ears.

After the trick was over, the Roaring Tiger instantly loosened the restraints on his body, and flexibly escaped from the latter, while the Charizard was thrown away like a cannonball, the inertial force had reached a maximum value, and crashed to the ground.


Even if it landed, the fire-breathing dragon's body was still rolling backwards like a ball, and it seemed that it was about to roll out of the field all the way.

"Charizard, use the steel wings!!"

Finally, Xiaozhi's voice came into the ears of the fire-breathing dragon, making it suddenly come to its senses, resisting the nausea in its mind, and forcibly stretched its wings, which were already covered with layers of steel luster , and finally slammed into the ground under his feet.


With the help of this steel wing, the fire-breathing dragon stopped its backward movement, but forcibly terminated this force, which also made it let out a muffled groan.


The smoke and dust dissipated, and he knelt on the ground like a fire-breathing dragon, panting, looking a little tired, and most of his mental strength was consumed.

"Tiger Roar!!"

On the other hand, the Blazing Roaring Tiger still made a gesture of raising its arms and shouting, and greeted the cheers of the audience, as if it had not suffered any harm.

With such a huge level gap, Xiao Zhi's back was already soaked, and his brows were tightly frowned.

The terrifying and fierce attack made him dare not take a breath, and now he was already within the opponent's attack range even in the sky...

"So strong..."

This Roar was completely different from the masked man's other Pokémon, and just facing it made him feel inexplicably afraid.

Until now, he can finally understand Xiaolan and Xiaomao's mentality after being pierced three times by the Roaring Tiger.

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