He knows Pokémon better than me

Four hundred and fortieth chapters drive along

"Didi. Pokébi has a unique personality and is super lucky. It is easier to hit vital points in battle."

Afterwards, Xiaozhi took out the illustration book, and only then did he know how Xiaoxia suddenly became a person favored by the goddess of luck.

"Hee hee~ I discovered by accident before that my Pokby has the magical ability of good luck~"

At this moment, Xiaoxia already has three chapters of round-trip air tickets in her hand, and the three of them are approaching the direction indicated above. On the way, they are still holding Pokéby high as if they are holding a baby, full of doting.

At this time, Xiaozhi leaned forward.

"Hey, I have Admiral's Claws... Oh no, Admiral's Claw Crab, one wears three, you really don't think about exchanging it?"

Luck has always been lacking in Xiaozhi, and this Porkby will definitely make him a lucky man.

Xiaoxia just smiled and politely refused.




On the other side, in a certain street corner, three figures were operating something around.

To be precise, it was two people and one cat. The woman had long red hair and the man had kelp-like short blue hair. They were both wearing uniforms with a big letter "R" engraved on their chests.

It is the Rockets trio who haven't appeared for a long time.

"Power on meow!"

There was movement in the device, and the three of them hurriedly sat upright and straightened their backs. After a while, an electronic panel was projected into the air above the device. At this moment, there was a capable woman with short purple hair and glasses on it. serious.

"What is it? It's a real bird."

"I thought it was the boss who contacted us."

"Boring meow~"

The trio suddenly lost interest and waved their hands lazily.

"Hmph, the three of you seem to have not submitted results to the organization for a long time, Boss Sakagi is very angry now."

After the words fell, the faces of the trio suddenly changed, and their tone became flattering.

"But Boss Sakagi decided to give you another chance. A subsidiary that our boss values ​​very much needs manpower to operate. Now the company's agents are the three of you. This is your chance to make up for your mistakes. You must run it well and don't let Sakagi Don't be disappointed again, Boss!"

After speaking, Makoto decisively cut off the communication.

The trio hugged each other tightly, tears streaming down their faces.

I didn't expect that after they had been together for so long, Boss Sakagi still remembered them, and even entrusted them with such an important task...

"The harder, the more fortunate!"

The trio glanced at the address, and hurried to it? They vowed to turn this company into the number one big enterprise in the universe.

And the real bird who was far away in the Chengdu area just sneered after hanging up the phone.

Boss Sakagi is now being kind to his father and son, so how can he have time to take care of others? She is also busy investigating other grandfathers? It's just that she suddenly received the news that this subsidiary company was about to go bankrupt, so she casually threw it to the three of them to replace it.

Although the Rockets have a big business in the Kanto area? But the transportation industry is really bad, and it can't beat the official transportation company of the alliance? Isn't this? This subsidiary is on the verge of bankruptcy, and even the last vehicle is left ...


On the other side, Xiaozhi and his team have already walked to the local airport, looking at the majestic and huge planes parked around them? The roar caused by the takeoff can be heard from time to time? There is a little more anticipation in my heart.

As a real newcomer who is not very rich, he has not yet flown by plane.

"Oh! Are the three guests the lucky ones who won the special prize of our Rocket Transportation Group? Come on, come on, it's about to take off!"

At this time, two plump women dressed as stewardesses came up, one with red hair and one with blue hair, beautifully dressed.

They noticed the air tickets in the hands of Xiaozhi and the others? They immediately looked at each other secretly.

"Good luck, the guests turned out to be the little ghosts and the others? They just robbed their Pokémon, and they can run the company? And they can hand in the results to the organization!"

The two have a plan in mind.

The three of Xiaozhi do not doubt that there is him? They follow along talking and laughing. They are looking forward to the next flight journey.

After a while, they came to an airship.

The whole body of the airship is gray and white, except that the outer skin is worn out, and there are even a few torn cloths. It has a simple and simple atmosphere, and it looks like an old antique that has been on display for twenty years.

There is also a line of big characters written on the surface, which seems to be the name of the airship.

"Frost Sorrow".

"Er, two big sisters, we are air tickets, not airship tickets." Xiaoxia swallowed and reminded tentatively.

"The airship ticket is also the air ticket~"

"Don't worry, this is the latest airship~"

Kojiro and Musashi were afraid that the three of them would not take the ride, so they hurriedly pushed the three of them up the elevator, and after officially entering it, they closed the handle of the door, and then said with a smile:

"The three of you are respected guests, this trip will only serve you three~ there are no outsiders."

Then he took Xiaozhi and his party to the hall.

"It's almost time to eat, let's go and tell the kitchen to start cooking food~ You can call us anytime if you need it~ It's all free~"

Before leaving, Kojiro gave Xiaozhi a wink, and the latter immediately got goosebumps all over his body.


After the airship made a sound of taking off, the voyage to Bitter Orange Island officially began. The airship flew up to a thousand meters in the air in less than a while, and was flying steadily towards the Orange Islands.

It's just that the surroundings are full of old smells, and even stepping on the floor can make an unstable "creaking" sound, which makes the three of them inexplicably uneasy.

"Shouldn't it fall?"

Xiaozhi tried to step on the ground with a little force.


In the next moment, a big hole suddenly opened under his feet, and Xiao Zhi's figure suddenly sank in place.

This filled his adrenaline in an instant, and his feet were flying in the air. He had to step on his left foot and use his right foot to use his strength to fly into the air, and then he kicked back on the airship again, but at this moment his back felt cold.


Sure enough, this airship is not broken visible to the naked eye, but really broken!

Seeing this, the three of them didn't dare to wander around at will, so they had to find a safe place to sit on the handle, and prayed in their hearts that this journey would pass quickly.

Fortunately, the dinner that followed was sumptuous, and the food couldn't be faked. The three of Xiaozhi ate their fill, and Pikachu ate into a ball.


At this time, the airship suddenly trembled, and the interior became a little tilted, which caused the spherical Pikachu on the dining table to roll off the table and hit the floor with a "boom".

Fortunately, that piece was a bracket instead of empty ground, so it didn't fall directly to the end...

"Hey, please can you ask the driver to adjust it, how can you eat when it's all tilted!"

The inclination continued to increase, and Xiaoxia hurriedly supported Burkeby, complaining again and again.

Kojiro and Musashi hurriedly made a gesture of calmness, and walked towards the inside of the airship, intending to ask a professional for questioning.

"Ah, do you ask meow? Meow is a chef, how do you know who is driving meow!"

In the kitchen, Miaomiao, who was wearing a white chef hat, asked rhetorically.

In the next second, the two of them and the cat opened their eyes wide at the same time, and a terrible thought came to their minds.

"Wait, didn't you say that there are only three of us left in this company?"

"Then who is driving now?!"

The three hurriedly ran towards the driver's cab, pushed open the door, and there was no one inside, and the handle of the driving direction was also shaking at will with the bumps around it, making a "creaking" sound. the sound of.

Without him, just drive as you please...

Kojiro still wanted to step forward and hold the steering wheel tightly to stabilize the direction.


The reverse disc split on the spot, so [biquge www.xbqg5200.co] Jiro just turned around holding the steering wheel, and the three of them were a little confused.


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