He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 445 Regional Form Differences of Pokémon

(Recently, I have returned to the non-combat daily happy style, and I am not used to it...)

(Also, three more, please order!)


In front of a villa-like building, the three of Xiaozhi stopped. According to passers-by, this is the destination of their trip - Neimu Research Institute.

It's just that this appearance is much more magnificent than the Damu Research Institute in Zhenxin Town, which is more like a two-story indigenous bungalow.

Without hesitation, the three of them pushed open the door, and there was a front desk according to the door.

Three girls in the same grade as Xiao Zhi and the other three were napping at the front desk, their postures were a little rough, and they were wearing white coats. They should be a few assistants.

"Welcome to Dr. Uchiki's Institute~"

Seeing someone coming to the door, the three of them quickly sat upright, showing professional smirks to welcome them, and Xiaozhi also explained their reason for coming.

"Oh, it's a guest from Zhenxin Town~ Wait a minute, Dr. Uchiki said that if she is a guest from Zhenxin Town, remember to ask her to come out~ Please wait a moment~"

Immediately, he picked up the phone at the front desk and communicated in dragon language. After waiting for a few minutes, a figure slowly walked out.

He has purple mid-length hair and is still wearing a researcher's white coat. He is about 30 years old. He has a good face and bulging eyes, but it gives people a charming feeling and exudes an intellectual and mature temperament.

"You are the juniors that Dr. Oki values, right? Hello, I'm Uchiki."

The appearance of Dr. Uchiki stunned the three of them for a moment. Unexpectedly, the doctor was a woman, and she was so much younger than Dr. Oki. Xiao Gang's face turned red and his breathing became short of breath.

After introducing himself for a while, Dr. Uchiki also led the three of them towards the interior of the institute.

"The special elf ball is inside, the three of you come with me."

Dr. Uchiki's research institute is divided into two buildings. The front one is a reception hall for entertaining guests, while the back one is used for professional research. In the middle is a large tropical bush jungle, many domestic treasures Pokémon live here.


On the way, a Butterfly butterfly suddenly appeared in everyone's sight, but its appearance was a bit weird. Although the skin color of the body remained unchanged, there were some strange spots on the surface? It looked full of exotic flavor.

Not only the Butterfly Butterfly? There are also a few Lada who are napping on the side of the road, like the Bawanghua? They have unique spotted patterns on their bodies? The breath is also slightly different from what they have seen before.

"Ba Dadie is not pink, so special..."

Even Xiaozhi couldn't help blurting out? It was an eye-opener.

"By the way, are the patterns on the bodies of these Pokémon born?"

Xiaoxia even saw a Kodak duck with exotic southern patterns on its body? It seemed a bit funny.

"Huh? It was born."

Seeing this, Uchiki stopped in his tracks, and there was no rush about the Poké Ball, so he slowly introduced to everyone:

"The same kind of Pokémon will have individual differences due to factors such as the environment in which they were born, climate, soil, drinking water, temperature, etc., which I call regional differences."

"The difference in the appearance of the spotted pattern is only the most basic. I infer that once the difference in the environment is sufficiently wide and long-lasting? Pokémon of the same type will even undergo earth-shaking changes, not only in appearance, but even in attributes and characteristics. ..."

"For example, maybe in a certain area, Pikachu can even step on his own tail? Maybe he can float in the sky."

As he said that, Uchiki rubbed Pikachu on Xiaozhi's shoulder? His words were plain? There was an undeniable academic momentum.

"This is one of my research topics? Regional differences in Pokémon."

"Papa papa..."

Although the three of them didn't understand, they still clapped their hands, showing that they did understand.


"Let's eat~ let's eat~"

At this time, there was a crisp shouting sound from the jungle behind. It was one of the assistant girls who was pushing a small cart, which was full of Pokémon food and piled up by category.

With the sound of yelling and the smell of food, dozens of Pokémon suddenly emerged from the jungle, surrounded them, and ate their favorite food very skillfully.

"Hehe, this is a food specially customized for each Pokémon by professionals. Pokémon with each attribute have different tastes."

Uchiki said with a smile.


But in the next second, Pikachu had already jumped off Xiaozhi's shoulder, looking familiar, and even ate a bit of every bucket, and he didn't dislike it at all.


It's just that the first Butterfly Butterfly still clings to the tree and doesn't come down to enjoy the food, its cute big eyes are wrinkled.

"Doctor, it's like this again, this child just doesn't want to eat."

Seeing this, the little assistant had a headache, and Dr. Uchiki frowned.

She doesn't understand these things, and even professionals can't solve it through remote calls, and she is in a difficult situation.

During the stalemate, Xiao Gang who had been silent behind him suddenly pushed aside Xiao Zhi and Xiao Xia, and walked out with heavy steps. up.

Pokémon and human food are actually interoperable. Pikachu can eat curry rice, and Xiaozhi can also eat rat food, but it is not necessary.


Chicken smell.

After eating, Xiao Gang frowned for a while, then suddenly thought of something, ignored everyone's gaze, and ran towards the jungle.

Before a few people spoke, they turned back quickly, with some purple powder in their hands, and just sprinkled it on the insect-type food.

In the next second, a miracle appeared [Liancheng www.wsx5.cn].


I saw that anorexic Butterfly suddenly flew to the side of this pile of food, and he had a huge meal, eating so loudly that even Pikachu, who had just eaten, was hungry again, and joined the eating army together again.

"Mr. Xiaogang... how did you do it?"

Dr. Uchiki was shocked, and stared blankly at Xiaogang. This operation was no different from a miracle in her eyes.

However, Xiao Gang only half-opened his eyes and turned his back, revealing the back of an expert.

"It's onions. I added onions. The principle is simple. Ba Dadie likes spicy food, so I added some onion powder."

There are two worms in Xiaozhi's team. He is naturally very familiar with this kind of Pokémon. Even Xiaogang doesn't bother with the elementary method of classifying by attribute, but for each Pokémon of the three of them. All food is custom made.

Pikachu's fur can be so shiny and soft, and Xiaozhi also has a lot of fun. He has at least 7 layers of power.

"I, Xiaogang, am a man who wants to become a cultivator. For me, these things are nothing more than clouds..."

The dazzling light of the teeth, against the background of the dark complexion, almost blinded Dr. Uchiki's eyes.

For a while, this black guy had a pink filter in Dr. Neimu's eyes. You must know that in the southern region, dark skin is the most beautiful. This made Neimu's face blush, and he couldn't help making a strange sound.

"Oh hoo..."

But within three seconds of being handsome, Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia inserted forcefully, directly interrupting Xiaogang's cupping and handsomeness.

"Xiao Gang, when did you change your dream, didn't you want to become the strongest mountaineering man?"

"Mr. Gang, aren't we going to be action movie directors?"

This made Xiaogang frown, and immediately thought of feeding Pikachu the rotten street rat food bought online after giving birth.

Anyway, this electric mouse can't tell the difference...

Pikachu: "?"

The one below who was still burying his head in his meal shivered inexplicably, with an innocent look on his face.

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