He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 480: Ocean Current Changes

At a height of one thousand meters, above the black clouds, the huge sky fortress is still floating above this sea area.

Inside, in a resplendent room.

It was as spacious as a hall, with all kinds of rare treasures placed on the walls, and the outside world could be seen through the glass on one side of the wall.

The most eye-catching one is undoubtedly a two-meter-high circular sphere, the gap is covered with a special fuzzy energy force field, and a golden-winged firebird is being restrained in it.

"call out..."

There was a hole in the ceiling of the hall, and something that looked like an elevator fell down. Gilluta walked down from above and walked slowly to the flame bird, with a look of admiring a work of art in his eyes.

"From now on, you are number two in my collection."

Gilluta, he is a Pokémon collector, there is no right or wrong, no right and wrong, there is only a desire to list precious Pokémon as his own collection.


The flame bird screamed loudly, struggled with its body and wings, and even sent out a ball of flames, but it was completely absorbed by the surrounding ring iron ring, and it had no effect at all.

"Oh~ Are you angry? Even if you are the god of fire, you are only number two, and number one will be left to my most cherished collection~"

Gillu smiled smugly, seeing that the high god could only struggle helplessly in his own hands at this moment, which greatly satisfied his heart.

Looking at the angry eyes of the flame bird, he shivered for no reason.

"Hmph, is it a trick to stare? But it's useless to stare at me..."

But in the end, Gilluta still snapped his fingers, and a ball of something like a hypnotic potion spewed out from the circular force field, and the Flamingo soon fell into a deep sleep, and his body shrank into a ball.

In the hall, there are a total of three 2-meter-high spherical iron rings, corresponding to the three god birds, and there is a three- to four-meter-high position in the middle, which is deliberately vacated.

"God of the sea...my last place is reserved for you!"

Mrs. Jill looked down at the sea through the glass, her face was full of confidence and fanaticism, and she was determined to win.



It seems that because the flame bird was captured, the climate of Asia Island became weird.

The strange climate even radiates outwards, spreading to the entire sea area of ​​the Orange Islands. Sometimes it rains heavily, sometimes it is covered with snow? He stared blankly at the rapidly changing clouds above.

This kind of anomaly even spread to the adjacent waters of Honglian Island and the vicinity of Zhenxin Town on the coast of the Kanto region? And it intensified, and the scope was still expanding?

"Hey, the climate of the Orange Islands has fallen into darkness? Didn't you just happen to be there? The project in hand is temporarily stranded? You will be connected to the live broadcast as a reporter later, and the background board is aimed at the sky above the Orange Islands. , but also reflect our unyielding struggle.”

"In two minutes, our alliance news station will broadcast live news to the whole world? Is this a press release? You can memorize it right now..."

Such an announcement suddenly came from the communicator in a helicopter. The voice was low and full of air, quite a bit like a general.

This is the voice of the Quartz Alliance, the Chief Director of the Official Information Bureau.

The logo of the Quartz Alliance News Bureau is also affixed to the helicopter's shell.

When natural disasters come, do they need their official media to come out to stabilize people's hearts? To give people strength and fighting spirit.

"By the way, there will be Dr. Oki's remote online analysis and interpretation later? You should be careful and don't make mistakes!"

The director's voice was hurried and orderly? Although the situation was urgent, he had made all the preparations to the extreme? It seemed like he was trying to save the building from falling.

The field reporter on the opposite side has also been a veteran for many years? Does he need to worry about anything? The director is very relieved.

"Today's breaking news broadcast should go smoothly..."

Thinking of this, the director hung up the communicator and went outside to smoke a cigarette to buffer himself. He still had to communicate with the official alliance, and there was no time to waste.

"Hey Chief, wait a minute...!"

The old fritter reporter hurriedly said, but the communicator only had the empty sound of "beep...".

He looked at the news release in his hand, and the description on it made him frown, and then he looked up at the abnormal weather outside, his face suddenly a little messy.

Only 2 minutes left...no, now only 30 seconds left...

"Cheer up!"

The old fritter reporter quickly patted his face. His years of professional career allowed him to live broadcast with ease no matter what the environment. He immediately stopped worrying about anything, calmed down, and went through the manuscript again in his heart.


Looking at the red light of the camera in front of him, Lao Youtiao immediately showed a professional smirk, and said slowly:

"Hi everyone, I'm reporter Youtiao. Now I'm in the southern waters of the Orange Islands. The sky sometimes rains heavily, sometimes snow falls, and sometimes terrible hail falls. The weather can be said to change every three minutes... "

Saying that, You Tiao raised his hand.

The photographer understood and moved the lens out of the window to capture the surrounding sky and high-altitude clouds.

The movements are skilled and silky.



"What about playing?"

"The Riddler?"

Countless viewers who were watching the live broadcast slowly had a question mark in their hearts.

Did this reporter read the wrong manuscript? Why is it completely wrong?

On the TV screen at this moment, there is no heavy rain, heavy snow and hail at all...

Yes, it's just a bright and white sunny day, a fiery red sun hangs in the sky, the fierce and poisonous sunlight falls, the sky is clear, and the weather is extremely good.

"Not only that, the weather is bad, and even the sea is turbulent. It is suggested that everyone should not go to sea now..."

The reporter You Tiao was still carrying the manuscript, and the camera also pushed down and landed on the sea.


But the audience was obviously completely dazzled by him.

Can the sea be calmer? !

Not only that, but there is also an unknown object on the screen, which is really eye-catching.

It was a giant red beast covered in molten armor, with an unusually large body, but it was a little hunchbacked. Half of its body was submerged under the sea water, and it was moving slowly and firmly.

God of volcanoes, Gulardo.

That's right, You Tiao's news helicopter that was temporarily requisitioned was exactly the one that followed the live broadcast of Gulardo home 24 hours a day.

Naturally, there is no fancy and abnormal weather around. No matter what kind of blizzard or rainstorm, they are all shocked by Gulardo's aura like a charming clown, and they are completely obliterated.

There are, only.

Sunny day! !

It can be said that this place is the calmest place in the entire Orange Islands...

The barrage, the explosive surge, almost directly paralyzed the servers in the news broadcast room.


Seeing the red light turn on again, the reporter Youtiao breathed a sigh of relief and hurried to the next link.

"Now let's connect with Dr. Damu, he has some Li sisters..."

The screen flashed, and Dr. Oki's head replaced Gulardo's moving figure, and the barrage surged again, but this time it was obviously a protest of dissatisfaction.

"Hi everyone, I'm Damu."

Today's Dr. Oki is rare and serious, which really gives people a sense of authority.

"According to the records, there are fire, thunder, and ice in the waters of the Orange Islands. The fire melts the ice to form ocean currents, and the lightning falls, creating the first living matter in the sea..."

He had communicated with Dr. Uchiki of the Orange Islands for a period of time before, and he knew all the obscure prehistoric secrets there.

These three original and initial powers are not the second-level god body like the flame bird, the lightning bird, the freezing bird, but something more original...

"And once the three forces are out of balance, it will destroy the flow of the deep ocean currents, and the deep ocean currents control the surrounding climate, weather, and nature..."

Although Oki didn't know what happened, but this kind of radiation can radiate the entire Orange Islands, and according to this posture, it may also affect the Kanto region, so something terrible must have happened.

"And the center of the ocean current is at the end of the Orange Islands, a place called Asia Island..."

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