He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 483: A Reasonable Villain!


There was a gap in the ceiling of the hall, and a golden automatic elevator slowly fell from there, touching the ground, and Gillu, who had brown hair and aristocratic blood, walked in front of everyone.

The procedure was wrong, and extra people were arrested by mistake.

But it's not a big problem. As a collector, when you get a precious collection, it's a normal psychology to show it to outsiders.

"Hello, my name is Gilruta, and I'm a Pokémon collector."

He went straight to the cages of the crowd, leaning on a decorative cane in one hand, his movements were elegant and generous, and he even nodded slightly to them as a sign of politeness.

"You are free to admire my precious collection..."

This gesture reminded Xiaozhi of Boros, the core cadre of the Rockets in the past.

So this person is a villain, and he has more momentum than the Rockets trio.

"Hey, are you the one who caught the three god birds indiscriminately behind your back! Do you know what you are doing, such a bad behavior!"

Xiaozhi immediately grabbed the edge of the cage, and accused him righteously.

The high-tech force field cage has been replaced with an ordinary iron ring cage.

"Oh~ I'm just catching Pokémon normally, is it illegal to catch Pokémon now?"

Hearing this, Gilluta just replied with a smile.

"Then why don't you put it in the Poke Ball?"

"I'm a Pokémon collector, not a trainer. I'm not for fighting, but for seeing with my eyes. Naturally, Pokémon must be released for display~"

He said confidently.

Not only Xiaozhi couldn't refute these words, even the Rockets trio were stunned for a moment.

What a reasonable villain.

"Hey, you know what you are doing. The three gods cannot be touched by humans at will. Once touched, it will have incalculable consequences, and it will be a disaster for the world!!"

Flora next to her quickly changed her angle and accused her.

It seems that this villain is not the kind of pure bad guy, if he can convince the other party with reason, it seems to be possible.

"Tsk tsk~ It's just three second-level gods, and they can still harm the world? And isn't this legend just a fabricated story...?"

Gilluta just smiled slightly, showing no awe at all, and even took a step forward, staring closely into Flora's eyes.

"It seems that you told me this sentence."

Yes, as a smart general type collector, before planning this event, it is natural to conduct market research first. Jill Lutai has been to Asia Island once.

And the tone of the local islanders are basically ghost legends? Among them, the loudest one? Naturally, this witch who has no awe of the gods.

After saying those words, Flora's face suddenly turned a little pale.

It can be said that Gilluta just accepted her thoughts? Then in its eyes, the three gods are just ordinary second-level gods, so what can't be caught?


The few people next to him didn't know what kind of riddle these two people were playing again? But Xiaozhi had already grasped the iron ring of the cage, sweat dripping from his brows? Press down to the ground.

A left jab and a kick should easily take the latter down.

He had already thought of the script.

Huh? Doesn’t make sense? Then I’ll convince you with my fists!

Just when he was about to make a move, Gilluta suddenly snapped his fingers.


In the next second, the iron cage around their bodies was opened out of thin air.

"My distinguished guests, you can enjoy my artwork freely now, but pay attention? Don't touch it casually~"

As he said that, Mrs. Jill stood on the automatic elevator again like this? She slowly disappeared from everyone's sight, and she didn't forget her kind reminder before leaving.

"Don't worry? When the spaceship lands, I will take you out safely."

Everyone was suddenly baffled.

Xiaozhi: "..."

Duck's? Such a polite villain? He's really embarrassed to do it.

Now? Several people really scattered in the hall, looking at everything curiously.

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia went to see the divine bird, while Musashi Kojiro and the other three were touching the precious antiques on the wall, planning to bring some souvenirs back later, acting like elementary school students visiting the museum.

Seeing that Flora next to her was still looking lonely with her head down, Xiaozhi just patted her on the shoulder and said in a deep voice:

"It's useless to regret. Now that something has happened, let's think about how to remedy it."

It is impossible for a person to be born with awe of the gods. If he has not experienced it, he will naturally not have it.

Although Flora openly advocated anti-science and breaking feudal superstitions in front of a witch, it is indeed a bit outrageous...

These words also made Flora raise her head again, she just looked at Xiao Zhi with her beautiful face, and there were still a few teardrops in the corners of her eyes at the moment.

"Thank you..."

Originally, she thought that Xiaozhi was just a stunned young man, but now it seems that he is unexpectedly mature and reliable...?

"Well, I see!"

Thinking of this, Flora pumped up two small fists and regained her strength.

As the current Miko, she must do something!



outside the spaceship.


There was another high-pitched cry, and an ice-blue giant bird appeared in the sky over the surrounding sea area. Its glass-like body was full of ice-coldness, its noble and elegant face was quite good-looking, and its tail had a Long feathers.

God of Ice, Frozen Bird.

After a while of tossing, at this moment the third god finally officially appeared on the stage.


The Frozen Bird opened its beak, and a circle of ice-blue energy condensed from its mouth, and finally turned into an extremely cold blue lightning, which shot out towards the ground, sometimes landing on the sea and sometimes on the island.


The ice-cold meaning is strong, and the place it touches is completely frozen into solid ice in just an instant.

Even the sky began to snow heavily, and the temperature plummeted, as if entering a world of ice and snow.

The three original forces of fire, thunder, and ice restrain each other and balance each other, but now fire and thunder are temporarily suppressed by technological forces, and one ebbs and another. The only strong ice and snow energy naturally takes the upper hand, even in a state of turmoil. .


This is especially true for the Frozen Bird as a carrier. At this moment, whether it is the source of power in the body or the surrounding ice and snow, it is providing it with a steady stream of power, and the Frozen Light in the air is released for free.

It is killing randomly!

This strength is Xiaozhi's group in the sky fortress, and they can feel this strength when they look through the glass from a distance.

"It feels much better than my frozen bird..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help blurting out.

But for a while, they didn't know how to break the situation, they could only watch in a daze as the Frozen Birds killed outside.

As for the main driver of the Sky Fortress, Jill Lutai also watched with a smile on the frozen bird's release of ice and snow energy, and did not rush to intervene.

"Just continue to vent like this. When the energy is exhausted, it's time for me to hold you in my hands."

A bit of wisdom and fanaticism flashed in his eyes, and then he turned his gaze to the ocean below.

"When the time comes, it's time for you to come out, God of the Sea...!"

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