He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 488 Battle of the Six Divine Birds!

There were dark clouds billowing high in the sky, and heavy snow fell, and the six divine birds just raised their aura and looked serious.

There was even a faint crackling sound in the air.

The three local divine birds are backed by the strength of their hometown, and they are blessed by nature. They are in a very high state of mind, and naturally they look down on ordinary people of the same kind. Dare to confront them like this has undoubtedly completely angered them.


However, Xiaozhi's Frozen Bird was the first to attack and provoke, and spit out a freezing light towards the Frozen Bird opposite.

It left Xiaozhi for that period of experience that belonged to the gods alone. It's really not a casual talk, and its strength has become much stronger visible to the naked eye.

The local ice god immediately raised his head and released the same freezing attack. Two beams of the same icy energy collided in the middle, and the energy surged.


But the strength is not evenly matched. Even though the current Frozen Bird is much stronger than when he first met Xiaozhi, he is still much weaker. You must know that the latter has the blessing of the original power...

The ice light quickly turned back and roared.

"Frozen Bird, lead it away!"

Xiao Zhi, who was lying behind him, quickly opened his mouth and said, but his expression did not change.

There is a gap in strength, but don't forget that he is a trainer, the current Frozen Bird is domesticated!

The trainer and the Pokémon are united, and the power exerted will only become stronger.


The Frozen Bird immediately dissipated its energy output, its wings shook, and it flew into the distance.

Xiaozhi has already seen that the strength of these three divine birds will increase exponentially when they are close together, and even reach the level of being able to overthrow the God of the Sea, so they must be defeated one by one.

Defeat God Bird with God Bird today! !

"Flame Bird, Lightning Bird, the other two are left to you!!"

Seeing that the Frozen Bird had followed, Xiao Zhi quickly shouted loudly.


The flame bird immediately nodded in response, and looked at the god of fire on the opposite side.

These days, it has been actively carrying out the task of robbing the secret base of the Rockets with Xiaolan. The Rockets are stunned. They don't know Xiaolan? Why did the alliance suddenly send their mascot to attack?

Are you going to declare war on Team Rocket?

And the alliance is also in a daze? The flame bird has left the party.

Although I don't know what happened, but I also directly take responsibility for what the flame bird did? Taking advantage of the opportunity that Boss Sakagi is not in the Kanto area? They have to beat the Rockets!

Then came Xiaozhi's call, and the flame bird flew over directly? Feeling that the situation on the other side was a bit bad, he didn't bring him here because he was concerned about Xiaolan's safety.

Is it a veteran Pokémon? Veteran and powerful in strength and combat experience? It's not a big problem, it just spewed out a ball of flames, pulled the hatred of the fire god, and flew in one direction.


On the other end? The lightning bird's voice is not so loud.

Is it an old bastard? He has been paddling in an unmanned power plant for the elderly. One day, after being subdued by Xiaomao, he said backhand, "I'm going to have a divine experience", and released his trainer on the spot.

Unlike the Frozen Bird, its words are really deceiving? It just slept in a place where no one was there.


Looking at the powerful and turbulent Lightning Bird on the opposite side, it swallowed? But the problem was not too big, and it flapped its spiked wings with its backhand.

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

All of a sudden, a gust of air came from behind it.


No matter what monsters and ghosts you are, let the wind drive first? Then run away and it's over!

On running away and being a sandbag? It also understands? Lightning birds have been tool birds since ancient times.

In this way, the three local divine birds were drawn away separately, which also allowed Xiaozhi to stare at the frozen bird in front of him wholeheartedly.


Seeing that the distance was far enough, Xiaozhi and Frozen Bird stopped suddenly, turned their heads and stared, and faced each other directly.

"Frozen Bird, use the original power!" Xiaozhi waved his thumb.


Frozen Bird screamed loudly, a burst of strange energy appeared around its body, and several huge rocks condensed out of its body, roaring out.

The God of Ice spat out a beam of icy light energy. The powerful icy light not only carried a strong sense of ice cold, but also had a strong impact, directly smashing the boulder into the sea.

Xiaozhi was not reluctant, and continued to speak:

"Once again, primordial power!"

However, the God of Ice still smashed the rock easily.

It's just that this time the situation is different. After the Frozen Bird projected the rock, several red lights suddenly lit up on its body out of thin air, which is a sign of improved ability.

Although the rock attribute has four times the restraint on the freezing bird, what Xiao Zhi wants is the all-round improvement buf that may be triggered by the original power, so that the two can stand at a similar height...


Just the next second, the God of Ice opened his mouth and spit out a burst of thick white smoke, covering Xiaozhi and Frozen Bird completely in a wide range, and then several blue lights symbolizing weakening appeared on it.

"Didi, Baiwu's ultimate move, restore the target's ability value to normal level."

The picture book suggested.

This made Xiaozhi raise his eyebrows, it seems that this irritable ice god is not out of his mind...



And the Ice God didn't wait for Xiaozhi to react, and directly spread his wings, and the icy air reached the extreme in an instant, and the terrible wind and snow roared towards the Frozen Bird.


"Frozen Bird, let's use the Divine Bird to slam!!" Xiaozhi waved his thumb.


Frozen Bird understood, opened its ice-blue wings, and its body was immediately filled with a layer of bright golden light energy, blocking all the turbulent wind and snow, and the golden light power continued to increase.

The slam of the bird needs a round of energy storage. Although the blizzard is huge, it has little effect on the freezing bird. It is just used to store energy...

As soon as I thought of this, the power of Blizzard, the God of Ice, suddenly increased several times, directly causing a lot of damage to Frozen Bird, and even Xiaozhi on his back felt like he was in cardiac arrest.

The blizzard supported by the original ice energy is not something that can be compared with ordinary tricks!

But the golden light from the divine bird's attack hadn't dissipated yet, and the Frozen Bird turned into a golden divine bird, braving the terrifying blizzard and bombarding the ice god head-on.




Watching the big scuffle of the six divine birds in the sky, the energy of flame, ice, and lightning exploded one after another, and the strong wind of energy raged in this sea area, which also completely messed up the few people below.

If it has nothing to do with the disaster, this is definitely the best place to eat melons and watch a show.

"Hey... I don't know if this young man knows, if this fight continues, the world may really be destroyed..."

The Daidai King beside him couldn't help sighing.

The climate change here is getting worse and worse, which also means that the impact on the surrounding area is also expanding.

You must know that the previous riots of the three divine birds could radiate from here to Zhenxin Town, and now three more divine birds have been added...

It is indeed a good way to defeat the opponent in a short period of time, but at the moment with the support of the local original force, the three gods are much stronger than their own in terms of strength, not to mention the continuous energy support...

At this moment, the three divine birds on Xiaozhi's side are all at a disadvantage, especially the Lightning Bird, who will be stunned by the other party, showing their hips.

"Uh, I think Xiaozhi seems to have hit high..."

Xiao Gang couldn't help but said, the small eyes gave him better eyesight, looking from a distance, at this moment, Xiao Zhi's face only had the word "fighting".

World destruction?

Don't get in my way of fighting.

"So shall we intervene?"

Several people watched the epic battle in the sky, but stopped rationally.

Well, it can't be given in vain.

"Or shall we go and fetch the last Ice Orb?"

Xiaoxia put forward a new idea, but was quickly rejected by Daidaiwang.

"No, the last orb of ice must be taken by the controller boy, and the other two orbs are also on Xiaozhi's body now..."

What should I do, do I need to wake up Rogia in advance?

For a moment, watching the Liushenniao crazily unleashing its unique tricks in the sky, even the Dumb King was also caught in a tangle...

The current script is completely crooked...!


Just when the situation was deadlocked, a white light suddenly lit up in the dark distant sky, like the sun rising in the morning.


Flora blurted out, but quickly shook her head. It was still at least an hour before sunrise.

Then how can there be white light?

This white light is still spreading, it only appeared in the sky from the beginning, and it keeps spreading towards them, covering all the roaring dark clouds in the sky...

Even though it was still snowing heavily, the air seemed to be getting hotter...?

From a distance, everyone saw a giant red beast approaching them slowly and firmly on the ice-covered sea in the distance. The sea ice that the body touched along the way was instantly melted by the high temperature into white gas.. .


Several people looked at each other and finally understood why the weather suddenly became so strange.

It's not sunrise...

It's the God of Volcanoes!

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