He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 496 Silver Feather


Suddenly, a low growl and roar interrupted the sensationalism between Xiaozhi and Frozen Bird.

Everyone looked towards the source of the sound, but they saw that Rogia, the god of the sea, had flown into the air again at some point, high above, three or four meters above the ground.

Stretching wide wings, the silver-white body is full of oppression.

Now that Xiaozhi, as the controller, has completed the legend, at the end, as the god of the sea, he will naturally send the blessing of the sea god.

"call out..."

Under Xiaozhi's surprised gaze, Rogia flapped his wings, and a silver-white feather shining with pure light flew out from the end of the wing. It looked as beautiful and elegant as a work of art, but it also contained an extremely powerful breath of God. .

Lugia's exclusive token - silver feather.


Xiaozhi slowly grasped the silver feather into his hand, and felt it carefully. This feather gave him a somewhat similar feeling to the rainbow feather in his backpack.

But the latter is more about vitality, while the silver feather is more about the breath as deep as the sea...

But there is one thing to say, Xiaozhi actually wants tokens of the volcano god below, such as Gulardo's scales, Gulardo's nails and the like...

Xiao Zhi had already secretly stolen 3 floors of the Sword of Broken Back that could break even Seagod's bones on the spot.

Of course, this cannot be shown.

He has already seen the Wrath of the Sea God, and it would be outrageous to even blacken it, and he can't afford to mess with it...

Then the ceremony is officially over, the farce belongs to the farce, and the plot doesn't know where it went wrong, but the ending is still the same as the ending of the script.


At this time, Rogia seemed to think of something, and the wings swept across again, and the silver feather in Xiaozhi's hand lit up with a strange light again.

It's just different from the breath of God before, everyone is familiar with this breath...

It is paternal love.


Xiaozhi frowned, what the hell is this sea god, is he trying to show himself the greatness of fatherly love?

"Excellent trainer, I actually have a son in the Johto area..."

Rogia sent out a telepathy, which not only heard by Xiao Zhizhi, but also the few people around him could hear it.

Rogia is the god of the sea, but he actually gave birth to a son in the Chengdu area, who is less than one year old.

It's just that the structure is a bit strange, usually cute, but born with crazy blood, it is always easy to enter the state of blackness inexplicably, and the breath will become extremely evil and violent, even Rogia is also troubled.

Although the violently blackened power can even blow up an island, it is still a baby!

At this time, Rogia suddenly remembered a sentence that his old friend Zeng Jin said.

"Humans are the most lovable creatures, and we can trust them completely."

Hundreds of years ago, his colleague Feng Wang told him so.

Although it wasn't long after these words were said, King Feng wanted to slaughter all human beings... But Lugia felt that this sentence was not a big problem.

And this young controller also gave him a mysterious aura, maybe his own children can completely solve this mad blood problem by following it...?

Moreover, as a god with superpower attributes, Rogia still has a mysterious premonition, and now his decision is correct.

Of course, whether one's own child will follow this human depends on its will.

But Lugia added a layer of his own breath to the feathers, which contains his own strong fatherly love. When Xiaozhi meets his child, the intimacy will be directly pulled to the fullest, and the probability of joining the team will also increase to full.

"I will trouble you to take care of my child then."

The kind look sent by Sea God Rogia came with a private location coordinates.

Xiaozhi naturally agreed with all his heart.

Turtle, the offspring of the sea god...?!

Xiaozhi had already seen the blow that day that day, if he could also subdue a Rogia, the days before overthrowing Brother Chi would be greatly shortened.


City area?

I have already made an agreement with my friends before, when the trip to the Orange Islands is over, it will be almost the day when the Chengdu League will start, so it just happens to be on the way!

Xiaozhi quickly put the silver feather in his arms like a treasure, this is the biggest gain of this trip.


"By the way, how could a divine beast have a baby?"

At this time, Xiaoxia beside him suddenly interjected curiously.

This is also the cold knowledge she got from listening to Dr. Oki's lectures when she couldn't sleep one day. The gods she knows so far are infertile. It is impossible to get Pokémon the next day after putting them in the breeding house like ordinary Pokémon. Egg.

Although most of the gods have not actually done breeding experiments, the gods known so far are infertile, and it is impossible to deduce all the gods.

See the big from the small, logical and meticulous.

So the origin of this "Little Rogia" is a mystery...

"Oh, I have thought about a guess that the gods laid eggs."

At this time, Xiaogang, the forever understanding brother, stood up and couldn't help but say:

"As we all know, for ordinary Pokémon to breed eggs, the parents are either Pokémon of the same egg group, or one of them is a Ditto. This Pokémon can perform transformation tricks to provide genetic sequences... .”

Xiaogang's dream is to become a Pokémon breeder, and he has a good understanding of sexology.

Xiaozhi next to him quickly made a gesture, indicating that this is not well known, at least he has never heard of it.

"But the genes carried by Divers are not at the level of gods, so they can't have eggs with gods..."

That is, Ditto really has the genes of gods, but with such a small body, how can it possibly bear the shape and strength of gods?

"However, there is a kind of Pokémon that also has the unique ability to transform at will, and even carries a gene sequence of the same height as a god!"

Xiao Gang spoke faster and more confidently, his face gradually became flushed and rushed.

With a final punch, he yelled.

"So I deduce that the legendary Phantom Pokémon, Dream, is actually God's rb..."


Before he could speak, the sky exploded with thunder.

Immediately afterwards, the whole world trembled, and the mountains shook for a while, and the scale was even more exaggerated than the previous war of gods.

Xiao Gang's words were also completely frozen, unknowingly, he was already sweating profusely, soaking his entire shirt, and his body was trembling crazily.

He had a hunch that if he said the last letter now, he might die on the spot.

"Tuigui...did I accidentally come up with the ultimate mystery of this world...?"

Xiao Gang patted his head quickly, trying to get this idea out of his head completely.

Don't accidentally say something in your sleep one day, and die on the bed on the spot...


The few people next to him didn't know what was going on.

Don’t look at Xiao Gang punching and talking again and again before, but when the former’s voice entered their ears, only the sound of “beep beep beep beep” was left, and they couldn’t understand what Xiao Gang wanted to express at all...



When all the dust settled, Xiaozhi also put away his silver feathers, and bid farewell to Frozen Bird.

The God of the Sea also completed his mission, and said goodbye to his old buddy, Duduwang, and rejected its resignation request by the way.


There were bursts of high-pitched singing, and six divine birds had already danced in the sky again. Three of them had to return to the three islands a few kilometers away to sleep, and three of them had to return to the place where they came.

Of course, there is also the God of Volcano. He hadn't gone far when everyone was talking just now, and he was still in the middle sea area between the Three Islands and Asia Island. This also meant that six divine birds had to fly over his head.

"Shoot..." "Shoot..." "Shoot..." "Shoot..." "Shoot..." "Shoot..."

The six divine birds flew past the God of Volcano at such a low altitude, and even flew around him twice before their wings fluttered and they flew high into the sky.

Gulardo was slightly dissatisfied, and waved his paws, trying to drive away flies.


Rogia, the god of the sea, even flew over Gulardo's side, gathered his whole body into a ball, and then slammed into the water at a vertical angle.


The water splashed five or six meters high, and half of it hit Gulardo's body, but was soon turned into white gas by his own high-temperature body.

Gulardo: "..."

That's bad luck.

Even so, he was still walking slowly and firmly on the sea, his back was vigorous and powerful, full of ancient epic.


"Tsk, today's God of Volcano is three kilometers away from his hometown..."

On the edge of the cliff, Xiao Gang couldn't help sighing that he had recovered from the divine punishment just now.

"Don't be embarrassed, the earth is round, this is another three kilometers closer!"

Xiaozhi quickly retorted.

Because of that blow of the sword of the cliff, he became a fan of Gulardo passers-by.

"I just calculated that the earth is round...!"

Xiao Gang said again.

The Fangyuan area is in the east of them, while Gulardo has been heading south, which are completely unrelated two lines. Even if they walk around the world, they will not be able to reach the Fangyuan area!

It's really not dark, no matter whether the earth is round or not, it is three kilometers away...

Several people:"..."




(Lugia's Birth Chapter ends.)

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