He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 498 Opening, Orange Alliance!


Wait, Quartz conference top five? ?

Although Ms. Joy is an old local, she also knows the competition system of the Quartz Conference, which is either the top four or the top eight.

What the hell are the top five?

"A liar...?"

Miss Joy immediately cast a puzzled look at Xiao Zhi, but after carefully checking that the four shell badges were indeed all right, the suspicion was finally let go.

Although the badge is a handicraft of shells, there is actually an official and exclusive electronic code inside, which cannot be faked.

"Wait, you said your name is Xiaozhi?! The Xiaozhi who defeated Master Kona!?"

Finally, Miss Joy came to her senses, her beautiful eyes widened and her mouth became a bold "O".

The Seven Islands are adjacent to the Orange Islands, so they communicate with each other. A few weeks ago, she heard that a young man named Xiao Zhi defeated Master Kona's ace Pokémon head-on.

When she first heard Xiaozhi's name, she didn't react. For a while, she couldn't connect the strong man who defeated the king of heaven with a trainer in his early ten years.

"Wait a minute, aren't you still the useless controller my cousin said?!"

Ms. Joy was taken aback, and suddenly remembered that when she chatted with her cousin who worked at the Pokémon Center on Asia Island yesterday, the latter mentioned that the legendary controller this time is a boy named "Xiaozhi" .


This time, it was Xiaozhi's turn to ask questions.

What do you mean it's useless? Wasn't he trying to turn the tide in the end?

"Oh, my cousin said, this is the latest legend of their Asia Island 2020." Miss Joy just replied incomprehensibly.

The god of the sea appeared on the stage, together with the controller to quell the wrath of the gods, but it was useless...

Finally, with the help of the passing volcano god, everything returned to calm.

"This has been confirmed by the local sea maiden. This year's history textbook should also be revised accordingly. There will be no mistakes."

Xiaozhi and the others: "?"

As expected of the Miko of the Sea, the operation of the Sea God who backstabs himself is enough for other Miko to learn for a lifetime...!

And no one came out to object. It is estimated that the leader of the sea god, the dull king, should also be helping his old buddy to stab him in the back.


Soon, several people completed the registration.

At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, the venue is the Citrus Island Arena.

There will be a 6v6 all-out battle with their strongest local trainer, the Chief Champion of the Orange League.

And that Miss Joy has already run away in a hurry, and now she is going to notify the official to do an urgent publicity, and there are about 20 hours of publicity time, which should be enough to fill up the seats in that arena...

"Is it an all-out battle again..."

Xiaozhi's eyes were fixed, and the fighting spirit in his heart turned into a ball of fire and began to burn slowly.

Although this championship is definitely not to the same level as Champion Du, this match is more like a Quartz Conference, starting with a 6v6 semi-final match. Even so, Xiaozhi became excited.

"Speaking of Xiaozhi, do you think about the Pokémon that will be released tomorrow? I heard that the chief trainer won a certain Quartz League conference, and his strength is not weak..."

"It is said that he is still a full-attribute player, so he is not easy to deal with..."

Xiaogang Xiaoxia asked next to him.

"A full-attribute type? Coincidentally, I'm also a full-attribute trainer!"

These words made Xiaozhi's fighting spirit even more surging, and he had already made a decision in his heart.

"This time, let a few of them play..."



the next day.

Tangerine Island Arena.

This is a Western-style building that looks like an ancient Colosseum. There are hollow spaces on the khaki-colored walls, and the shape seems to have a certain history.

Although the scale is not as huge as the tens of thousands of audiences of the Quartz Alliance, there are also thousands of people.



At this moment, the auditorium of thousands of people was completely full, and there were heated discussions.

Most of them are residents and tourists of the main island of Tangerine Island, and some people from the surrounding islands responded enthusiastically.

In fact, the previous competitions did not attract too much attention, after all, the challengers were all local trainers.

Without him, they are all colored pens.

But this time, Xiaozhi's name is extremely eye-catching, whether it is the companion of the Sea God, or the title of defeating the king of Kona. Compared with it, the top five results of the Quartz Conference are the weakest. ..

This also led to attracting so many viewers in less than 24 hours.

Feeling the excitement around him, in a VIP box, the official high-level old man also showed a satisfied smile.

"Good job... It seems that the morale of our Orange Islands can be revived this time..."

This is the purpose of this contest.

Then he snapped his fingers, indicating that the game could start.


9 o'clock, auspicious time.

"Dear audience, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town is appearing now. He has achieved excellent results in the top five of the Quartz Conference, and defeated the king of heaven Kona head-on two weeks ago. "

Xiaozhi slowly walked to a section of the arena, and the commentator was also introducing with enthusiasm.

This series of titles, like the male protagonist in the animation, made the scene boil instantly.


Having had the experience of being challenged by big competitions, Xiaozhi was calm in this kind of frontier league competition, just staring closely at the opposite exit.

"Then the one who accepts the challenge is naturally the strongest member of our Orange League, the chief trainer, Yuji!!"

As the host's voice fell, the entire venue erupted again.

In the local area, in terms of popularity alone, Yuji can even wrestle with the champion Du, and many people even think that Yuji may be stronger than the champion Du.

Soon, a man also walked slowly to the arena, until he reached the other end of the arena and stopped, looking at Xiaozhi from afar.

This man was probably in his early twenties, with short black curly hair, a serious expression, and a serious expression. He was wearing a dark red sleeveless jacket, showing his muscular biceps undisguisedly, and his lower body was denim trousers.

This tough and handsome shape is more like a motorcyclist.

"Yuji, once won the championship of the Quartz Alliance, and then returned to his hometown of the Orange Islands to serve as the chief trainer. He has been undefeated for five years!"

"And cold knowledge, the last time Yuji was forced out of the last Pokémon, it was already three years ago!!"

With the host's introduction, the atmosphere gradually increased, which also made Xiao Zhi's brows gradually deepen.

Sounds like a tough character...

"Xiaozhi? I've heard rumors about you. You seem to be an incredible trainer. I hope you can show me the last Pokémon today."

Yuci suddenly spoke, his voice was rather hearty and gentle, not as unapproachable as it appeared on the outside.

Not only Xiaozhi, but also him, in fact, also wants to experience a battle that can go all out.

"Two players, this tournament adopts a 6v6 full-scale battle. As the challenger Yuji cannot change Pokémon, as the challenger Xiaozhi can only change Pokémon three times at most. Once all Pokémon are lost Combat ability is regarded as the end of the game."

"Now, the game begins!"

The referee in the middle growled loudly.

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