He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 534: The First Battle of Chrysanthemum Leaves


"Cuckoo, see through Pokémon, flight and general attributes, eyes have the special ability to see through all obstacles, usually stand on the ground with one foot, and put the other foot away."

The electronic speaker sounded.

Xiaozhi took back the illustration book, he had seen this kind of Pokémon in the jungle a few times, and it was not rare.

Does it look like a house bird like a dog?

On the other side, Ah Su looked at the fat radish in front of Xiaozhi, raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help but say:

"Hey Xiaozhi, attribute restraint is a very important point in battle."

Xiaozhi just waved his hand and didn't care.

Are you teaching me how to do things?


But Ju Caoye had already turned around and came back to rub Xiaozhi's trouser legs, very affectionately.

"Please Ju Caoye, I will leave this battle to you!"

Hearing Xiaozhi's voice, Jucaoye stopped this behavior of showing love.


Turning back to the arena, looking at the brown bird in front of him, his pale red pupils were full of viciousness.

Ju Caoye is a ruthless person who dares to charge head-on in the face of a fire-breathing dragon, and is even willing to blow himself up. He is not as soft and cute as he looks on the outside.

Game start!


"Ju Cao Ye, use the Flying Leaf Quick Knife!"

Xiaozhi attacked first.


Jucaoye flicked his head, and the green leaves on his head flew out several green leaf blades, rotating and lasing out at high speed.

"Cuckoo, avoid it, and then use the peck trick!"

Aso said calmly.


Hearing his instructions, Gu Gu, who was still sleepy, stared at him, waved the very small wings on both sides of his body, and easily dodged Feiye Kuaidao from the side.

The wings continued to flap, and it flew towards the target, and the sharp beak was covered with a layer of white light.

"So Gugu can fly?" Xiaozhi was stunned.

Cuckoo's tiny wings drive its bulging body to fly, which looks a bit curious.

Seeing the target attacking, Xiao Zhi instructed again:

"Ju Cao Ye, use the reflective wall to block it!"


With a flick of the chrysanthemum leaves and green leaves, a transparent wall of air was formed in front of him out of thin air.

After subduing Chrysanthemum Leaf, Xiao Zhi checked the latter's carrying skills with the illustrated book, and found that Chrysanthemum Leaf could not only release the "Light Wall" against special moves, but also the "Reflective Wall" against physical moves.

This is really a tank-assisted Pokémon.


Soon, Gu Gu bumped his head against the reflecting wall, and a transparent wall visible to the naked eye was sunken inward by a huge margin.

But it wasn't completely shattered, Gugu was stuck outside and couldn't break through the barrier.

Although the reflective wall is described in the data as only weakening physical attacks, but in fact, if it does not reach a certain level of strength, it is like protection and can completely block the opponent outside.

"It seems that this cuckoo's level is not high, and I have been underestimated."

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows and immediately raised his hand to attack:

"Now, use impact!"

Then use your strength to let Ah Su show his real skills!


Ju Caoye sprinted this time, and slammed into Gu Gu's body hard. The force was not too strong, but it also knocked the latter several meters away.

"Gulu Gulu..."

The chubby body even rolled on the ground for a while, and it took a while to regain consciousness and stand on the field again, but the feathers looked a little messy.

"It seems that there is some ability..."

Aso's eyes brightened, Kikyo Gymnasium is the first battle of countless newcomers in the city, and naturally they will often face the challenges of the three initial Yusanjia.

And choosing the grass-type chrysanthemum leaf is undoubtedly the beginning of hell difficulty.

Undoubtedly, Xiaozhi's chrysanthemum leaf is the strongest he has ever seen.

"Get serious, Gugu, use hypnotism!"

This time it was Aso's turn to attack.

I saw Gu Gu's big orange-red eyes began to glow strangely, turning into light golden circular ripples and spreading towards the surroundings.

But Xiaozhi quickly followed up and said:

"Since this is the case, Chrysanthemum leaves, we use sweet fragrance!"


The chrysanthemum leaf shook the green leaves again, and suddenly the strong fragrance wafted around the arena, sweet and sweet.

Fortunately, this is an open place, and the scent will disperse as soon as you get outside, so you don't have to worry about attracting wild Pokémon.

"Sweet scent? What's the use of this?"

Smelling the inexplicable fragrance, Ah Su and Gu Gu were stunned at the same time, not knowing what Xiao Zhi's purpose was.

In addition to attracting monsters, the sweet aroma can also reduce the opponent's dodge rate.

Facing hypnotism, it shouldn't make any sense, right?


"Because I don't know what's the use!"

Xiaozhi just laughed and responded, then raised his hand and pointed.

"Now, use ram!"


And the chrysanthemum grass leaf had already stopped releasing the fragrance, its limbs kicked against the ground fiercely, and its body flew out, directly knocking Goo Goo who hadn't reacted yet.

Cuckoo rolled around a few times, but this time he couldn't stand up again, and just fell down on the field, with feathers scattered all over the ground, and his big eyes were already surrounded by swirls.

"Cuckoo can't fight, Jucaoye wins!"

Junior brother A hastily opened his mouth to say hello.


This set of operations caught everyone off guard for a while, and when they realized that Ah Su was dumbfounded by Xiaozhi's operations.

"So it's just to attract attention..."

The weakness of hypnotism is that the hit rate is not high, and it takes a certain period of energy storage to activate. As long as it can be slightly disturbed during this period, hypnotism will sell itself a huge flaw.

A Su looked at Xiao Zhi, this strategy did not seem to be a mistake, but this young man did understand the trick of "hypnosis".

"It doesn't look like a novice trainer..."

Thinking of this, Ah Su took Gu Gu back. This Pokémon is only used to test the level of newcomers, so let's be more serious now.

Ash threw the second poke ball.


A red light flashed, and it was still a bird Pokémon covered with brown feathers, but this time it was a walking chocobo, the kind without wings.

The slender hind limbs and sharp claws stand on the field, and the spherical body is connected with three bird heads, showing three expressions of happiness, sadness, and anger, which seems a bit curious.


Xiaozhi didn't take out the illustration book this time. This is the Pokémon in his hometown, and he knows it.

But this one gave him a much stronger momentum than the previous Gugu, so Xiaozhi didn't dare to be careless.

"Keep going, Jucaoye!"

In the first battle, the two cooperated tacitly, and Xiaozhi planned to take advantage of the victory to pursue.

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Ju Caoye also got angry, and the opponent who was facing her was much bigger than her, and her eyes were still burning.


"Second game, start!"

Following Junior Brother A's voice, this time Ah Su decisively attacked first and said:

"Doodoo, let's fly!"

After saying that, all the juniors watching didn't show any extra expressions, but the three of Xiaozhi were stunned.

Duduli has no wings, right? Can this also fly?

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