He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 547 Connecting the Cave

"The GS ball finally has a clue?"

This is the first reaction in the hearts of the three.

As early as in the Orange Islands, Dr. Uchiki, who discovered and salvaged the GS ball, speculated that its source might be in the Johto area.

Later, after Dr. Oki's research, he also gave a judgment, which may be related to the juniper town in the Chengdu area.

At this moment, the place where Xiaozhi and the others are located is already adjacent to Junpi Town, and you can see the town when you turn over the valley in front...

It seems that now you have really met someone who knows the goods?

The three of Xiaozhi hurried forward, bowed and saluted, and asked politely:

"Grandma, do you know this GS ball...?"

As he spoke, he handed the GS ball forward.

It's just that the old woman looked at it carefully for a while, but didn't raise her hand to catch it, and there was even a bit of fear flashing between her brows.

"It looks like a real ball..."

The old woman sighed and signaled Xiaozhi to put it away properly before continuing.

"This is a legend, but maybe only us old bones know it now..."

Not all legends are recorded in the remains of paper steles. Once the people who passed them on by word of mouth die, these legends will also disappear in the soil.

"I only heard my elders mention it when I was young. This is a poke ball that seals disasters. Once opened, demons will descend into the world, disasters will continue, and the monstrous flames will burn everything..."

At that time, there was no GS ball, only a gold and silver poke ball.

"Did you..."

Xiao Gang rubbed his chin and thought to himself, this old woman must be at least 70 years old, so the GS ball was just a legend 60 years ago?

Counting the appearance of the Poké Ball, which is obviously a modern craft...

And the sealing disaster? What does this mean?

Has any disaster occurred in the Johto area?

Xiao Gang was also inexplicable for a while.

The old woman didn't say much after that. Today she just saw a fairy ball with the characteristics of a legend by chance, so she interrupted.

"Let's go to the man named Iron and Steel in Junpi Town. His family has made a living by artificially making elf balls for generations. He may know something."

Finally, the old woman gave an answer similar to that of Dr. Oki.

Thinking to no avail, they had no choice but to put away the GS ball, packed their luggage in a daze, and planned to continue heading towards Junipi Town.

"Go through the connecting cave in front, and then go around the rocky valley in front, and you will arrive at Junpi Town, but I suggest that if you take this ball, you should stay away from Junpi Town."

Before parting, the old woman suggested.

It is said that older people have a stronger sixth sense.

She always felt that a few people just brought the GS ball into Junpi Town like this, maybe it would really cause some catastrophe...

"It's okay, if the disaster comes, we will solve it directly!"

Xiaozhi just said confidently.

The mysteries on the GS ball are getting heavier and heavier. He is as curious as he is, how could he just give up now.

To be unknown is to have the courage to explore!

The same is true for Xiaoxia and Xiaogang next to them. They are all gossipers and full of curiosity. It is obviously an extraordinary elf ball, but they should just stop there?

Then the three bid farewell to the old woman and continued to head south...



The connecting cave is a deep cave located between Kikyo City and Hinopi Town.

The cave roads inside are not only branched and intricate, but there is also a vast and huge underground lake at the bottom.

It is said that the lake water is connected to the ocean outside. The lake water is not only composed of groundwater, but also seawater that penetrates the rock wall.

"But what makes people talk about it the most is that from Friday to Friday, that is, in the early hours of Thursday night, there will be a beautiful singing sound from the depths of the cave, like the sound of nature."

Xiao Gang was holding a copy of "Internet Celebrity Check-In Manual in Chengdu Area", and introduced it to several people.

"And the singing will only last for half an hour. It is said that everyone who hears the singing will get good luck."

"And this singing Pokémon is also called Friday's Pokémon by the locals. Some experts say that it may be a riding dragon that lives at the bottom of the lake in the deepest part of the cave, but no one has seen that Pokémon so far. The true face of Kemeng."

"Ride a dragon...?"

Xiaozhi nodded, this conjecture is somewhat understandable.

Chenglong is a singing Pokémon, and it comes with singing skills when it makes a sound. There are also many voice-type skills in the skills that will be mastered later, and even the last skill is "Song of Perdition".

Don't look at his Chenglong singing a dead song, but the normal singing of Chenglong is still very pleasant.

Hearing this, several people also became interested in this Friday Pokémon.

It is exactly 11:30 p.m. on Thursday night, which means that in another 3 minutes, it will be the singing time for that Friday.

Of course, it wasn't a coincidence. A few people had heard about this internet celebrity check-in point before, so they counted the time in advance.


Soon, several people came to the door of the cave.



The only surprise was that it was late at night and early in the morning, but at this moment the gate connecting the cave was crowded with people, lined up in a long line, all dressed as tourists, chatting happily and making noise.

Even this somewhat weird cave was made like a vegetable market.

In the past year, smartphones have become new, and Xiaozhi's illustrated book has been replaced with a full-screen touch version, which of course has also led to the explosion of other elements.

Internet celebrity check-in is one of them.

A few years ago, this Friday Pokémon was only passed on by local people, and not many people came, so it’s no surprise if you hear too much.

But since it was put on the Internet, every Friday in the past year, the connection cave must be full of people.

Even the entrance of the cave was decorated with a lot of lights and themes, as if it had been transformed into the entrance of a playground, without the slightest wild atmosphere.

"Ah, this feeling is so annoying..."

The three of Xiaozhi complained secretly.

The scene they imagined was sitting quietly in a corner of the cave, closing their eyes and listening to music leisurely, instead of chatting with a bunch of people in the vegetable market.

Hate it, hate it, but you still have to listen to the song.

Besides, this road is still the only way to Huaipi Town, and it must be entered.


"Three adult tickets."

At the end of the queue, Xiaozhi raised three fingers to the conductor.

It's outrageous, every Friday, you have to buy a ticket to enter a wild cave!

The old conductor took a look at the three of them, finally set his eyes on Xiaozhi, and said.

"If you are less than 1.5 meters tall, you don't need to buy a ticket."

Then he just ignored Xiaozhi, and issued two tickets to Xiaoxia and Xiaogang behind.

Xiaozhi: "?"

He felt that he was being ridiculed, and his face suddenly became a little ashamed. Immediately, Xiaozhi backhanded and jumped onto the height board next to him, raised his head and chest, and straightened his waist.

"No need to measure, 1 meter 49, the next one."

The conductor is an old man with a high plane, and what he said was exactly the same as what was drawn on the ruler.

Xiaozhi: "!"

Xiaoxia, who is 1.54 meters tall, stepped forward and patted Xiaozhi on the shoulder with a smile.

"It's okay Xiaozhi, you're not even a third-degree disabled if you're less than 1.5 meters tall."

Xiao Gang, who is 1.63 meters tall, also patted Xiaozhi's other shoulder.

"Indeed, you are only 11 years old, you will still grow taller if you eat more rice."

Xiaozhi: "..."


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