He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 554 I'll help you call the police

After a set of operations, Chenglong's eyes really softened a lot.

Although there was still no movement, the fierce offensive momentum before had dissipated.

It is an old Chenglong, no matter how irritable his heart is, he can still stick to his heart and suppress it.

"Just calm down..."

On the Gyarados, Xiaoxia also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Don't look at her fearless appearance on the surface, but she is still a little scared in her heart.

The level of this riding dragon is obviously much stronger than her newly evolved tyrannosaurus. In a real fight, his chances of winning are not great.

Not to mention the latter has the home court advantage of this cave lake...

Fortunately, she bet right!

So Xiaoxia rearranged the words that had been in her mind before, and said slowly:

"I know that in addition to venting your anger today, you also want to drive away the tourists who come in and litter, but this effect is only temporary, not a long-term solution..."

Admittedly, that immobilizing violent roar can indeed drive most people out.

But then, "Friday's Beautiful Singing" became "Friday's Hell Roar". With the power of the Internet spreading, it can also attract countless curious humans to watch.

It is human nature to gossip.

As long as there are novelty things, no matter good or bad, they all want to join in the fun and eat melons to watch.

Even capture lovers like Chris will be welcomed.


Behind, Chris blushed.

And the most important point.

This environment will still not change, those plastic bags are not biodegradable, that is, Chenglong grows up to the end of his life, and this is the dirty environment.


Finally, the Chenglong made a sound, and looked at Xiaoxia calmly, with a look of anticipation.

None of this matters.

What matters is how it ends.

Even Xiaozhi and Chris looked at Xiaoxia curiously, wondering what solution she had.

Finally, Xiaoxia nodded and gave a countermeasure.

"I'll call the police for you."

Xiaozhi and the others: "?"

What brain circuit is this?

Chenglong: "?"

Call the police and get me?

Seeing that the air had become a bit frozen because of her words, Xiaoxia hurriedly continued to add:

"Set up a fee-paying ticket at the entrance of the cave. After the tourists come in, they don't remind them of the precautions in the cave. Even after the tourists leave, they don't organize everything in the cave. According to my understanding, this is an illegal operation!"

Xiaoxia's words were full of confidence.

She was born in Hualan Gymnasium and Hualan Water Ballet Pavilion, so she still has the most basic understanding of the operation of a company.

It is obvious that someone is taking advantage of the special phenomenon of connecting caves, and then following the popularity of Internet celebrities to check in to attract traffic, and finally start illegal operations to make profits!

In fact, when it comes to environmental protection and greening alone, the Chengdu area can be said to be the best among all areas.

It's simply because the managers don't control or clean up at all. The garbage on the ground subconsciously makes tourists not care about whether to throw garbage or not, so they just throw it away.

This does not mean that the quality of the people in the capital area is not good, what is lacking is only a suitable management system.


Behind him, Xiao Gang slapped his hands, which was beyond his expectation.

Xiaoxia's realm today is several layers higher than his.

"That's right, it must be an illegal operation. Why is the ticket free for 1.49 meters? Who do you look down on!"

Xiaozhi next to him was also generously supporting Xiaoxia, but the latter turned around and gave him a hard look.

Not to mention, although the entire management system has serious problems, the only one that is less than 1.5 meters free is not black...

"I am the trainer of Hualan Gym, and I can help you call the alliance!"

Xiaoxia gave the final strategy.

As long as this place is set up as a reasonable scenic spot and the practice is standardized, these polluting garbage will no longer exist.

And Chenglong can still sing here, tourists can still enjoy the beautiful and moving singing, and the alliance can also get a scenic spot, benefiting the three parties.

"That's right, let me make a call to Aso for you!"

Xiaozhi also made suggestions, and even in a hurry, he took out the illustrated book and called Asuo, the trainer of Kikyo Gym, for condolences.

It's almost 1:00 am now though.


After a while of communication, the latter fully understood the situation, quickly expressed his willingness to help, and immediately reported to the higher-ups.

The connection cave is just to the south of Kikyo City. As the gym trainer here, this is his obligation.

Of course, he took Xiaozhi's first attempt at Bi Diao, and Xiaozhi's request to Ah Suo was also to be taken care of.

"Chenglong, don't worry, there will be official people coming here tomorrow to clean up everything!"

After getting an affirmative answer, Xiao Zhi quickly said loudly.

This sentence also made the violent Chenglong finally return to his normal expression.

It still misses the atmosphere of the past and present here very much. If this can be the case, it will be the best ending.


Early the next morning.

Xiaozhi and the others woke up in a thatched hut outside the connecting cave.

At this time, several members wearing the official uniforms of the Pokémon Alliance came from a distance, and there were two Miss Junsha, who quickly took control of this place.

Xiaozhi immediately went up to help remove the ruler board of that height.


After a lot of tossing, everything at the entrance of the cave was tidied up at noon, and the old man who collected the entrance fee without authorization was also arrested, but the latter did not have any money on him.

Obviously just a temporary worker with a blame.

"Say, who is the superior?"

Miss Junsha shouted in a low voice.

The partner next to her, Katie Dog, followed suit with a low growl, expressing threats, which made the old man's face change drastically, and he had no choice but to tell the whole truth timidly.

He was just an old local fishing guy.

"A year ago, a man led his subordinates to remodel this cave, and then asked me to collect money and transfer the money to an account regularly. After that, I didn't have any contact with him, but his subordinates from time to time Come back and inspect..."

"That's a man with blue short hair, obviously a man of high society, his subordinates are wearing black clothes, he looks not easy to mess with..."

"Oh, I still remember that he and his men have a logo with the letter "R" on their chests..."

The old man backhanded and reported everything he knew.

"Team Rocket?"

The three of Xiaozhi were stunned. The letter "R" obviously refers to the Rockets, right?

It seems that the Rockets are also actively doing business in the Johto area?

As for the man with short blue hair...

Is it Apollo?

Transferred to the Johto area to expand the territory...?

The three of Xiaozhi looked confused, not knowing what happened.

By the way, Kojiro Musashi and Meow Meow seem to have not seen each other for a long time.

Is my Pikachu not flamboyant enough?

Although it was a good thing not to be targeted, Xiaozhi was still a little bit disappointed, and had a strange feeling that he had passed away for a while.

After that, the league officials also stated that this place is listed as a public scenic spot, and no tickets are charged. The cave has also installed signs to protect the environment and prohibit littering.

Even if things are over.


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