He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 556: Fire-breathing Dragon Valley


The three of Xiaozhi were taken aback. Is there anything special about the fire-breathing dragon?

And isn't this the Yusanjia in the Kanto area? How come, has it become a mascot in the Johto area?

"Hehe, I am the administrator of the Charizard Valley. It is my duty to take the trainers who pass by and carry the Charizard to the Charizard Valley."

Ji Ke explained with a smile.

"Charizard Valley?"

This led the trio to repeat it again.

"Well, the Charizard Valley is not included in the official map, but in a valley near here, there are only Pokémon of the Charizard lineage, which can be said to be a paradise for all Charizards."

Ji Ke patiently explained.

This sentence also surprised the three of them, and their eyes showed surprise.

The distribution of Yusanjia is mostly controlled by the official alliance. It can be said that there are very few wild small charmanders. Unexpectedly, there is a valley full of fire-breathing dragons here.

So is there still water arrow turtle lake?

Wonderful Frog Flower Garden?

"Then boy, release your fire-breathing dragon and let me see it!"

Ji Ke looked at Xiaozhi.

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi's eyes were naturally solemn, he separated from the others, and confidently threw a poke ball in front of him.


Before the red light dissipated, a burst of roaring dragons resounded throughout the land. The rich and mighty dragon breath and the fiery hot wind blurred the faces of several people, and their power was truly extraordinary.

The figure of the fire-breathing dragon also appeared in front of everyone.


"Let me see... Hey, it seems to be well cultivated?"

Ji Ke looked up and down for a while, and was a little surprised.

Generally speaking, the quality of a trained fire-breathing dragon is worse than that of ordinary wild fire-breathing dragons, and it will also lose a temperament called "wildness".

But the fire-breathing bird in front of him is undoubtedly excellent, whether it is its hot skin, its own aura, or its spirit.

The grade is not low.

Originally, Ji Ke thought that Xiaozhi was a handsome boy...

Just looking at the tacit understanding of one person and one dragon, it is obvious that Xiaozhi has successfully controlled the arrogant Pokémon like the fire-breathing dragon.

Looks like he's not a weak trainer...

Thinking of this, Ji Ke nodded.

"Okay! Very energetic! So, do you want to come to our fire-breathing dragon valley?"


The three of Xiaozhi nodded immediately.

Although Juniper Town is right in front of them, the three of them are not in a hurry. Thinking about a valley full of fire-breathing dragons is exciting!


"Da da da..."

Then Ji Ke led the three of them away from the main road of the valley, and walked towards a narrow and hidden side road.

After walking more than 100 meters, a hidden lake in a depression also appeared in front of everyone.

At the end of the lake, there is a rock staircase. On both sides, there are many rock statues in the shape of fire-breathing dragon heads. They are arranged in sequence, with solemn expressions, and they look very ceremonial.

At the end of the stairs, a huge reddish-brown rock wall blocked the way, and the rock wall split a gap in the middle, which looked like a gate.


Several people came to the gate soon.



Even through the gate, they seemed to be able to hear the roar of dragons coming from inside the gate, which made Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon jump up and down on the spot like a chicken blood.

"Charizard, calm down!"

Xiaozhi quickly performed his duties as a trainer and comforted him.

Then a beam of hot flames scalded him directly on the head.


Seeing this, Ji Ke raised his eyebrows, wondering if this is a friendly relationship between the trainer and the fire-breathing dragon...?

In the end, she walked to one of the fire-breathing dragon sculptures outside the gate, and gently broke off the bunch of rock corners.


As if some mechanism had been touched, the huge rock wall gate in front of them was also separated from the middle, and inside was another world, officially showing them the whole picture of the fire-breathing dragon valley.

Several people hurriedly walked into it with great interest, looking around the valley with wide eyes.

The first thing that catches the eye is a vast and flat rocky ground.

Across the first rocky land, there is a low-lying forest with dense trees.

In the innermost part, there are several straight cliffs and high mountains, especially the one facing the gate, which looks particularly towering.



"Ho Ho~"

At the gate where everyone was standing was a piece of dry rocky ground, and there were five or six fire-breathing dragons lying on their stomachs.

Some were sleeping on their stomachs, and some were half-squatting, wondering what they were thinking.

There are also a few fire-breathing dragons doing sit-ups with their big bellies, looking like they are exercising hard.

And there are no trainers around.

The fire-breathing dragons didn't pay attention to the few people who came in.

Seeing everyone's suspicious gazes, Ji Ke explained with a smile:

"These fire-breathing dragons are all wild. The valley of fire-breathing dragons is basically filled with wild fire-breathing dragons, except for a very few fire-breathing dragons that are fostered here by trainers."

They can accept domestic fire-breathing dragons here, but they are not responsible for feeding them. When they come in, they will take care of themselves like those wild fire-breathing dragons.

Then he introduced the terrain of this valley to several people.

"The rocky land at the outermost edge of the valley belongs to the public area of ​​the fire-breathing dragon. You can sleep or exercise here, and you can do anything."

"The middle jungle is the area where the fire-breathing dragon rests and eats. Fighting and fire-breathing dragons are prohibited there."

After all, in a dense jungle, a single spark could burn the entire forest down.

"The few peaks on the edge are where the fire-breathing dragons practice and fight."

Ji Ke continued, pointing to the towering mountains in the distance as he spoke.

Charizards are warlike Pokémon, especially wild ones, so most of them are actually in the distant mountains, challenging the top of the mountain.

"There, every mountain has a powerful fire-breathing dragon stationed on the top of the mountain. After defeating it, a new fire-breathing dragon can replace it and stand on the top of the mountain."

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"So setting foot on the top of the mountain is the glory and goal of every fire-breathing dragon here."

When he said this, Ji Ke's eyes were also flickering with fiery look.

This is not a rule set by man, but a rule evolved by a large group of wild fire-breathing dragons colliding with each other in a long-term battle.

"There is such a thing."

"The world is full of wonders...but it's not surprising that it's a fire-breathing dragon."

Behind, Xiaogang and Xiaoxia whispered.


"Ho ho ho ho!!"

Suddenly, the fire-breathing dragon beside Xiaozhi raised its slender head, roared towards the sky, and even spewed out a ball of hot flames to scorch the air.

This movement startled several people.

The strong roar even instantly attracted the attention of several wild fire-breathing dragons around.

They turned their heads one after another, and their sharp and sturdy eyes were all focused on the fire-breathing dragon, an alien dragon, and the air became solemn for a moment.

"Hey Xiaozhi! Take care of your fire-breathing dragon! Such a cry is a provocative behavior for the fire-breathing dragon here!"

Ji Ke hurriedly opened the mouth and said.


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