He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 559 vs Six Charizards

Charizard Valley.

"Charizard, use jet flame!"

Soon, Xiaozhi and the fire-breathing dragon stared at a wild fire-breathing dragon.

Its body shape is similar to this one, and it has a good momentum. The fire-breathing dragon is also unambiguous, and it spits out a ball of blazing flames.

Sneak attack!


The intense flame was not only powerful, but also had a very high impact force, forcing the wild fire-breathing dragon back again and again, and the sharp claws of its hind legs drew several long marks on the ground.

Finally, he slapped the ground with his tail, and then he stood firm in the flames. With a flick of his neck, the jet of flames from the sneak attack was shaken away.

"Xiaozhi, this fire-breathing dragon is a fire-breathing dragon with the fifth stage of fire power!"

Not far away, Ji Ke reminded loudly.

It's just after noon, it's still early, Xiaozhi and the fire-breathing dragon have already started to challenge the dragons.

It's a rare time to come to the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley, and Xiaozhi doesn't want to miss this opportunity to practice.



The gray-headed wild fire-breathing dragon that had been attacked by the flames had a fierce look in its eyes, and then opened its bloody mouth, and sprayed out a beam of hot flames from its backhand.


The flame hit the fire-breathing dragon directly, and the fire pressure was amazing.

"Charizard, block it! We also use jet flames!!"

Xiaozhi's expression remained unchanged, and he said in a low voice.


The fire-breathing dragon roared, and its body was bathed in flames all over the sky. It also opened its mouth, and hot flames spewed out to face the attack.


The jet of flames is so powerful that it actually pushes back against the opposite flames.

The two beams of flames were in such a stalemate and pulling, but it didn't last for a few seconds. Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon was obviously more powerful, and finally pushed the flames out completely, and burst on the wild fire-breathing dragon.

In the end, the energy exploded, stirring up a burst of flames and thick smoke, which attracted the attention of many fire-breathing dragons around.

"Five-stage one? Next one!" Xiaozhi smiled triumphantly.

The firepower was suppressed, there was no need to continue this battle, it was his fire-breathing dragon that won.

Xiaozhi threw a blue orange fruit backhand.


The fire-breathing dragon caught it and swallowed it into its stomach.



Immediately, the fiery eyes of one person and one dragon began to scan the surrounding wild fire-breathing dragons.

Soon, they found a muscular fire-breathing dragon. The fire-breathing dragon's eyes lit up, and it spit out a ball of hot flames again for a sneak attack.

However, the muscular fire-breathing dragon did not respond by breathing fire head-on, but suddenly turned around and turned its back to several people.

Then he turned around quickly, and even the tail behind him twitched violently, with terrifying sweeping force, he sprayed the attacking flames neatly.

"Is there another way?"

Xiaozhi was secretly surprised.

It seems that although the wild fire-breathing dragon does not have the command of the trainer, it has also developed a corresponding battle strategy...


However, the attack of the muscular fire-breathing dragon was not over yet. This time, the tail whip was directly aimed at the fire-breathing dragon, and it was whipped out fiercely like a heavy steel whip.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi's eyes brightened: "Charizard, block it!"

The fire-breathing dragon raised its two dragon claws, sank its lower limbs, and put on a frontal defense.

The next moment, the powerful tail whipped, and the fire-breathing dragon caught it firmly.


It's just that under the action of huge force, its body trembled violently, even the ground suddenly collapsed, and a stone pit was shattered around the soles of its feet.


Immediately, the fire-breathing dragon roared, and the dragon's claws clapped together. The defensive action switched to tightly grasping the opponent's dragon's tail, and then turned around with its back turned, exerting all its strength.

In the end, he just grabbed the opponent's tail and threw the whole fire-breathing dragon out.

It was so powerful that the wild fire-breathing dragon didn't react at all, and was slammed onto a rock wall with a bang, filled with smoke and dust.

"The second one!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi rubbed his nose proudly, and looked down at a fire-breathing dragon.

"Miss Ji Ke, don't you have a stronger fire-breathing dragon?"

His tone was very heroic.

"This is a public area. The powerful fire-breathing dragons should be exercising on the opposite mountain now. The strongest fire-breathing dragon here is only the fifth-level fire-breathing dragon..."

Ji Ke scanned the surroundings. Her human eye detector could roughly infer the strength of each fire-breathing dragon in the valley, and then suddenly pointed to one of them.

"That one, that one is a fire-breathing dragon with the sixth stage of fire power."

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She pointed to a rather large fire-breathing dragon, looking at them curiously from a distance with serious eyes.

But Ji Ke had other thoughts in his mind.

"It seems that not only the exotic fire-breathing dragon is special, but Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon is also special."

Obviously the potential is not high, but as long as he stands with the trainer, he can show the strength far beyond his original aptitude.

"These two, let's fight for a chance to breed later...the age seems to be similar to my little Lisa..."

Ji Ke licked his tongue, and looked at the fire-breathing dragon in front of him with fiery eyes.


And Xiaozhi and the fire-breathing dragon have already met the six-stage fire-breathing dragon.



The two fire-breathing dragons stared at each other tightly, roaring and demonstrating.


The next moment, the six-stage fire-breathing dragon flapped its wings and took off, leaping into the sky in an instant, stretching its fiery red wings, its dragon head straightened up, and scanning the crowd condescendingly.

"Charizard, let's fly too!"

Xiaozhi said without showing any weakness.


The fire-breathing dragon also flew up immediately, and flew to the same height as it.

Noticing that the six-stage fire-breathing dragon has stretched its two wings back, Xiao Zhi, who recognized the opening gesture, immediately shouted:

"Charizard, we also use air blades!"

The next moment, the wings of the two fire-breathing dragons slammed in front of them at the same time, and several blue-white energies turned into sharp-bladed wind knives, roaring towards each other.


The air blade collided and exploded in the air, and the sound of explosions sounded one after another, stirring up a burst of energy smoke.

Immediately, the fire-breathing dragon's two wings were covered with a layer of white light from fiery red, and its figure suddenly flashed, rushing into the smoke and dust in the middle.

"Flying duel...Charizard, we also use wings to attack!"

Xiaozhi said without showing any weakness.

Hearing that the fire-breathing dragon nodded, it rushed into the smoke with the same movement.




Next, the people below could only hear the sound of collisions and explosions coming from the smoke and dust, as well as white lights flashing from time to time.

"Charizard, don't lose to him!"

Below, Xiao Zhi shouted loudly, his eyes were fiery.

The fire-breathing dragon, also known as the little flame bird, is the turn of the flying attribute battle, and Xiaozhi doesn't think he will lose to anyone.



Finally, a few minutes later, there was another violent crash.

Immediately afterwards, a fire-breathing dragon lowered itself and fell from the smoke.


And the other fire-breathing dragon fluttered its wings, broke through the air from the smoke and dust, and roared downward, looking like a winner!

It is not necessary to completely determine the outcome, but to suppress the opponent's arrogance, that is, the outcome has already been determined.

"here you go!"

Xiaozhi immediately recognized that it was his own fire-breathing dragon still in the sky, and his expression was overjoyed.

Immediately, one person and one dragon turned their heads, and instead of continuing to pay attention to the six-stage fire-breathing dragon below, they looked at the four valley peaks in the distance at the same time.

That's where the really powerful Charizard is located.

"Did you defeat the six-stage charizard..."

Beside him, Ji Ke's gaze became even hotter.


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