He knows Pokémon better than me

Five hundred and sixtieth chapters Juniper Town

Juniper Town.

The three of Xiaozhi have already entered this small town.

The scale and area are not too large, about 1.5 times the size of Zhenxin Town, and the urbanization is not obvious. Most of them are single-storey square houses with simple folk customs.

It's just that from the outside, these houses can't see any brick or wooden roofs, and the tops are covered with dense yellow straw bark, which doesn't look very stable.

"This house is not good, the roof will be lifted when the wind blows?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help complaining.

Looking around, almost all the houses in the town have this kind of structure.

And everywhere on the roadside, there are pink hippopotamus-like Pokémon, sitting with dull expressions, or lying on the corner of the street, thinking about something.

Or not thinking at all.


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Several people are familiar with this kind of Pokémon, and Xiaoxia has one in her hand.

"Didi. Juniper Town is a small town surrounded by juniper trees. The folk customs are simple and hospitable. The dumb beasts here have a very high status. If a passing tourist accidentally steps on the tail of a dumb beast on the side of the road, they will be punished. The residents of the whole town are disgusted and drove out of the town, so please watch the road carefully."

The illustration book in his hand was telling a few people the basic information of this town.

This sentence also made Xiaozhi stop quickly, with his right foot hanging in the air.

Right now, under the soles of his shoes was the tail of a slow-witted beast sleeping on the street corner.

"call out..."

"call out..."

In an instant, several residents of Hinopi Town gathered around, their eyes raised up, staring at Xiaozhi's thigh unkindly.

As long as Xiaozhi dared to make this kick, he would be expelled from the country with his backhand.


Xiaozhi quickly smiled and carefully moved his feet away.


Seeing this operation, the residents of Hinopi Town also showed smiles and scattered in all directions with a hospitable look.

This set of operations also made several people baffled.

Although I have long heard that juniper town is full of dumb beasts, if you throw a stone into the sky, it is possible to stun a dumb beast.

Didn't expect her status to be so high?

It's a bit like the status of Trumpet Bud in Kikyo City. If you catch it casually, you will be arrested by two golden arhats with your backhand.

Isn't it the same in other cities?

"Our next city should be Manjin City, won't there be such a mascot Pokémon there?"

Xiao Gang couldn't help but ask.

Have a bottom line in your heart first, and don't commit any taboos at that time.

The illustrated book recognized keywords and replied:

"Didi. The mascot of Manjin City, Ditto."

"Didi. Use Ditton in Manjin City indiscriminately, whether it is used by humans or Pokémon, you will be expelled from the city."

This time it wasn't just the city that was being driven out, but the entire region right out of the gate.

"I really want to remember. There seem to be a lot of breeding houses in Manjin City, right?"

Xiaogang nodded. His dream is to become a breeder, so he knew something about it in advance.

Speaking of which, how do humans use Divers...?


A few people are still heading towards the Pokémon Center in Hinopi Town, and the illustration book continues to introduce the customs and legends of Hinopi Town to them.

"Didi. It is said that a hundred years ago, there was a drought that lasted for several months in Huipi Town. The land was parched, the river dried up, and the people were in dire straits."

"In the end, the Slowly Beast yawned, and it rained heavily, finally alleviating the drought."

"Since then, the God of Silly Beasts has become a belief in Huipi Town. Silly Beasts have a very high status here. Every household has a sacrificial shrine dedicated to the God of Silly Beasts."

Hearing the words, several people nodded, secretly there is such a legend.

Although it is more earthy and grassroots than those legends about the god of volcanoes and sea gods, it is still quite interesting.

"Yawned? That should be the trick of "Rainfall", right?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but said.

As a trainer, thinking about problems naturally starts with the Pokémon itself.

"But it's very strange. If the legend is not wrong, the drought and natural disasters that lasted for several months can be resolved only by the slow-witted beast's trick of rain...?"

Next to him, Xiao Gang frowned, squinting and thinking.

"Perhaps there are a lot of Slowpokes?"

Xiaoxia pointed to the dumb beasts that can be seen everywhere in the streets of Huipi Town.

Not one.

What about the hundred?

A hundred of them use rain at the same time, the power should be enough, right?

"Or maybe the drought period is over, and the slow-witted beast just happened to bump into it and yawned, so it became the god of slow-witted beasts?"

Xiaozhi gave a new guess.

When people are in a desperate situation, they will desperately hope for a spiritual belief, maybe just put the dumb beast on the altar?

However, what really happened behind this legend is probably impossible to have an answer...

In the distance, the three of them had already seen a Pokémon Center. The roof was also covered with brown cypress bark.



Soon, the Pokéball and Pikachu were pushed by Ms. Joey to the inner room to replenish the magic, while the three of Xiaozhi sat in the public lounge and waited, looking around idly.

In one corner of the hall, they found a brown ancestral hall.

It is one person tall, made of mahogany, and there is a wooden slow-witted statue on top.

Half of the body stood up, raised his head, and yawned with a drowsy expression.

Not only the local residents, but also the Pokémon Center have to do as the Romans do, and take the God of Slow Beasts as their belief, so that the local residents will like to come to the Pokémon Center.

"Speaking of Xiaozhi, shall we go to Mr. Steel first, or go directly to challenge the gym?"

Xiaoxia asked.

The GS ball delivery target that Dr. Oki mentioned at the beginning was Mr. Steel who lived in Junipi Town.

Xiaozhi took out the illustrated book and looked at the time, it was only after noon.

"No hurry, go to challenge the gym first!"

Xiaozhi immediately made a decision and said in a deep voice.

I just finished going through the fire-breathing dragon valley and fought that eight-stage heavenly king Scar.

Witnessing Brother Chi's fire-breathing dragon fighting the king's fire-breathing dragon again, the blood in Xiaozhi's heart can no longer be restrained, and he urgently needs a battle to vent.

"Oh, the juniper gym seems to be a worm-type gym. The fireball mouse you just subdued should be a good choice for battle."

Xiaoxia reminded.

She and Xiao Gang are already eating melons, so they are not in a hurry.

Xiaozhi nodded.

Now that the fire-breathing dragon who carries the banner of the fire attribute has temporarily left the team, he plans to cultivate the fireball mouse as his trump card of the flame attribute.



I should go to Celebi's theatrical version immediately. The plot has nothing to do with the movie for the time being. It is purely original and new.

The various background descriptions starting from this chapter are foreshadowing.

Hint, gs ball.

No one can guess my plot, right?


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