He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 575 What kind of rap god is this?

(Shrabbi's chapter on traveling through time and space, let's start la~)

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To the west of Junpi Town is a vast forest.

The three of Xiaozhi completed the task of delivering the GS ball, and then took back the mated Heracross from Abi, and now they are leaving this town.

"Didi. Tonglin Forest, which connects Manjin City and Hinoki Pi Town, is the largest forest in the Johto area, and its area is about 2.5 times that of the Viridian Forest in the Kanto area."

A few people were still on the trail outside the town, and the illustrated book introduced them to the basic situation of the tung forest.

"Didi. The tung forest is said to have a history of hundreds of years. The trees are dense and closed. Many places in it are unable to shine in the sun because of the dense branches and leaves. 95%+ of the tree types are tung trees."

In less than a few minutes, the three of them had already reached the entrance of the tung forest.

This forest is almost connected to Juniper Town, only a hundred meters away.

The entrance of Tong Forest is a place similar to the gate of a cave, only five or six people wide.

Surrounded by densely entangled vines, it seems that it can only be entered from this entrance.

"95% are tung trees?"

Hearing the introduction of the illustrated book, several people couldn't help being taken aback.

There are few forests like this with only a single tree species, right?

Ecology is not diverse, which is not good.

Like the Viridian Forest in their hometown, all kinds of trees are like a group of demons dancing wildly. How could it be possible that 95% of them are all one kind of tree.

"Didi. Tung tree, the scientific name is Wugangtong. The tree is hard and extremely difficult to burn, so it is also the best raw material for charcoal."

"The charcoal made of Ugantung is powerful and long-lasting, and will not burst into sparks. It is a specialty of Tung Forest. It is famous in the Johto area and all over the world. Even the excellent charcoal can be used as a Pokémon. Items used in battle."

The key words are identified, and the illustrated book introduces them in detail.

Xiaozhi just felt dizzy when he heard it. This kind of academic knowledge is not his strong point.

"Not easy to burn?"

Xiao Gang showed a look of surprise.

As far as he knows, there is also a single tree surrounding the juniper town, most of which are called juniper trees.

The kind that hits at one point.

After identifying the key words, the illustrated book continued to introduce:

"Didi. Juniper tree is a common name in the local area. The scientific name of this kind of tree is cypress tree. Because of its extremely high oil content, it is the most flammable tree and is often used to make fire."

"The bark of the juniper tree is mostly used by local residents as a cover on the top of their houses, hence the name of juniper town."

Hearing this, even Xiaozhi, who was not aware of the situation, reacted.

Tung forests are full of non-flammable trees.

But the surrounding area of ​​juniper town is full of the most flammable trees?

The two types of trees, which are obviously diametrically opposed, are completely adjacent to each other.

Just draw a bar less than 100 meters in the middle to separate them?

"It doesn't look like a naturally formed landform..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help muttering.

The three of them stayed at the entrance of the tung forest.

Looking at the gloomy forest in front of him, there is actually a little bit of Xiaozhi who has been very puzzled for a long time.

"It's right next to Juniper Town, why isn't it called Juniper Forest?"

For example, the forest next to their Viking City is called the Viking Forest, which makes sense.

"It makes sense."


Xiaogang Xiaoxia nodded.

"Isn't it, the illustrated book? Forests should be named like this, right?" Xiaozhi asked the illustrated book again.

The illustrated book was searched for a while, and within a few seconds, an answer was given.

"Didi. Indeed. The most famous forests in most areas are named after neighboring towns, such as the Vikipan Forest in Vikipan City..."

"Fangyuan area, Chenghua Forest in Chenghua City..."

"Sinnoh area, Pathai Forest in Pathai City..."

"Carlos area, White Sandalwood Forest in White Sandalwood City..."

A series of illustrations gave out a bunch of names, all of which were famous forests in other regions.

Then this tung forest is a riddle...

Thinking to no avail, seeing that it was getting late, and the sun would be setting in another five or six hours, so several people had to rush into this entrance.

As for these messes, let's treat it as a coincidence.


Just as he was about to move on, there was a dull sound from the side of the entrance.

"Three young trainers~ Are you going to enter the tung forest?"

Several people looked up.

This is a green-haired old woman with a thin face and skin, and she seems to be of a certain age.

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But his face is bright, and his body is quite capable, dressed in brown linen.

"I am the forest guard of the tung forest. If you want to go in, you must pay attention to the god of time in the tung forest~"

The green-haired old woman reminded her kindly.

"God of Time?"

The three of them were taken aback, obviously hearing this name for the first time.

What kind of rap god is this?

"Yes, in the tung tree forest, when your eyes are covered by green light, three bells ring, and you meditate on the world you want to go to, the god of time will take you through time and space to get there..."

Seeing the three people's eyes lit up, the old woman just smiled.

"Oh, but the last time I saw God of Time should have been 40 years ago..."


The faces of the three of Xiaozhi and the others turned black immediately, so they still need to pay attention to the hammer.

They are not the protagonists, how can it be so easy to encounter something that happens once in 40 years!

Then the old lady handed Xiaozhi a piece of green bread, wrapped in paper, exuding a strange fragrance.

"Actually, what I want to say is, if you see a small ancestral hall on the side of the forest road, there is a platform on it, please put this piece of bread on it, this is respect for the god of time..."

After speaking, the old lady left slowly.

In the distance, I can still see a small wooden house built in that direction. It seems that the old woman is an old forest guard.

Several people looked puzzled, and in the end Xiaozhi could only put this piece of bread into the backpack and enter the tung forest.


Once entering the forest, the surrounding light suddenly became dim, and most of the sunlight was blocked by the dense forest.

However, the air quality has also improved several levels in an instant, and there is a pleasant fragrance in the air.

The lawn is overgrown, surrounded by similar-looking brown and black tall trees, presumably these are the so-called tung trees.

Isn't there a few Pokémon like Orb Silk Spider, Ann Ladybug, and Pylast strolling leisurely in the jungle.

"Ahhh!! Another forest of bugs!!"

Xiaoxia immediately screamed.

Immediately, the forest that was still very quiet was startled, and a few big needle bees flew out.

"Xiaoxia, how can there be no forest without bugs?"

"You're so weird."

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang just said it as a matter of course.

Walking to the depths of the forest, they are now obviously more interested in the God of Time that the old woman said before.

There are still gods living in this forest?

"Hey, hey, illustrated book, tell me, what kind of Pokémon is God of Time?"

Xiaozhi immediately took out the illustration book and squeezed the latter's labor force.

After a while of searching, the illustrated book also gave the answer.

"Diya. The god of time, Dialga, the legendary Pokémon in the Sinnoh area, but he can't control the time itself. Only when he roars loudly, he can slightly change the flow of time. He is the legendary god of rap .”


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